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Twitter for Teachers Presented by: Jennifer L. Scheffer.

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Presentation on theme: "Twitter for Teachers Presented by: Jennifer L. Scheffer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twitter for Teachers Presented by: Jennifer L. Scheffer

2 What is Twitter? Microblogging Microblogging 140 characters 140 characters Eric Sheninger- Principal Twitter Eric Sheninger- Principal Twitter

3 My Twitter Story

4 Why Twitter in Education? Best way to build your Professional Learning Network Best way to build your Professional Learning Network Allows you to search PEOPLE not the web Allows you to search PEOPLE not the web Connects you to LIKE- MINDED individuals Connects you to LIKE- MINDED individuals Saves you time! Saves you time!

5 Signing up for Twitter

6 Creating your Profile User name User name Twitter Handle Twitter Handle Bio Bio Who you are Who you are What you teach What you teach Your philosophy Your philosophy Topics of Interest Topics of Interest Use a picture, not an egg! Use a picture, not an egg!

7 Twitter Terminology

8 Anatomy of a Tweet 1.@mention 2.Retweet 3.Hashtag 4.Direct Message 5.Favorite

9 @ mention (aka an @ reply) an @mention used when a person is having a conversation with another twitterer. Use @ mention when referring to other twitter users. This means the other users will be alerted of your conversation. (can be done via phone) You only see @ mentions if you follow both twitterers or you are looking at another person’s tweet timeline.

10 RT (also known as a Retweet) Any tweet starting with “RT” means someone is re-tweeting some one else’s tweet. Used to quickly share tweets by someone else that might contain links, news or anything you think your twitter followers will find interesting.

11 # (Hashtags) Any word starting with the “#” hash symbol is known as a hash tag. Hash tags make it easier to search and follow the twitter conversations on specific topics Serve as a filtering system

12 DM (aka) Direct Message) DM’s are private messages sent from one Twitterer to another. You can only send a DM to a person who follows you; they can only reply to your DM if you also follow them.

13 Twitter Challenge Set up your profile page with bio and picture Find 10 individuals to follow Find 5 organizations to follow Search for a hashtag that has meaning to you Send a Tweet by the first day of school

14 Who Should You Follow? Teachers Administrators Technology Integrators Researchers Bloggers Authors Speakers Organizations/Companies

15 Individuals to Follow /

16 Individuals to Follow

17 Individuals to Follow

18 Individuals to Follow

19 Individuals to Follow

20 Organizations to Follow 21st Century Teacher @21stCenturyTch Education Week @educationweek Connected Educators @edcocp eSchool News @eschoolnews Teaching Channel @TeachingChannel NHSTE @nhste edutopia @edutopia Edmodo @edmodo

21 How to get Followers Use a picture, not an egg! Use a picture, not an egg! Start Tweeting! Start Tweeting! Use a meaningful hashtag Use a meaningful hashtag Ask questions! Ask questions! @mention & thank the people who follow you @mention & thank the people who follow you

22 Subject Specific #mathchat#mathchat – mathematics #scichat#scichat – science #engchat#engchat – English #artsed#artsed – the arts in education #musedchat#musedchat – music #eltchat#eltchat – english language teacher #STEM#STEM – widely used for posts & resources in STEM education #SSChat#SSChat – social studies chat #RETeacher#RETeacher – Religious Education #HistoryTeacher#HistoryTeacher – History #GeographyTeacher#GeographyTeacher – Geography #ASEChat#ASEChat – Association of science and education weekly chat Monday 8-9pm GMT #PhysicsEd#PhysicsEd – Physics Technology #edtech#edtech – a very wide range of tweets relating to the use of technology in education. #elearning#elearning – eLearning topics #mlearning#mlearning – the use of mobile technologies in education, also #mobilelearning though this is less used#mobilelearning #edapp#edapp – educational apps #gbl#gbl - games based learning #slide2learn#slide2learn – iDevices and learning #vitalcpd – effective use of technology in the classroomvitalcpd Specific Areas/Roles #edchat – education, worldwide, lots of topics #ntchat – devoted entirely to NEW TEACHERS #ce12 – connected educators #spedchat – Special Ed needs; live chat every Thurs. 8:30 p.m. #edapp – educational apps #1 st 5days – what to do the first 5 days

23 Resources The A-Z Dictionary of Educational Twitter Hashtags The A-Z Dictionary of Educational Twitter Hashtags Twitter in Plain English Twitter in Plain English Twitter for Beginners Twitter for Beginners The Twitteraholic’s Ultimate Guide to tweets, hashtags, and all things Twitter twitter/#.UCsPQCj1YWs.twitter twitter/#.UCsPQCj1YWs.twitter Education IT Blogs Education IT Blogs Educational Technology and Mobile Learning Educational Technology and Mobile Learning Top 14 Educational Technology Tweeters to Follow Top 14 Educational Technology Tweeters to Follow

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