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3 Building Templates This module provides details on creating templates, their components, and their purpose in the hierarchy of Adams/Car.

4 Building Templates What’s in this module: Template Overview
Template Topology File Architecture Building a New Template Types of Parts Rigid and Flexible Bodies (Parts) Geometry Attachments (Joints and Bushings) Springs Dampers Bumpstops and Reboundstops Toe/Camber Angles and Suspension Parameter Array Adjustable Forces General Advice

5 Template Overview Adams/Car templates are parameterized models in which you define the topology of vehicle components. Building a template means defining parts, how they connect to each other, and how the template communicates information to other templates and the test rig. A template could represent a single set of components or a complex collection of components. At the template level, it is not crucial that you correctly define the parts’ mass properties or assign force characteristics, because this can be set at the subsystem level. It is very important, however, to correctly define part connectivity and exchange of information, because you cannot modify them at the subsystem level. When building templates, keep in mind the assembly process. That is, make sure that your templates can communicate to each other and can communicate to the test rigs you specify. Communicators define how the different subsystems exchange information. We will cover communicators in detail in Section 11 – Communicators.

6 Template Topology In Adams/Car, creating topology consists of creating elements, such as hardpoints, parts, attachments, and parameters that define subsystems, as explained next: Creating hardpoints and construction frames - You first create hardpoints and construction frames. Hardpoints and construction frames are the Adams/Car elements that define all key locations and orientations in your model. They are the most elementary building blocks that you can use to parameterize higher-level entities. Hardpoint locations define most parts and attachments. Hardpoints are only defined by their coordinate location. Coordinate frames are defined by their location and orientation. Creating parts - Once you’ve defined hardpoints and construction frames, you will use them to create parts.

7 Template Topology (Cont.)
Creating attachments - Finally, you create the attachments, such as joints, bushings, and parameters, which tell Adams/Car how the parts react in relation to one another. You can define attachments for the compliant and kinematic analysis modes. The compliant mode uses bushings, while the kinematic mode uses joints. Before you begin to build your template, you must decide what elements are most appropriate for your model. You must also decide which geometries seem most applicable to each part or whether you want any geometry at all. Once you’ve decided, you create a template and its basic topology.

8 File Architecture The file architecture of the Adams template-based products is comprised of the following types of files which are stored in databases: Property files Templates Subsystems Assemblies The figure on the next page illustrates how template-based products use this architecture: a template uses property files to provide data for components such as springs, dampers, and bushings. When creating a new subsystem, you can reference the property files that the template references, or reference other property files held either in a different database or with a different file name, as indicated by the dashed lines. A collection of subsystems merged together forms an assembly.

9 File Architecture (Cont.)

10 Building a New Template
To build a new template, you will create various parts, geometries, attachments, joints, and more – all of the entities necessary to create your model. To build a template, you first need to know about the available entities in Adams/Car, which will be described in the next sections. Described in this module are: Rigid bodies (parts) Geometry Attachments (joints and bushings) Springs Dampers Bumpstops and reboundstops The suspension parameter array Templates also require communicators, a very important part of Adams/Car, which allow you to pass different pieces of information from subsystem to subsystem, and necessary for assemblies. Communicators are described in the next module.

11 Types of Parts Rigid bodies (parts) Flexible bodies Are movable parts.
Have mass and inertia properties. Cannot deform. Flexible bodies Can bend when forces are applied to them.

12 Types of Parts (Cont.) Ground part Mount parts and switch parts
Must exist in every model. Defines the global coordinate system (GCS) and the global origin, and, therefore, remains stationary at all times. Acts as the inertial reference frame for calculating velocities and acceleration. Mount parts and switch parts Mount parts are massless parts that will be replaced by other parts in the assembly process. Switch parts are also massless parts and act like a switch for connections. By changing the switch part, one part will connect to another.

13 Rigid and Flexible Bodies (Parts)
Rigid bodies (parts) A rigid body is called a general part, and is abbreviated with ge[lrs] (ge for general part, [lrs] for left, right, or single). These parts can move relative to other parts and have the following properties: Mass Inertia Initial location and orientation [called a local body reference frame (LBRF) or a part coordinate system (PCS)] Initial velocities To create a new rigid body in Adams/Car, go to Build -> Parts -> General Part, and select either: New - Specify the location and orientation of the local body reference frame (LBRF), together with the mass properties for the body. This does not create the geometry of the part. Wizard - Select two or three hardpoints or construction frames that the part will be parameterized against. The Wizard creates the part and the geometry. A part is used by Adams/Solver to perform the analysis, as opposed to a part’s geometry, described in Geometry, on slide 18.

14 Rigid and Flexible Bodies (Parts) (Cont.)
You create flexible bodies by importing an external file. For information on flexible bodies, see Section 12 - Using Flexible Bodies.

15 Geometry A very important aspect of the Adams line of products is the concept of geometry (known as graphics in Adams/View). Geometry is used to enhance the visualization of a part using properties such as: Length Radius Width Thickness As opposed to parts, geometry is not necessary to perform simulations. So, you can have a part without geometry, but not geometry without a part.

16 Geometry (Cont.) Note that sometimes Adams/Car creates the geometry for you automatically when you create a part. For example, the Wizard option does this. However, if you create a part with the New option, no geometry is created. You can then create or add geometry based on your own input. Also note that the computed mass properties based on geometry are not parametric. The mass properties of a part do not change automatically when the geometry changes. If you want to update the mass of a part after changing geometry, use the Calculate Mass tool for the part.

17 Attachments (Joints and Bushings)
Attachments, in the Adams/Car world, are joints and bushings, and these define how the parts in your model react to one another. You can define attachments for the compliant and kinematic analysis modes. The compliant mode uses bushings, while the kinematic mode uses joints. Bushings - Provide three-dimensional forces and moments between parts, calculated with stiffness's. You specify parameters, such as stiffness, preload and offset, that define bushings. Note that this is different from the BUSHING statement in Adams/View, which uses a constant stiffness and damping. In Adams/Car, the bushing effectively acts as a FIELD in Adams/View. Joints - Provide a kinematic constraint between parts. You specify the type of joint that is applicable to your model. You can place both joints and bushings at the same part connections in a model. You can switch between the two attachments, activating one while deactivating the other. Thus, you can simulate kinematic and compliant analyses with the same model. You can also mix your model, using both joints and bushings for the same analysis. Explain the Adams/Solver FIELD statement. You might want to open the Adams/Solver online documentation and review the FIELD statement.

18 Springs When creating a spring, you need two coordinates to attach the two ends for the spring. The coordinates can be either hardpoints or construction frames. Then, to define the spring, you must specify: Two bodies between which you want the force to act and two reference frames (points at which the spring is attached on the bodies). Installed length of the spring, which will be used to derive the design preload on the spring. Property file, which contains the free length information, as well as the force/deflection characteristics.

19 Springs (Cont.) Adams/Car calculates the force exerted by the spring using the equations shown in the figure.

20 Springs (Cont.) Where, C is a constant.
FL is the free length of the spring, as defined in the property file. IL is the defined installed length. DM(i,j)* is the initial displacement between the I and J coordinate reference points. If you enter a smaller value for DM(i,j)*, Adams/Car calculates an increased preload for the spring; conversely, a decreased preload. Force represents the spring force. K is the nonlinear spring stiffness derived from the property file.

21 Dampers When creating dampers, you specify the two endpoints and the property file. Unlike a spring, a damper doesn’t need a preload. Adams/Car also creates the geometry for the damper, like the one shown.

22 Bumpstops and Reboundstops
Define a force-displacement relationship between two parts. Bumpstops act between user-specified coordinate reference points on each part, and conform to the force-displacement curve described in the designated property file. The bumpstop force is activated when the displacement between the two coordinate references exceeds a certain value, that can be defined by either of the following: Clearance - Defines how much part I can travel towards part J before the force activates. Impact length - Defines how close part I can come to part J before the force activates.

23 Bumpstops and Reboundstops (Cont.)
Work similarly to bumpstops, but act in rebound, instead of jounce like bumpstops. Adams/Car also creates graphics for the elements shown next:

24 Toe/Camber Angles and Suspension Parameter Array
You can set the toe and camber of a suspension by selecting Build -> Suspension Parameters -> Toe/Camber -> Set. At the design position of a vehicle, a suspension may have nonzero values of toe and/or camber. You must communicate these values to the wheels so they inherit the camber and toe angles from the suspension. Here you set the design-position values of toe and camber, after which Adams/Car automatically creates parameter variables and output communicators, which you can then use to orient wheels or other entities with a construction frame. You first create variables defining toe and camber angles. Because these variables are commonly used for suspension analyses, Adams/Car creates both of them in one step. These are defined using a steer axis, which the suspension parameter array calculates. You access the suspension parameter array dialog box by selecting Build -> Suspension Parameters -> Characteristic Array -> Set.

25 Toe/Camber Angles and Suspension Parameter Array (Cont.)
You can create a steering axis using either of these methods: Geometric method - Pick two points on different parts that define the steer axis. Instant-axis method - Adams/Car first locks the spring travel and applies an incremental steering torque or force. Then, from the resulting translation and rotation of the wheel carrier parts, Adams/Car calculates the instant axis of rotation for each wheel carrier. The instant axes of rotation are the steer axes. Finally, you set the suspension type as being independent or dependent.

26 Adjustable Forces An adjustable force is a special Template Builder user-defined element (UDE). You can use adjustable forces for a variety of conditions, to satisfy static parameters in your model. For example, if you want to set the length of a rod to be a specific length during static analysis, the adjustable force will vary until the desired end condition is satisfied. You access the adjustable force functionality from Build -> Adjustable -> Force New. In Adams/Car for example, a typical application is to use an adjustable force to set toe and camber values during a static suspension analysis. You might use two parts to define the tie rod and attach them by a translational joint. You would then apply an adjustable force between the two parts to set toe and camber values. When the vehicle reaches static equilibrium without the use of adjustable forces, the toe and camber alignments might not be the ones that you want. You use adjustable forces to define toe and camber angles at static equilibrium position.

27 Adjustable Forces (Cont.)
The current formulation creates a single-component force that acts between the two parts. Adjustable forces act between two appropriate parts and perform a series of adjustments during static equilibrium to minimize the error between the current computed toe/camber angle and the desired toe/camber. The _double_wishbone_torsion template distributed in the shared car database contains an example of an adjustable force.

28 General Advice Make a sketch on paper first.
Start with the hardpoints. Follow corporate naming or numbering convention where possible. This ensures that your templates can be successfully used by others within your company. Proceed down through the Build menu. Write comment strings when creating new objects. For some components, you have more options in the modify dialog box than in the create dialog box (for example, rigid part). In that case, create the component first and then parameterize it properly using the modify dialog box.

29 General Advice (Cont.) Parts can be: rigid/flexible bodies, mounts, switch, nonlinear rods (beams in Adams/View terminology). The mass properties of rigid parts can be user-entered or geometry-based. Supported geometries are: cylinders, ellipsoids, arms, links, and outlines. Attachments can be kinematic constraints or bushings. Force elements include: springs, dampers, bumpstops, adjustable forces. Advanced elements are described in the following chapters. You can display the dialog box help, by pressing the F1 key when the dialog box is active, as well as the online help.



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