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APPLIED TO ONLINE SEARCHING © Janet Tillman/The Master’s College, 2002-2013, permission is granted for non-profit educational use; any reproduction or.

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Presentation on theme: "APPLIED TO ONLINE SEARCHING © Janet Tillman/The Master’s College, 2002-2013, permission is granted for non-profit educational use; any reproduction or."— Presentation transcript:

1 APPLIED TO ONLINE SEARCHING © Janet Tillman/The Master’s College, 2002-2013, permission is granted for non-profit educational use; any reproduction or modification should include this statement.

2 Boolean Algebra o Science of Logic based on Mathematics in that it works with logical rather than numeric relationships o Algebra x and y = numerical values o Boolean algebra x and y = classes of objects

3 Boolean Algebra o Boolean Logic is a form of algebra in which any variable can have a logical value of TRUE or FALSE. o A fundamental application of Boolean logic is the organization of concepts into sets. o Other applications include digital logic, computer programming, set theory, and statistics.

4 Boolean Algebra o Boolean o Boolean Logic is foundational to all computer programming because of its compatibility with the binary numbering system, in which each bit has a value of either 1 or 0.

5 Venn Diagram Set A Set B Set C

6 Intersection of Set A and Set B Set A Set B U = INTERSECTION U AB

7 A U B Union of Set A with Set B U= UNION Set A Set B



10 BOOLEAN OPERATORS  AND - Narrows the search - Can be thought of as BOTH - Requires that both terms be in the results - Used for combining differing concepts Messiah AND Jesus - Often represented as “All of these” or “Contains all my terms” the INTERSECTION of two sets

11 BOOLEAN OPERATORS  OR - Broadens the search - Used to find either one term OR another - Can be thought of as EITHER - Used to search synonymous/closely related terms Messiah OR Christ the UNION of two sets - Often represented as “Any of these”

12 BOOLEAN OPERATORS  NOT - Narrows a search - Used to eliminate records - Exercise extreme caution; needed concepts may be eliminated unintentionally Messiah NOT Christ The NULL set

13 Database of Shapes

14  Pink AND Circles Only pink circles  Yellow OR Squares Yellow circles, Yellow triangles, yellow squares, orange squares and pink squares  Orange NOT Triangles Orange circles and orange squares

15 Advanced Search Queries

16 Messiah Christ Jesus Messiah OR Christ AND Jesus

17 MessiahChrist Jesus Messiah OR Christ AND Jesus

18 Messiah Christ Jesus Messiah OR Christ AND Jesus Messiah OR (Christ AND Jesus)

19 Messiah OR Christ AND Jesus Messiah Christ Jesus (Messiah OR Christ) AND Jesus

20 MessiahChrist Jesus (Messiah OR Christ) AND Jesus

21 Messiah OR Christ OR Jesus MessiahChrist Jesus

22 MessiahChrist Jesus Messiah AND Christ AND Jesus

23 Database of Shapes  (Yellow AND Squares) OR Triangles Yellow squares and all triangles  Yellow AND (Squares OR Triangles) Yellow squares and yellow triangles  (Circles AND Triangles) NOT pink Yellow circles, orange circles, yellow triangles, orange triangles


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