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E~TASC The penguin, the emu and the humming bird..

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1 E~TASC The penguin, the emu and the humming bird.

2 The Penguin Penguins have one tube from the beak. ( the trachea) This tube goes for a while then stopping at the syrinx, a small sac that splits into two Bronchus. These tubes lead into the abdominal sacs. The trachea is also an airway to the lungs. The two lungs are behind these sacs, just slightly above them. Above the two lungs is the Interclavicles sac. This sac is the largest in a penguins body. There are smaller sacs directly underneath this sac on the left and right. Some names include: the Anterior sac, and the Posterior sac.


4 Background Information On Penguins Although the penguin is a bird, it Cannot fly. They either waddle along The ice or slide on their stomachs Down ice hills. During life they Encounter many dangers including: Leopard seals, the orca (killer whale.) Penguins have to use many muscles As some of these predators are able To catch them very quick. Penguins Will slide or waddle quickly to safety. If the baby is eaten, the parents will abandon The egg and go back to sea to feed. At the moment, there are only four types Of penguins, from the small little penguin To the large emperor penguin. ( the largest Of all, the Pachydyptes Ponderosus is Extinct.) Penguins have furry feathers to Keep them warm, flippers/wings to propel Themselves through the water and black Feet flippers also to move in the water.

5 The Emu One of the main reasons emus can’t fly is because their wings are two short and The fat breastbone feature doesn’t allow the muscles in the wings to flex out to fly. Although, they can run very fast due to the specialized pelvic limbs. Like humans, Emus have a gastrocnemius. To keep cool on hot days, emus use their lungs as coolers.


7 Emu background Information Emus can grow up to 1.5-2 meters tall. The male is slightly smaller than a female. Emus can weigh up to 60 kilograms. Males make a grunting sound like pigs and females make a large booming sound. They are the second largest bird in the world, below the ostrich. It is part of the Ratites. This group is the group of flightless birds. Emus have long necks and sharp beaks. The emu has two sets of eyelids, one for blinking and the other for keeping out dust. They have three toes and one of which is a long talon for fighting. Emu feathers are a soft brown. They eat grains, flowers, berries, soft shoots, insects, grubs and sometimes even stones, dirt and tin canes by accident!!! The emu is a very tall and fast bird, reaching up to 40k’s per hour!

8 The Humming Bird Hummingbird bones are hollow, to help flying. Hummingbird brains are very smart, as they can Recall every flower they’ve been to! Also, they know when it will refill with nectar again! They have a crop, a holding sac, to help digest food and nectar. Hummingbirds have small Ears and can easily hear better then a normal human! They have 940 feathers. The gizzard Is the stomach, where the food is digested.


10 Thank you for reading!!!

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