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June 16, 2015.  National Update ◦ Jill Hanken, Va. Poverty Law Center,  Virginia Update ◦ Massey Whorley, TCI,

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Presentation on theme: "June 16, 2015.  National Update ◦ Jill Hanken, Va. Poverty Law Center,  Virginia Update ◦ Massey Whorley, TCI,"— Presentation transcript:

1 June 16, 2015

2  National Update ◦ Jill Hanken, Va. Poverty Law Center,  Virginia Update ◦ Massey Whorley, TCI,  HAV Strategic Planning  Messaging ◦ Lucy Dagneau, Community Catalyst, ◦ Adam Searing, Center for Children and Families - Georgetown University,  Advocacy by 501c(3) organizations ◦ Keely Monroe, Alliance for Justice,


4 194,900310,700 0-100% FPL 84,600 Uninsured adults in Virginia 53,000 Total eligible adults likely to enroll 100-138% FPL



7  Primaries were June 9 th ◦ Senator Hanger won his primary ◦ Delegate Joannou lost his primary  Senate races to watch ◦ 6 th District – Lewis won by 11 votes ◦ 7 th District – Wagner faces a challenger ◦ 10 th District – Watkins’ old district ◦ 12 th District – Stosch’s old district ◦ 13 th District – Black faces a challenger ◦ 21 st District – Edwards faces two challengers ◦ 29 th District – Colgan’s old seat

8  Provider Assessment Workgroup ◦ Includes 4 HAV members ◦ Report by November 1st  JLARC study ◦ Focusing on eligibility, especially for LTC, and use of cost-effective services ◦ Interim briefing November 9 th  Certificate of Public Need Workgroup ◦ Includes 1HAV member ◦ Report by December 1 st

9  Survey ◦ Responses from 50 organizations ◦ 99 percent will continue to support the coalition into 2016 ◦ 24 have branches/chapters throughout Virginia  Top Line Results ◦ 62 percent are interested in speaking to local legislators with a group of constituents. ◦ 59 percent are interested in enlisting members to write letters to the editors/op-eds in local papers. ◦ 50 percent are interested in collaborating with other HAV organizations in different parts of Virginia.

10  Central  Eastern  Southside  Valley  Southwest  NoVA ◦ Divided according to legislative districts and where we have HAV members present.

11  Our regional teams will coordinate with local HAV Supporters and others to: ◦ Show the need/support for closing the coverage gap in their own communities. ◦ Educate local officials and public about the facts. ◦ Help make the issue part of the conversation during the election season.  We need your help! Let us know how you want to participate!

12  Lucy Dagneau, Community Catalyst  Adam Searing, Center for Children and Families – Georgetown University

13  Questions? Concerns?  If you’d like to be involved in the regional committees and/or help us bring more groups into the coalition, please contact Rebecca Park at!

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