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Motor Development & Down syndrome

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1 Motor Development & Down syndrome
Brooke M. & Geoben J.

2 Introduction Motor skills are necessary for everyday life activities
Progress on motor development is important for: Social development Being able to run, jump, climb & catch increases a child’s ability to join in games in the playground Cognitive development Being able to reach & grasp allows children to begin to explore objects in their world Introduction

3 Introduction Cont. Children with Down syndrome are delayed in motor skills Typically developing (TD) children need practice, but children with DS need even more **Helpful hints when teaching: Developing strength and balance is important Learn most effectively visually, from imitating a model versus verbal instruction

4 Why is Motor Development important for this population?
To develop a body with a foundation for exercise and fitness (Individual constraints) Movement influences cognitive and social progress (Individual and Environmental) Prone to compensations to make up for physical issues Issues affecting motor development: (Individual) Hypotonia, ligament laxity, muscle strength, short stature, visual issues, hearing/vestibular issues

5 Why is Motor Development important for this population?
Motor development milestones (maturational perspective): Typical Developing Down Syndrome 5 months rolls over months 7 months sits w/support months 8 months pulls to stand months 11 months stands alone months 12 months walks alone months

6 Activities Each member of the group will demonstrate an activity that could be useful for children with DS Brooke M. Dynamic balance for individuals in pre-school/early elementary Geoben Walking the plank

7 In Conclusion… Motor development is one of delay not difference
Extra attention needs to be given to balance and strength Tend to learn better with visual and tactile input With sufficient practice they can achieve more efficient movement

8 References Moraru, C., Hodorca, R.M., & Vasilescu, D. (2014). The role of gymnastics and dance in rehabilitating motor capactiites in children with down syndrome. Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp, 14 Ringenbach, S.D., Bonertz, C., & Maraj, B.K. (2014). Relatedness of auditory instructions is important for motor performance in persons with down syndrome. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 20(1) Sacks, B. & Buckley, S. (2003). Motor development for individuals with down syndrome – an overview . Retrieved April 21, 2015, from / Van-Duijn, G., Dijkxhoorn, Y., Scholte, E.M., & Van Berckelaer-Onnes, I.A. (2010). The development of adaptive skills in young people with down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54, Vicari, S. (2006). Motor development and neuropsychological patterns in persons with down syndrome. Behavior Genetics, 36(3)

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