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Leading Asset Building through Complex Change Part of an online series of conversations about asset building, complex change, and Human Systems Dynamics.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Asset Building through Complex Change Part of an online series of conversations about asset building, complex change, and Human Systems Dynamics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Asset Building through Complex Change Part of an online series of conversations about asset building, complex change, and Human Systems Dynamics.

2 Welcome! Purpose of Today’s Session Provide a preview of the “Leading Asset Building as Complex Change” that will be new at the 2006 HC-HY conference. To use the lens of Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) to view aspects of a YMCA leader’s Developmental Assets work. To use the lens of Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) to reflect on the asset movement in general and the evolution of Search Institute ideas To continue our conversation about the intersection between Search Institute ideas and Human Systems Dynamics concepts.

3 Structure of Today’s Session It’s to share stories and ideas Norris Lineweaver, Director General of the Jerusalem International YMCA (JIY) Gene Roehlkepartain, Senior Advisor, Office of the President at Search Institute Glenda Eoyang, Founder, Human Systems Dynamics Institute Kristin Johnstad, Senior Consultant, Research Applications at Search Institute One in a webinar series ( Use the chat space at the bottom of this screen and/or for further dialogue (

4 What are we talking about today? An asset champion’s stories A Search Institute staff person’s perspective on how this story and what we’ve learn have evolved over the last 10 years A perspective on what concepts from HSD can help us understand the story and evolution of a powerful movement.

5 Norris’s story – YMCA of Greater Indianapolis Role as YMCA CEO Discovery of Community Perceptions State of YMCA culture Assets as a tool for transformation For further information- Download: The Great 8 article and the Asset Development Case study – 2006

6 Glenda’s reflections A logic model that can help us view how Norris influenced change using asset framework

7 Self-Organizing Cycles Seeing Influencing Action Tools Assets CulturePatterns Environment

8 Norris’s Reaction

9 Gene’s perspective on the asset movement A Simple Idea that Unleashed Complex Change  A tool to reframe the conversation  A benchmark for communities  Simple entry points  Different people starting in different places  Additive power

10 Search Institute’s Action Strategies Five Action Strategies for Transforming Communities and Society  Reflecting what we saw  Moving beyond single actions  Balance formal and informal  A new tool for reflection

11 Recruit champions Align fundraising case with asset language and voice Share the “baby boomer memo” (the 40 Assets) Norris’s story

12 Mapping assets in their neighborhood or school Ownership through service learning Immediate gratification/recognition for demonstrating positive core values – getting caught doing something right

13 Position enterprise as a strong advocate and resource for practical asset building strategies Empower true believers at the grass roots Relieve a burden so that teachers can teach and kids can learn – take occupation of the school campus and inoculate with a vigorous asset building program/campaign Norris’s story

14 Assets is not a program -integrates best program practices with the philosophy of total community engagement Program protocol is the formality of intention. Assets frame our intentions to empower incidental informalities to engage kids and their significant others. Assets provided a validated theory driven – research based paradigm upon which we launched our outcomes based management and evaluation program. Norris’s story

15 Became an influential leaders shifting how outcomes for community youth development were measured Provided key leadership to transform direction and effectiveness of the Indiana Youth Institute, now a fully articulated technical assistance enterprise for community youth organizations across the State of Indiana. Provided an invigorated platform for public policy of Indiana YMCAs advocating positive positions on behalf of children and youth in the state capitol and on The Hill in Washington D.C. Norris’s story

16 Self-Organizing Cycles Seeing Influencing Action Tools Assets CulturePatterns Environment Action Strategies

17 Possibilities in Jerusalem We would invite listeners to post comments or question on ideas shared so far as Norris sharing initial thinking and Gene and Glenda share insights or ask questions

18 Self-Organizing Cycles Seeing Influencing Action Tools Assets CulturePatterns Environment Action Strategies Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) Leadership Landscape Complex Adaptive Systems CDE Model Simple Rules Patterns Sustainability

19 Why keep exploring this intersect of Search Institute and HSD ideas? Name what you know so you can talk to others Move from implicit to explicit so you can be intentional when you see and influence Learn more effectively from experience (yours and other asset leaders’) Find options for action when you’re feeling stuck.

20 Join us at the conference! HC-HY 2006 Conference – (Oct 25- 28) Leading Asset Building as Complex Change Wednesday – All day pre-conference with Glenda Eoyang Thursday – Mini-assembly with ideas tied to real asset stories and examples Friday – Three learning sessions: 1) simple rules 2) patterns 3) sustainability Saturday – Building a learning network

21 Continue the conversation on-line To download any of the text of today’s presentation resources or continue the conversation, go to the on-line discussion board and add your own relevant resources (Norris’s JIY or Indy?)

22 Beyond the conference…. Stay tuned -check the Search Institute website - email Kristin Johnstad (  And one more thing….

23 Thanks for Joining Us Today! We hope to see you in October in Minneapolis!

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