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Quit proceed To begin, please click here. quitIntroduction template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Objectives: –state objective 1 here.

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Presentation on theme: "Quit proceed To begin, please click here. quitIntroduction template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Objectives: –state objective 1 here."— Presentation transcript:

1 quit proceed To begin, please click here

2 quitIntroduction template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Objectives: –state objective 1 here –add to the list of objectives if necessary Target group: Primary/Secondary (indicate level) Duration/Mode: 30 minutes/student-centred You may insert the following in this slide: back Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘back’ : Brings user to last slide viewed ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 Objectives: - Students should be able to explain the relationship between power and energy - Students should be able to identify the usage of electricity for various household appliances - Students should be able to calculate energy cost Target Group: Secondary 3 students Duration/Mode: 2 periods (140 minutes) / Student-centred next Instructions: - Click on the text boxes below to proceed with the lesson - Click on the Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel icons to do the tasks

3 quit The Lee Family Problem Instructions Rules that the user must observe You may insert the following in this slide: template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE introductionback Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘back’ : Brings user to last slide viewed ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 John, you have been listening to the hi-fi for hours, no wonder our electricity bill is so high! Hmmm...I don’t think I am the only culprit here. Mum has been watching TV throughout the night with all the lights on. The Lee Family was having a family conference during their dinner time… Yes, you should listen to your mum. Furthermore, when it is raining, you shouldn’t use the air conditioner. This will save us a huge amount on the electricity bill next Mrs Lee Mr Lee John Lee

4 quit The Challenge The Challenge You may describe the game in this slide. You may delete this page if it is not required. template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE * Please see slide 70 for an overview of the game introductionback Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘back’ : Brings user to last slide viewed ‘next’ : Brings user to next slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 You will help the Lee family solve their conflict. Help them reduce their electricity bill and find out who actually consumes the most electricity. next back to Lee Family problem

5 quit Groundwork for the Challenge You may describe the game in this slide. You may delete this page if it is not required. template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE * Please see slide 70 for an overview of the game introduction back to Lee Family problem Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘back’ : Brings user to last slide viewed ‘next’ : Brings user to next slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 back Before you proceed to the tasks,let’s go through some concepts on power, energy and cost of electricity. next

6 quit What is Power? Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Power is the rate of electrical energy used. Its SI unit is watts ( W ). However, a commonly used unit for the calculation of household electricity usage is kilowatts ( kW ). 1 kW = 1000W introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

7 quit What is Energy? Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Energy is the electrical energy used within certain amount of time. Its SI unit is joules ( J ). But a commonly used unit for the calculation of household electricity usage is kilowatts hour ( kWh ). introductionback next back to Lee Family problem 1kWh = Energy used at rate of 1000 watts in 1 hour

8 quit How to know the amount of Electricity used? Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Every home has a meter that records the electrical energy used by the household. The display shows the units of electricity used. Electrical energy consumed (kWh) = Power (kW) X Time (h) introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

9 quit How to calculate the Cost of Electricity? Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE The cost is calculated using the following formula: Currently, the cost of 1 unit of electricity in Singapore is 17.21cents. introductionback next back to Lee Family problem Cost of Electrical Energy = Electrical Energy consumed X Cost per unit

10 quit An Electricity Bill Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE To know more about your electricity bill, visit the website below: introductionback next form_rollover_new.htm form_rollover_new.htm back to Lee Family problem

11 quit Why must we save Energy? Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE To explore the importance of saving energy, let’s go to this website : Can you list 3 reasons for saving energy after surfing the website? introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

12 quit The Tasks… The Tasks… You may describe the game in this slide. You may delete this page if it is not required. template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Task 1 2 3Task Task * Please see slide 70 for an overview of the game Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘back’ : Brings user to last slide viewed ‘next’ : Brings user to next slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 Now, you are all equipped to solve the Lee family problem! You will need to go through the 3 tasks one by one introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

13 quit Scenario or Problem Two options/ solutions for the user to choose: You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE 123 You are at Task First, let’s get familiar with the power usage of basic household electrical appliances. Get a partner. Together, the two of you are complete Task 1.Try to match the values. Raise your hand when you have finished it for further instructions on checking the correct answer. Option/Solution A leads to Scenario (a) of level 2 Option/Solution B leads to Scenario (b) of level 2 : Brings user to slide 7 : Brings user to slide 8 introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

14 quit Scenario or Problem Two options/ solutions for the user to choose: You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE 23 You are at Task 2 Once again, with your partner, answer the questions in the worksheet. After completing the task, print out the worksheet. Option/Solution A leads to Scenario (a) of level 3 Option/Solution B leads to Scenario (b) of level 3 : Brings user to slide 9 : Brings user to slide 10 1 introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

15 quit Scenario or Problem Two options/ solutions for the user to choose: You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE 23 You are at Task Finally, here is the last hurdle - Task 3... Again in pairs, come up with measures to reduce the amount of electricity used by the Lee family. Calculate the new monthly electricity bill if all your measures were implemented. Type your answer in the worksheet and print it out. Option/Solution A leads to Scenario (a) of level 4 Option/Solution B leads to Scenario (b) of level 4 : Brings user to slide 13 : Brings user to slide 14 1 introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

16 quitReview Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE Are you satisfied with the new reduced electricity bill? introductionback next YES NO back to Lee Family problem

17 quit Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE introductionback 2 3Task Task Do not despair, you still have another chance to make amendment. Go through task 2 and task 3 again to help the Lee family reduce electricity cost. back to Lee Family problem

18 quit Comments about user’s performance Instructions for user to play the game again You may insert the following in this slide: Navigation Notes ‘quit’ : Brings user to ‘Credits’ slide ‘introduction’ : Brings user to slide 2 ‘description’ : Brings user to slide 3 ‘rules’ : Brings user to slide 5 ‘level 1’ : Brings user to slide 6 template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE You have not only helped the Lee family but Singapore as well, because precious resources are saved for the country. introductionback next back to Lee Family problem

19 quitCredits template designed by jennifer wong copyright © 2000 NIE quit Created by: Wee Yee Yun Tan Joy Tutor: Ms Tang Buay Choo back

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