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Model Procurement Documents for Architectural Services [NAME] [PLACE] [DATE]

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Presentation on theme: "Model Procurement Documents for Architectural Services [NAME] [PLACE] [DATE]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Model Procurement Documents for Architectural Services [NAME] [PLACE] [DATE]

2 Ontario Association of Architects 3,316 architects and 1,583 practices Regulates, represents, supports and promotes Leading the design and delivery of built form Members licensed under The Architects Act: Architects and Licensed Technologists OAA

3 Procurement of Architectural Services in the Public Setting The acquisition, of supplies, services and works by any public body Ranges from the purchase of routine supplies or services to very formal or specialized consulting services You need to have the right tools!

4 How Do We Achieve: Engagement of the most suitable consultant(s) Long-term savings through reduced life-cycle costs? Timely delivery? Quality and sustainability? Innovation and added value? Improved economic, social and environmental quality of life? Taxpayer confidence?


6 Opportunities to Improve Outcome Time Level of Influence Construction Design Operations & Maintenance 100% 0% 50%

7 Time Cost of Making Changes Construction Design Operations & Maintenance Opportunities to Improve Outcome

8 Procurement is the Key Establishing common objectives; agreeing on desired outcome Understanding cost-benefit-risk relationships Clarifying roles and responsibilities (trusted advisor) Selecting the right team for the job (qualifications) Determining needed resources (fees and schedule)

9 OAA’s Procurement Documents Tool Kit Statement of Qualifications Request for Proposal Quality Based Selection Kit A Guide to Determining Appropriate Fees for the Services of an Architect OAA Document 600, 2008 - Standard Form of Contract for Architect’s Services

10 What’s New? Statement of Qualifications (SoQ) Request for Proposals (RFP) Best practices two stage approach to identifying and qualifying architects supported by template documents SoQ RFP

11 Step One: SoQ Request for Statement of Qualifications (SoQ) is the first step in a request for proposal process Solicit interest in bidding on a particular project To evaluate/qualify suitability Resulting in a shortlist of firms

12 What’s in the SoQ? Project details Terms & Conditions of the Competition Brief details of the RFP phase Specifics of the SoQ submission reqm’ts Submission and evaluation criteria Details of Evaluation Process

13 Step Two: RFP A document to solicit offers of services or goods from potential vendors. Exact structure for an RFP will vary from one situation to another. Content and structure for an RFP is critically dependant on the type of service or goods being procured OAA has created user-friendly template document to assist

14 What’s in the RFP? Project details Terms & Conditions of the RFP phase Brief details of the RFP phase Specifics of the RFP submission requirements Proposal and evaluation criteria Details of Evaluation Process

15 Existing Documents Quality Based Selection Kit A Guide to Determining Appropriate Fees for the Services of an Architect OAA Document 600, 2008 Standard Form of Contract for Architect’s Services

16 The OAA QBS Kit Encouraged by the release of Infraguide’s best practice guide, the OAA is pleased to provide this QBS Kit. Designed to assist clients at various levels of government, school boards, hospital boards, developers and private industry in selecting and engaging an architect using QBS, the kit is a step by step guide for completing the QBS process. The OAA QBS Kit (PDF file, 6 pp., 145 KB) QBS Templates (Word file, 1 MB) QBS Sample Templates Filled out (PDF file, 17 pp., 93 KB) The OAA QBS Kit QBS Templates QBS Sample Templates Filled out

17 How Does the QBS Work? Professionals compete based on qualifications and understanding of the client’s needs The client ranks the proposals: best service and achieving project objectives A detailed scope established with preferred proponent: including deliverables, that achieves the client’s objectives Appropriate fees and schedule: that achieves the client’s objectives

18 A Guide to Determining Appropriate Fees for the Services of An Architect Nationally endorsed document produced by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Developed to assist clients and architects in determining appropriate fees Design projects vary widely and provision of services have evolved considerably – fees vary

19 A/E Services is a Good Investment /Architecture

20 What’s Wrong With the Lowest Price? Rewards firms for using fewer resources on behalf of the client (e.g. less experienced and less senior staff) Penalizes firms with greater appreciation of the client’s needs Penalizes firms that accurately anticipate complications or that propose innovation Increased cost to client (more staff time and resources)

21 OAA Document 600, 2008 - Standard Form of Contract for Architect’s Services Fair and balanced Industry recognized terms & conditions - efficient User friendly document accessible on the OAA Web site Schedules allow for easy identification and understanding of services provided Current & up-to-date, coordinated with other industry documents

22 Best Practices - What’s in it for the Client? The client gets Right team for right job More realistic schedules and budgets Fewer change orders and disputes Better business relationship between client/consultants/contractors/external agencies Better service, better quality & better value for taxpayers

23 OAA’s Procurement Documents Tool Kit Statement of Qualifications Request for Proposals Quality Based Selection Kit A Guide to Determining Appropriate Fees for the Services of an Architect (RAIC) OAA Document 600, 2008 - Standard Form of Contract for Architect’s Services

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