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Engineering Systems of.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Systems of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Systems of

2 Systems Engineering An Introduction M R Shankar

3 Outline What is “SE”? Why “SE”? Where it can be?
How “SE”?(A big question) A Generic SE process

4 What is a ‘System’? Electrical Avionics Hydraulics Mechanical

5 What is a ‘System’? A group of components that work together for a specified purpose Components - products (hardware, software, firmware), processes, people, information, techniques, facilities, services and other support elements Together – integration of many Purpose – is achieved by implementing many functions

6 Emphasis on Technical systems
Other Systems Natural Man made Technical Non – Technical Aircraft Missile Economic system Societal systems Emphasis on Technical systems

7 Technical Systems Human-made artifacts
Result of engineering activities with the processes of engineering design Difficult to classify systems based on technology like electrical system, mechanical system Most present day systems are hybrids of simple systems of the past An indication of the need to use inter-disciplinary approach

8 What is “Engineering”? Knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences applied to utilize limited resources economically for the benefit of people Scientific approach Optimize resources User/customer in focus Classical Engineering focused mainly on product design

9 Systems Engineering (SE)
SE is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable realization of successful systems It is very quantitative including tradeoff, optimization, selection and integration of products from various engineering disciplines It is more of an engineering discipline.

10 Why “SE” is needed Complexity Technical Project

11 Wright Brothers Why “SE”?
Designed, Built and Flew the world’s first powered, controlled, heavier-than-air flight

12 Why “SE”? ONE Chief Designer – TOTAL knowledge

13 “SE” is needed due to Technical complexity
High Complexity Multidisciplinary Cost & Time “SE” is needed due to Technical complexity

14 Why “SE”? % Commitment to technology, configuration, cost etc 100 75
Cost incurred System specific knowledge 50 25 Ease of change Concept & prelim. design Detail design & development Production Use, phase-out disposal

15 Ensures FINAL PRODUCT Fully Meets All User Requirements
Why SE (cont..) More systematic way of development Better control of System Development incl. management of risk, changes, configuration Traceability at all levels Operational & supportability aspects Effectiveness Analysis Risk management Operational - Maintainability, Availability, Safety etc Ensures FINAL PRODUCT Fully Meets All User Requirements

16 Where “SE”? All levels Organization level – for a project
Full fledged SE Subsystem level We aim at this level!! Individual level Systems thinking

17 Systems Engineering (SE)
Emphasis on Top-down approach Interdisciplinary approach Effort on more complete definition of system requirements Life cycle engineering approach

18 Emphasis in SE Top-down approach Interdisciplinary approach
Look at system from top Decide inputs/outputs taking into account the supersystem Decide subsystems … down to lower levels Interdisciplinary approach Analytical approach is inadequate Capture the interactions between disciplines Exploit the synergism of these interactions

19 Emphasis in SE More complete definition of needs
Complete definition of needs facilitates verification of system performance Minimize surprises at later stages Life cycle engineering approach Initial approach was Design cycle Later with Design for Manufacture (DFM) approach Manufacturing cycle also included Present thinking is to consider three life cycles i.e. Design, Manufacturing and Supportability concurrently Leading to Concurrent Engineering (CE)

20 Life-cycle engineering approach
Development phase Utilization phase Product use Phase out and Disposal Conceptual & Preliminary Design Detail Design & Development Production and/or Construction NEED Design Manufacturing Configuration Design Manufacturing Operations Manufacture Product support and maintenance Product support configuration design and development Deployment

21 Product life cycle Identification of need Research Input
Conceptual design System concept Preliminary Design Subsystem design Detailed Design & Development Component design Production/Construction Development phasing Utilization & Support Phase-out and Disposal

22 Systems Engineering process
Basic steps Define system objectives (user’s needs) Establish performance requirements (requirements analysis) Establish functionality (functional analysis) Evolve design and operation concepts (design synthesis) Select a baseline (thro’ trade-off studies) Verify the baseline meets requirements Iterate the process through lower level trades (decomposition)

23 R V D Requirements analysis Functional analysis INPUT Design Synthesis
System Analysis & Control OUTPUT Concept studies System studies Prelim. Design Detailed Design

24 Detailed design & Development System analysis and control
Conceptual design Preliminary design Detailed design & Development Requirement analysis Functional analysis Design Synthesis System analysis and control Development phasing System Engineering Management Development Production Deployment Operation Support Training Verification Disposal System Engineering process Life cycle approach This interaction shows how to apply SE process to develop systems in life cycle approach

25 Aids to SE Management Development phasing Lifecycle planning Baselines
Functional baseline Allocated baseline (‘Design to’ specs.) Product baseline (‘Build to’ specs.) Drawing inputs from all the life cycle activities for various development phases Development phasing Baselines Lifecycle planning System Engineering Management System Engineering process Integrated approach Life cycle approach Integrated team from Systems engineering and discipline specialists

26 SE process overview

27 SE process mapped to Life cycle

28 What we have seen What is a System What is Systems Engineering
Why Systems Engineering is needed? Life cycle engineering approach leading to Concurrent Engineering Product cycle & development phasing Steps in System engineering process

29 I will stop here… We will move forward… Ref: INCOSE SE handbook
DSMC – SE mgmt guide Systems Engineering & Analysis – Blanchard & Fabrycky

30 Baselines Functional baseline : Allocated baseline :
Top level (system) functions, performance & interfaces. System level technical description Allocated baseline : System requirements flowed down to items below Item performance specification, interface definitions, process description and drawings ‘Design to’ specifications Product baseline : Defining system from top to bottom in terms of physical entities ‘Build to’ specifications

31 System classification
Natural & manmade systems River system, Bridges Physical & conceptual systems Airline system, economic system Open & closed systems Chemical equilibrium in closed vessel, business organization Static & Dynamic systems Bridge, Aircraft

32 What is a system? A group of components that work together for a specified purpose e.g. Aircraft Purpose is achieved by implementing many functions System is made up of components, attributes and relationships Components are the operating parts consisting of input, process and output e.g. Wing Components may be structural, flow or operating Attributes are the properties that characterize the system e.g. Lift generated Relationships are links between components and attributes The purposeful action by system is its function.

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