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GDP: gross domestic product (prodotto interno lordo) Quarter: trimestre. In senso scolastico, quarter soprattutto USA e scozzese, in inglese term. Recovery:

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Presentation on theme: "GDP: gross domestic product (prodotto interno lordo) Quarter: trimestre. In senso scolastico, quarter soprattutto USA e scozzese, in inglese term. Recovery:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GDP: gross domestic product (prodotto interno lordo) Quarter: trimestre. In senso scolastico, quarter soprattutto USA e scozzese, in inglese term. Recovery: ripresa (econ.) ma nel linguaggio medico guarigione, nel linguaggio legale restituzione indennizzo, nel linguaggio sportivo ripresa o rimonta. To falter: perder colpi To release: diffondere To report: registrare To shrink: contrarsi, avere una contrazione Summit: incontro al vertice, vertice

2 Measures: provvedimenti To tackle: affrontare Budget deficit: deficit di bilancio This year: anno in corso Invece di ripetere il giorno, On Thursday, dare: nello stesso giorno, nella stessa occasione To agree: concordare In principle: in linea di principio but no specific commitments on aid were agreed: senza tuttavia addivenire a nessun impegno specifico in merito al tipo di aiuto. To put pressure: mettere sotto pressione

3 German economic recovery falters Germany's recovery from recession faltered in the final quarter of 2009, according to preliminary figures released on Friday. The German economy failed to grow at all in the last three months of the year, with GDP unchanged compared with the previous quarter. Meanwhile, France reported a 0.6% rise in GDP for the same three-month period - better than analysts expected. Figures also showed the eurozone economy grew 0.1% in the same quarter.

4 This represents a slowdown in the economies of the 16-nation zone, which grew by 0.4% between July and September last year. Official first estimates indicated that the Italian economy shrank by 0.2% after growing by 0.6% in the previous quarter. They also showed that Spain and Greece remained in recession, with the Greek economy contracting by 0.8%. On Thursday after a summit in Brussels, EU leaders said Greece had to take further measures to tackle its huge debts and cut its budget deficit by 4% this year.

5 Worse than feared: peggio del previsto Stall: situazione di stallo To follow: far seguito a Largest: più forte To emerge: uscire To rely: far affidamento (Il settore su cui più fa affidamento) Were: hanno rappresentato Year-on-year: anno per anno, annuale Crescita anno per anno: annual/yearly/year-on- year growth

6 Slump: caduta dei prezzi, crollo. Crisi, recessione Slump symptoms: sintomi recessivi We no longer have a slump: non siamo più in presenza di una crisi/di una recessione To show: evidenziare Rebound: risalita, ripresa with exports up for the fourth month in a row in December: in aumento per il quarto mese consecutivo/di fila da dicembre as a whole: complessiva to China: verso la Cina said…: ha dichiarato di ritenere che … stimulus: stimolo, incentivo

7 They agreed in principle on Thursday to support Greece, but no specific commitments on aid were agreed. Greece's debt crisis has put pressure on the euro, making markets nervous. Following the German GDP figures, the euro fell further against both the pound and the dollar. Worse than feared The stall in German growth follows two consecutive quarters of growth in Europe's largest economy.

8 Germany emerged from recession last summer thanks to a recovery in its exports - on which it largely relies. "Exports were the only positive contribution," said the Federal Statistical Office. The BBC's Tristana Moore in Berlin said the figures were "worse than expected". Analysts were surprised by the figures, with the majority expecting modest growth in the last three months of the year.

9 Year-on-year, the economy shrank by 1.7%, the figures showed. "We no longer have a slump, but rather a very weak recovery," said Gerd Hassel, economist at BHF Bank. "The first quarter will probably turn out weak too." Data earlier this month showed a strong rebound in German exports, with exports up for the fourth month in a row in December.

10 That was despite an 18.4% fall in exports for 2009 as a whole - the biggest year-on-year fall since 1950, losing it the title of world's biggest exporter to China. Meanwhile another quarter of growth in the French economy added to optimism over the strength of France's recovery from recession. "I think [0.6%] is really a satisfactory result that proves that the stimulus measures we took... were efficient," said Christine Lagarde, the French economy minister, speaking to a French radio station.

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