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Otwell Middle School Who am I? Ms. Marci Cooper Education: Lincoln Memorial University, Specialist Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision.

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2 Otwell Middle School

3 Who am I? Ms. Marci Cooper Education: Lincoln Memorial University, Specialist Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision. Gwinnett County Department of Education and RESA Gifted Certification. Walden University, Masters of Science in Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. North Georgia College & State University, Middle Grades (4 th - 8 th ), Concentrations: Social Science, Science, and Math. Ten years of teaching expierence Interesting Facts: ~I enjoy working in the garden, playing tennis, hiking, yoga, hanging out with friends and family. ~I have dog named Bentleigh (mix between a Schnauzer and Bichon) ~I have one older brother who lives in Smyrna, Georgia. ~I grew up in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

4 Expectations of Accelerated Math Students Master additional standards Successfully complete 1 ½ year of high school math content Move at a fast pace—one concept per day…move on the next day… Complete all homework on time Pride in all work Positive attitude, putting forth best effort daily

5 CHALLENGES of Accelerated Math Students Heavy work load along with fast paced lessons and difficult content An average of one hour of homework at least four nights per week— causing additional pressure, stress, and responsibility Teaching and learning from others in group work Having to know material “inside and out” in order to show all required steps Many word problems and real world application Finding the answer instead of being shown or told the answer Learning something new each day Retaining all of the information at such a fast pace

6 Rewards for Accelerated Math Students Carnegie unit/high school credit Tremendous sense of accomplishment—truly earning a grade Learning how and why things work in math An added opportunity to take higher mathematics in high school To truly understand what it is to be challenged in a class

7 Prepare daily for class Bring materials to class Do ALL homework (attempt) Show work on all assignments Take notes Ask Questions Read Directions Study Daily for quizzes/assessments Work from Bell to Bell Use Resources Be in school daily Student Responsibilities

8 Advice from students… ~ If you do not do your homework one night you will not understand what you are learning the next day ~ Need to be prepared to work and focus in class and outside of class…Pay attention, participate, and take notes ~ Ms. Cooper does not just tell you, you will have to figure it out with your groups ~ Work hard and you will be rewarded…give everything your best effort ~ Get in a routine…keep a schedule…Don’t be afraid to ask for HELP ~ It is extremely beneficial that you study and work out practice problems at night ~ Don’t slack off...Be ready to work as hard as you can and FOCUS with your group members ~ Don’t just read…understand what you are reading ~ Be prepared to move quickly…Learn from your mistakes ~ Don’t just come to class hoping to get by, work hard. ~ You will fail a few assessments, don’t let it bring you down, let it make you work harder ~ An A is hard to get, but you can do it ~ This class requires you to work harder than usual ~ This class is a fun class if you let it be…interact and ask questions ~ Even if you get frustrated don't give up. Keep working at it and don’t be afraid to ask for help ~ Ms. Cooper is always willing to help. She will help you get through it as long as you do your part ~ You have to understand that this class is the true meaning of accelerated. Catching up is extremely difficult

9 How can you help your student Provide a place/time for homework Check and discuss grade with students Read emails and discuss with student Provide school supplies (pencil, paper, etc) Know when tests are scheduled Encourage your student to try their BEST Bring your student in early for extra help

10 Common Core College and career readiness Focused and coherent Rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order thinking skills Based on evidence and research Internationally benchmarked **The standards in mathematics will rely more heavily on conceptual understanding of mathematical processes. The classroom learning experience will include more reading, comprehending, writing, student discovery, group work, and application opportunities.** For more information go to

11  Rigor  Goes deeper than current standards  More critical reading/writing/thinking  Higher expectations for all students  Apply and analyze rather than identify  Relevance  Heavier focus on informational text- more of what our students need  What skills do our students need to be college/career ready? What makes common core different?

12 What does common core look like in the classroom? Teachers will be facilitators in instruction while the student work together using discovery methods to develop formulas in order to solve math problems. Students will be expected to show work, to explain why they selected a method for solving, and explain their solution process. Learning activities will involve higher questioning and problem solving ability. Students will need to apply the math they are learning to real world scenarios.

13 Mathematical Practice Standards:  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  Model with mathematics.  Use appropriate tools strategically.  Attend to precision.  Look for and make use of structure.  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

14 8 th grade Accelerated vs. Standard Math Accelerated Math **71 standards** – Half of 8 th grade common core math – All 9 th grade common core math Standard Math **32 standards** – All 8 th grade common core math

15 8 th grade Accelerated Math Semester 1 (August – December): Unit 1: Systems of Equations & Inequalities Unit 2: Arithmetic & Geometric Sequences Unit 3: Linear & Exponential Functions Unit 4: Features of Functions Unit 5: Congruence, Constructions, and Proofs Semester 2 (January – May): Unit 6: Connecting Algebra and Geometry Unit 7: Modeling Data Unit 8: Non Rigid Transformations Unit 9: Right Triangle Trigonometry Unit 10: Circles and Volume

16 Class Resource Website Use tabs to navigate through resources

17 Help Day Wednesday – 8 th grade accelerated math

18 Grades: Summative Assessments – 80% Formative Assessments – 20% **End of Course Test (EOCT) accelerated 8 th grade only 2 nd semester grade = 20%**


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