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A New Language Study Series on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Language Study Series on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Language Study Series on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body

2 Prepared by Women Affirming Life, Inc., Imago Dei, Inc. and Mary Shivanandan, S.T.D., Professor, John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Catholic University of America

3 What is the “theology of the body”?

4 The "theology of the body" is a series of Scriptural reflections on the meaning of human love and sexuality developed by Pope John Paul II in a series of 130 homilies.

5 Why is it called the “theology of the body”?

6 John Paul II called these reflections the “theology of the body” because in some way, the body itself reveals the mystery of God and….

7 the one-flesh union of man and woman images divine Trinitarian communion.

8 How does the “theology of the body” help us understand the Christian meaning of marriage and sexuality?

9 It helps us reclaim the Christian understanding of sexuality and the human person as GIFT in order to show us the true meaning of human love and life and….

10 . …it offers a model for self- giving love and true happiness for all Christians, whether single, married or religious.

11 What is A New Language?

12 FORMAT: A four-season group study series with 8 – 12 participants. Each season consists of 6 weekly 90 minute sessions.

13 PURPOSE: explore the Holy Father's teachings on the theology of the body prayerfully reflect on the lived experience of self- giving love grow in a deeper knowledge and appreciation of our identity as men and women develop a stronger commitment to integrate faith into everyday life

14 The group facilitator has: OR

15 Each participant has: AND

16 Core texts: Crossing the Threshold of Love by Dr. Mary Shivanandan and the Study Guide A New Language containing: references to excerpts from John Paul II’s writings on theology of the body relevant Scripture passages cross references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church

17 THE FOUR SEASONS: Original Unity of Man and Woman Blessed Are the Pure of Heart Life in the Spirit Marriage and the Language of the Body

18 Season One: Original Unity of Man and Woman

19 Lays the foundation for understanding the theology of the body by discovering God’s original plan for the human person as man and woman and their loving communion in the creation account in Genesis.

20 Season One Topics Introduction to the Major Themes/The Importance of Experience in Understanding Revelation Original Solitude Original Unity Original Nakedness and the Nuptial Meaning of the Body The Blessing of Fertility The Person, Gift and Communion

21 Season Two: Blessed Are the Pure of Heart

22 Considers the redemption of sexuality after the fall by reflecting on Jesus’ words on “adultery in the heart” in Matthew 5: 27-28

23 Season Two Topics The Fall and Its Consequences for Man/Woman Relations Lust: A Deception of the Heart and a Distortion of the Language of the Body Christ’s Words on Adultery of the Heart: A Call to Conversion Redemption of the Body in Christ Resurrection of the Body and Celibacy for the Kingdom

24 Season Three: Life in the Spirit

25 Explores the meaning of marriage and the relations between men and women in light of the analogy of marriage with the ‘great mystery’ of Christ’s union with the Church as described in Ephesians 5:21-33.

26 Season Three Topics Ephesians 5: A Key Text for Marriage and Understanding Man and Woman The Head/Body Analogy - Bisubjectivity Submission: An Experiencing of Love Sacrament of Christ and the Church: Source of All the Sacraments Sacrament of Creation and the Indissolubility of Marriage Eros and Agape in Marriage

27 Season Four: Marriage and the Language of the Body

28 Further develops an understanding of marriage as the symbol of Christ’s self-giving love for the Church, especially in the intimate link between the love-giving and life-giving aspects of the one-flesh union.

29 Season Four Topics Teaching of Vatican Council II Significance of Humanae Vitae for Anthropology Primacy of Love and the Language of the Body Truth and the Language of the Body Ethos of Redemption and Motherhood Foundation of a Civilization of Love

30 Study group facilitators are formed and trained by Imago Dei.

31 Study group format is based on experiential learning.

32 Provides the context for an encounter between Revelation (as interpreted by the Church) and experience. Offers sound doctrinal content. Recognizes that the truth penetrates best when it is experienced and shared.

33 Enables participants to learn from the heart and form small Christian communities. Looks beyond transmittal of information to a transformation of mind and heart. Six-week session allows time to begin to grasp the depth of the Holy Father’s comprehensive and counter-cultural teaching.

34 A Major Purpose is growth in the spiritual life.

35 Begins and ends with prayer Includes Scriptural reflection Offers Catechism references for further study & reflection Helps participants discern how to live out the teaching in daily life

36 Evangelization is an essential component.

37 Participants are encouraged to spread the good news. “If you don’t give it away, you lose it.”

38 Reactions from Participants

39 “This was something I totally appreciated…whether you’re a man or woman, whether you’re married or single, this is a rich experience.”

40 “We all thought this was a wonderful way to learn about the Pope’s theology of the body.” “It’s really an extraordinary vision – very powerful, joyful, positive, dynamic. It’s really wonderful.”

41 “It will be the intellectual underpinnings for building the culture of life.” “Once you are there, it will take on a life of its own… It’s something that is so needed… It is something we are being called to… what John Paul II has elevated marriage to is beautiful.”

42 “The Holy Father’s insights are desperately needed by parents both to enrich their marriage and to equip them to guide and nurture their children….”

43 “…Just before completing the study series, my 11 year old daughter said to me, “Mom, when you talk about sex to me it is so beautiful, but when my friends talk to me, they make me feel dirty.…”

44 “…Thanks a lot, Mom. I love you.”

45 For more information on starting a study group: See or email: TOBStudy@ or call: 1-202-962-0040. ©2007 Imago Dei, Inc.

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