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Intermediate 1 Unit 3c Fats, Proteins, Vitamins 123 4567 89 10 111213 14 15 22 23242526 161718192021 27.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermediate 1 Unit 3c Fats, Proteins, Vitamins 123 4567 89 10 111213 14 15 22 23242526 161718192021 27."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermediate 1 Unit 3c Fats, Proteins, Vitamins 123 4567 89 10 111213 14 15 22 23242526 161718192021 27

2 What do fats and oils provide our body with? Energy - more than carbohydrates

3 Describe how to test a food for fat/oil. A greasy mark on filter paper

4 Which type of fat is thought to increase the cholesterol level in the blood stream? Saturates

5 Which type of fat is considered to be less harmful to the heart? Polyunsaturates

6 What health problem is caused by too much fat in the diet? Heart disease

7 Name the three elements present in a fat/oil. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

8 Why are proteins needed in our diet? Growth and repair

9 Name the elements present in a protein. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

10 How can proteins be detected? Heat with soda lime and test for an alkaline gas with damp pH paper (turns blue)

11 Name the type of monomers which join together to make a protein. Amino acids

12 What size of molecules are found in a protein? Large polymers

13 What happens to protein molecules during digestion? They are broken down into amino acids

14 What part of the body does fibre help to keep working? Gut

15 What does fibre help to prevent? Constipation

16 What does fibre absorb in the gut? Water

17 What do the gut muscles do? Squeeze food along

18 Why are vitamins needed? To keep the body healthy

19 What can happen in there is a lack of vitamins in your diet? It can cause poor health

20 Give a reason why food additives are added to food. To make the food last longer. To change the appearance of the food. To change the flavour of the food. To supply vitamins and minerals.

21 Name the type of food additive which makes the food keep longer. Preservative

22 How can a food additive change the appearance of food? Change its colour

23 What must happen to a food additive before it can be used in the food industry? It must be tested and approved.

24 Which of the 4 key elements needed by a healthy body is supplied only be proteins? Nitrogen

25 What are fats/oils obtained from ? Plants and animals

26 What are proteins obtained from? Plants and animals

27 Why must a vegetarian diet contain a wide range of vegetables? To supply all the necessary amino acids

28 What type of substance breaks down proteins during digestion? Enzymes

29 Intermediate 1 Unit 3c 123 4567 89 10 1213 14 15 22 232425 26 161718 19 2021 27 11

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