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Chapter 24 Endodontics
Endodontic Procedure
Objectives Understand some of the indications and contraindications for doing a RCT Know the four fracture classifications Know the different diagnostic tests for determining if an RCT is needed Understand the difference between reversible pulpitis and irreversible pulpitis Understand the difference between: pulpectomy, pulpotomy, RCT, open and medicate, incise & drain Know the steps involved in performing a non-surgical RCT Understand the difference between a surgical and non-surgical endodontic treatment Be able to define these surgical tx’s: apicoectomy, root amputation, hemisection
Endodontist Deals and treats diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues. 2 additional years of training. General dentists can do RCT, refer difficult cases to endodontist. Curved roots additional canals re-treats
Indications Periapical abscess Advanced decay Impact trauma
infection around the end of the root Advanced decay caries at or near the pulp chamber Impact trauma auto accident sporting event fight or battery
Indications Fractures Invasive restorative procedures
near or through the pulp chamber Invasive restorative procedures very deep fillings crown prep close to pulp chamber Reaction to dental materials materials used to restore the tooth
Fracture Classifications
Enamel only Class II Dentin involved Possible RCT Class III Pulp involved RCT Class IV gumline (no crown)
Diagnosis Pt. Medical/dental history General dentists diagnosis
Radiographs (x-rays) Extra-oral exam redness facial symmetry swelling external fistula (pathway for pus to drain)
Diagnosis: Intra-oral exam discoloration fractures visual caries
abscesses fistulas
Diagnostic Tests Radiographs most useful diagnostic tool
correct position good contrast must see the apex must see 2 mm of bone
Diagnostic Tests Palpation (feeling with fingers)
tissue around apex is palpated for an abscess several teeth are palpated for comparison control tooth (same tooth, opposite arch) May be done by the doctor or an assistant.
Diagnostic Tests Percussion (tapping on the tooth)
Lightly tap the occlusal or incisal edge. Usually done with the handle of the mouth mirror will tap control tooth will tap adjacent teeth will tap suspect tooth Assistant can do this, too!
Mobility Diagnostic Tests (Movement of a tooth within a socket
Determines condition of supporting tissues Moderate to severe mobility is a contraindication for a RCT Pt will lose tooth to periodontal disease
Diagnostic Tests Cold Test Dry ice Chemicals ethyl chloride (Endo Ice)
frozen water
Diagnostic Tests Heat Test Ball of warm gutta percha
on the end of an instrument. Frictional heat rubber prophy cup applied to the tooth may indicate irreversible pulpitis
Diagnostic Tests Transillumination Electronic or Digital Pulp Testing
Fiberoptic light shined through crown of the tooth. May show a shadow or a Vertical fracture determines tooth vitality (if the tooth is dead or alive) battery operated device, sends small “shock” to tooth . - Do not place on an amalgam or a crown A dead tooth will not feel the “shock”
Diagnostic Tests Selective anesthetic Caries Removal:
can’t determine which tooth. Numb a tooth / area if pain subsides, we have located the tooth or quad. Normally done on Max. Caries Removal: caries removed, tooth stays the same, gets worse = Possible RCT Carries removed, tooth gets better = No RCT
Diseases and Conditions
Irreversible Pulpitis Reversible pulpitis inflammation of the pulpal tissues. When you treat or remove the cause. Caries, fracture, or attrition. Inflammation subsides Pulp is able to heal Inflammation of the pulp that does not subside. Pulp will not heal Tx: RCT or EXT
Review Questions from Yesterday
Name some of the diagnostic tests used to determine if a patient is in need of a root canal treatment What are some indications and contraindications for doing a root canal treatment? Name the four classifications of fractures and what types of fractures are included in each.
Diseases and Conditions
Pulpal Necrosis death of the pulp cells result of irreversible\ pulpitis creates exudate pus and gas that forms in the pulp chamber Cold relieves the pain. Ligament Bone Gingiva Can form a granuloma or a cyst Apical Periodontitis when infection reaches the surrounding tissues
Diseases and Conditions
Periapical (PA) abscess localized area of infection. mod - severe discomfort; can cause swelling Tx RCT EXT
Related Terms Cellulitis: swelling and discomfort caused by the abscess spreading into the facial tissue. Osteomyelitis: Advanced PA infection that has spread into the bone.
Treatment Prescription therapy: No Tx given. I & D (incise and drain)
RX for analgesic RX for antibiotic I & D (incise and drain) Tx done to relieve pressure from the abscess or cellulitis O & M (open and medicate) Tooth is opened to relieve the pressure. Medication is placed. Pt comes back for RCT
Treatment Pulpotomy Pulpectomy
removal of pulpal tissue to about 1-3 mm short of the apex 1st step or appointment of RCT RCT is done next clean enlarge obturate (fill) the canals Pulpotomy removal of pulpal tissue from the pulp chamber only Tissue is left in the canals Done on baby teeth w/pulp exposure Root end(s) not fully developed (apexogenesis)
RCT Root Canal Treatment / Therapy Done after a pulpectomy
Can be a “1-step”. Pulpectomy and RCT done at the same appointment. Clean, shape, smooth, and enlarge the canals. Rinse / irrigate (sodium hypochlorite solution) Fill & Seal w/ Gutta percha = OBTURATION Master cones and accessory cones or Warm gutta percha.
Obturation, Obturation…
My Office’s Endo Cart Special Endo. Rotary Handpiece Sodium
On The ____ Day of Endo. My Dentist Gave To Me
A Lidocaine in a main nerve Two Rubber dams Three Long burs Four Hiding holes Five Endo. Rings Six Gates a-gliding Seven Barbs a-broaching Eight Files a’flexing Nine Diluted Bleaches Ten Papers Pointing Eleven Guttas perching Twelve Composites curing
Endo. Activity p. #15: Post-Op Instructions
You will be numb for 1-3 hours, depending upon the type of anesthetic given 2. Try not to bite your lip or tongue during the time you are numb 3. Your tooth may be sore to bite on for 2-3 days. Your tooth has a temporary filling in it, stay away from sticky foods on that side of your mouth. If the filling comes out, please call the office to schedule a time to replace it. Food can get trapped in the opening 6. Take your medications as directed or prescribed If you notice any swelling on your gum above the tooth, or have any bad taste, or drainage, contact the office immediately. 8. Please call the office if you have any questions or concerns.
Surgical Endodontics Apicoectomy
- Complete removal of the apex of the tooth. Single rooted tooth or multiple rooted tooth Must do a retrograde restoration, (filling at the bottom of the tooth) Amalgam Composite Gutta percha
Apicoectomy / Retro-grade Restoration
Apicoectomy / Retro-grade Restoration
Apicoectomy /Retro-Grade Restoration
Root Amputation Complete removal of one root.
Only done on a multi-rooted tooth Must do a retro-grade restoration.
Hemisection Surgical removal of part of a multi-rooted tooth,
including the overlying crown. Only done on Multi-rooted teeth.
Hemisection Post-op x-ray Pre-op photo Post-op photo
Closing Understanding Indications, contra-indications, and
Treatment is a very important part of your job. You should be able to confidently explain RCT to your patient. If in doubt…ask questions. (( Activities to Follow this Page))
Group Questions What is the difference between a open and medicate and a pulpotomy? What is the difference between a pulpectomy and a pulpotomy? What is an incise and drain? Which instrument would you use to locate the canals during an endodontic treatment? What is the difference between a root amputation and a hemisection? What is a retrograde restoration? When would you see one placed?
Activity: Endo Instruments
Work on p. #14 in your lab book On p #14 in your lab book, write the steps in performing an endodontic tx. If you get stuck, use your endo. instrument packet & p. #517 in your textbook
Steps in A Root Canal Tx Administer Anesthetic
Isolate the area (a.k.a. Using a Rubber Dam) Gain access to the pulp w/burs Locate the canals (with an endo. exploer, of course! ) Use the gates glidden to open and widen the canal Use the barbed broaches to remove the majority of the nerve & soft tissue Enlarge and smooth the root canal with k-files and/or hedstrom files Irrigate the root canal (with an irrigating syringe full of NaOCl & H20 Dry the canals with paper points Obturate (seal) the root canal with sealer & gutta percha Place temporary filling or build up over tooth
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