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Energy Exercises 1.a) kinetic b) potential c) gravitational potential, kinetic d) chemical, heat and light e) store 2a) potential b) kinetic c) kinetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Exercises 1.a) kinetic b) potential c) gravitational potential, kinetic d) chemical, heat and light e) store 2a) potential b) kinetic c) kinetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Exercises 1.a) kinetic b) potential c) gravitational potential, kinetic d) chemical, heat and light e) store 2a) potential b) kinetic c) kinetic d) potential e) potential f) potential g) kinetic

2 Energy Exercises 3. gravitational, chemical and elastic
A as this rock is higher a) gravitational potential b) elastic potential c) chemical potential d) heat and light and sound e) heat and light f) electrical, heat, light and sound g) kinetic and sound h) chemical potential i) electrical, heat and light and sound j) chemical and heat k) gravitational potential l) elastic potential

3 Energy Exercises 6 a) battery – chemical to electrical b) motor - electrical to kinetic c) lift – electrical to kinetic to gravitational d) solar cell – light to electrical e) radio - electrical to sound f) TV – electrical to light and sound g) torch - chemical to electrical to light h) car – chemical to kinetic i) campfire – chemical to heat and light j) nuclear power station - nuclear to electric

4 Energy Exercises 7. Magnetic and kinetic to electric 8. a) electric to light and heat b) electric to kinetic c) chemical to kinetic d) generator e) chemical to light f) heat to kinetic g) nuclear to kinetic h) toaster i) elastic to kinetic j) gravitational to kinetic k) loudspeaker

5 9. Kinetic energy  gravitational energy Electrical energy  kinetic energy Chemical potential energy  thermal energy, sound energy, light energy and kinetic energy Electrical energy  light energy, sound energy, kinetic energy 10 a) food, wood and petrol 11) Kinetic energy, thermal energy and sound energy 12) The sun or light energy. Kinetic energy. They would need to work out a way to store the light energy. Currently that is not possible so cars must have an electric battery that runs the car at night or on cloudy days

6 Energy Exercises 1a) 32J b) 1000 J c) x J d) 4624 J 2a) 490 J b) J c) d) x 1012 J e) 3.3 Joules

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