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Second Set of Notes for BOB Created by Don Schulte Pattonville High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Set of Notes for BOB Created by Don Schulte Pattonville High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Set of Notes for BOB Created by Don Schulte Pattonville High School

2 ODs “Olive-drab” uniforms as opposed to “Dress uniforms” This is the uniform worn during fighting.

3 Star Shells Bright flares shot into the sky to light-up the night. Often used to try and catch guys out at night.

4 Railway Gun HUGE German artillery pieces. They were so big they could only be moved on railroads.

5 P X Postal Exchange This is the company store where men can purchase basics and specialties.

6 APO Army Post Office Usually the same as PX when in the field.

7 Shoe Mine Small wooden land mines. Designed to maim a person rather than kill them.

8 Deuce and a Half A two and one-half ton truck. These are the basic truck used to transport people and equipment in WWII.

9 Building Hope From time to time efforts were made to build morale and reward good service.

10 Building Hope Two examples of this were sending Lieut. Peacock to the U. S. on a bond tour and sending Shifty Powers home for D-Day anniversary.

11 Points A third example of building hope was through points. To go back to the U.S. a man had to have 85 points.

12 Points Points were awarded based on wounds, number of engagements, time in service, etc.

13 Berchtesgaden The Nazi mountain home. Hitler’s “Eagle’s Nest” is located here atop a mountain.

14 Berchtesgaden All the Nazi big-shots had a home there. Only Nazis were allowed to live here.

15 The Eagle’s Nest A surprise gift for Hitler, the Eagle’s Nest was 8,000 feet up and accessed by a gold plated elevator.

16 Easy Company War Record

17 Easy Co. Battles Drop 1: “D-Day” through “D plus 25”. Drop 2: Market Garden Bastogne (Battle of the Bulge)

18 Easy Co. Battles Foy Haguenau Finding “work camp” Berchtesgade

19 Easy Co. Commanders Sobel Meahan Dick Winters Moose Highleger

20 Easy Co. Commanders Norman Dike Ronald Spears

21 The War Ends Japan surrendered on D-Day plus 434. September 2, 1945.

22 Question Considering the outstanding final record of Easy Company, did the first C O (Capt. Sobel) do a good job?

23 Assignment It is the end of the War and your job is to finish up the files for the 101st. Write a letter for Captain Sobel’s file.

24 Assignment The letter should include your evaluation of his techniques of training using examples from the series.

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