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Fabrication and Characterization of Ultra-narrow RRAM Cells Byoungil Lee and H.-S. Philip Wong Electrical Engineering, Stanford University.

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Presentation on theme: "Fabrication and Characterization of Ultra-narrow RRAM Cells Byoungil Lee and H.-S. Philip Wong Electrical Engineering, Stanford University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fabrication and Characterization of Ultra-narrow RRAM Cells Byoungil Lee and H.-S. Philip Wong Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

2 Motivations AlOx RRAM typical cell characteristics Fabrication of ultra-narrow RRAM cells Characterization of ultra-narrow cells Summary and discussion Outline

3 Motivations –Issues with RRAM Over-SET by over-shoot current. Poor LRS uniformity, large reset current, and device failure. Current-limiting devices are required. Implementation of ‘Within-A-Cell-Current-Limiter’. –Study of scaling Ultra-narrow RRAM Cells

4 –Bipolar switching. –Large variation in LRS and I RESET. AlOx RRAM Large Cell AlOx Pt TiN 10nm W w w

5 AlOx RRAM Large Cell –Filamentary conduction property. –Does not scale with the size.

6 AlOx RRAM Large Cell –Filamentary conduction property. –Does not scale with the size. –LRS and I RESET are determined by I limit


8 Scaling Trend of RRAM –Filamentary conduction property. –No scaling with the size in the previous works. –LRS of our RRAM cell does scale with the size!

9 Ultra-narrow RRAM Cell using ALD AlOx w w 100nm –Top-view SEM of the fabricated devices. –Smallest cell size: 50nm X 50nm

10 - Top Pt: 40nm, TiN: 40nm - Oxides thickness: 7.4 nm - Bottom Pt: 40nm - Metal width: 100nm - AlOx width: 10nm TiN Pt 10nm AlOx SiO 2 20nm Ultra-narrow RRAM Cell using ALD AlOx

11 Pt SiO2 Pt TiN Pt SiO2 Pt TiN Pt SiO2 Pt TiN Pt SiO2 Pt TiN d w t AlO x Process Flow

12 DC I-V Characteristics –SET current is limited without any external current-limiters. –Due to resistive TiN layer and small contact area.

13 Line Resistance – Current-limiting is not a result of the long electrode line. – New device features ‘Within-A-Cell-Current-Limiter.’

14 Programming Cycle Test –500nm standard cell shows a broad tail in LRS distribution. –Ultra-narrow cells truncate lower-end of LRS distribution.

15 Scaling Trend of Ultra-narrow Cells –Filamentary conduction property. –I RESET and LRS does scale with the size!

16 - SET/RESET: 30ns/1us - SET/RESET: 4ns/20ns Programming Speed

17 Programming Endurance – 10 4 programming cycles.

18 Summary Demonstrated fabrication and characterization of ultra-narrow RRAM cells. Established new aspect of scaling trend of filamentary conduction devices. Within-A-Cell-Current-Limiter improves LRS distribution without integrating TRs.

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