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UIS Inter-Institutional Class Collaborations Online Shari McCurdy and Ray Schroeder Copyright 2005. This work is the intellectual property of the authors.

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1 UIS Inter-Institutional Class Collaborations Online Shari McCurdy and Ray Schroeder Copyright 2005. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

2 UIS Higher Education Collaboration Inter-Institutional Collaboration – pre-web  Common modes –Guest speakers –Faculty exchange programs –Student exchange programs  Less common modes –Joint degree programs – mostly in same metropolitan area –Joint faculty appointments – mostly in same metropolitan area –Shared facilities such as laboratories

3 UIS Higher Education Collaboration Inter-Institutional Collaboration via web  Common modes –Guest speakers – any time / anywhere  Time/geographic boundaries no longer matter –Faculty exchanges – without leaving campus –Student exchanges – without leaving dorms –Joint degree programs – seamless –Joint faculty appointments – –Shared laboratories, libraries (OCLC), and learning objects, and collaborative writinglaboratoriesOCLC learning objects collaborative writing

4 UIS University of Illinois at Springfield  Established in 1970; became a campus of the University of Illinois in 1995 –4,300 students –First online class in fall 1998 –Rapid online growth of ~30%/yearRapid online growth –Eight online degree programs –1,450 students taking at least one online class – accounting for 2,350 enrollments –Extensive system of faculty support - OTELOTEL  Stipends, formal classes, one-on-one pedagogical support, technical support, array of synchronous and asynchronous online tools –~12% minority enrollment

5 UIS Chicago State University  Founded in 1867 –Rich history and heritage in Cook County –7,200 students –Began distance learning in 1999  CSU Online CSU Online –Initially with eCollege –Converted to Blackboard in 2001 –Collaborated with UIS in faculty and staff development in online learning in 2001 –~94% minority enrollment

6 UIS CSU/UIS HECA  State of Illinois Board of Higher Education – Higher Ed Cooperation Act Grant in 2001 began a continuing partnership (SBC Match Gift) –Technical training for staff –Pedagogical training for faculty –Exchange visits to two campuses –Blackboard  2004 – partnership matured into a true collaborations in online classes  Goal – engage urban/minority and rural/white perspectives in classes

7 UIS Administrative Arrangements  Students enroll at home institution  Blackboard approved sharing since same-level licenses between campuses Blackboard  Elluminate license not restrictive Elluminate  Faculty members receive stipend from grant for extra efforts in collaborations  Faculty members grade own students  Negotiate a shared syllabus –Exceptions noted as needed for campus- specific requirements

8 UIS Collaboration Modes Full term/ Synchronous Full term/ Asynchronous Full term/ Combination Partial term/ Synchronous Partial term/ Asynchronous Partial term/ Combination Single session/ Synchronous Single session/ Asynchronous Single session/ Combination

9 UIS Blackboard Discussions

10 UIS Elluminate Login

11 UIS Technology in the Curriculum –UIS EDL 547 / T&ED 394/G –Shari McCurdy / Patrice Boyles –20 UIS students / 8 CSU students –6 week long project –Synchronous – Elluminate –Bi-weekly to weekly interactions among students and faculty members in planning and implementing technology survey project

12 UIS CSU/UIS Fall 2004 Successes:  Networking Both students and faculty reported enjoying the opportunity to network  Showcasing Students were able to showcase a new technology to school staff. School technology staff enjoy using and knowing about Elluminate  Outcomes Survey assignment were spread out in a far greater geographic range and were more diverse.

13 UIS CSU/UIS Fall 2004 Lessons Learned  Scheduling- Specific times was a hassle for students. In retrospect, should have opened up a classroom to them.  Add asynchronous- Include asynchronous tool to help students coordinate material -Timelines and Deadlines  Assignment- Assignments need to be of same weight

14 UIS CSU/UIS Spring 2005  Collaborations expand –Stipends offered ($1,500 / $575) –Website created to pair faculty membersWebsite –Partnerships expanded  African American Studies / English  Public Affairs / Education  Biology / Philosophy (ethics)  Biology / Public Health (AIDS)  Full semester length collaborations launched for merged online classes

15 UIS CSU/UIS Spring 2005 Internet and American Life class –UIS PAC 442 / CSU OC-Ed 391.51 –Ray Schroeder / Charles Savitt –29 UIS students / 6 CSU students –Full semester – team taught – merged discussions –Asynchronous – Blackboard –Synchronous – Elluminate –Daily to weekly interactions among students and faculty members on the impact of the Internet in urban and rural lives

16 UIS CSU/UIS Spring 2005  Lessons learned –Begin faculty joint planning at least one full semester before offering –Work out details of responding to students in advance  Which faculty member responds at what time to which students (anytime? All?)  Pre-plan how to handle disagreements between students – disagreements between faculty –Establish parallel schedules for responses, posting of grades, etc. –Plan for plenty of sidebar discussions via email/phone between faculty members

17 UIS Expanding Collaborations  UIS / CSU / Columbia NYC – March 2005 –Synchronous session joining students and faculty from Internet and American Life at UIS/CSU with class in Computer Mediated Communication at Columbia –Students in NY, IL, CA, FL, Taiwan  UIS / Lesley / CSU / SDSU  UIS / Warsaw School of Economics –Merged class planned for fall semester 2005

18 UIS Future of Collaborations  Digital online collaborations in higher education –Breaking down geographic, cultural, and institutional barriers –Promoting diversity - broader understanding –Sharing resources – laboratories, libraries, hardware, software, and more –Sharing faculty and staff expertise –Offering under-enrolled classes –Stretching the curriculum

19 UIS Resources  Webliography  Collaboration Sign-up  Inter-Institutional Online Collaboration Handbook to be published by the Sloan- Consortium – fall 2005

20 UIS Contact Information Ray Schroeder, Director Office of Technology-Enhanced Learning University of Illinois at Springfield schroeder.ray -- Shari McCurdy, Associate Director Office of Technology-Enhanced Learning University of Illinois at Springfield 217.206.7317 This Presentation

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