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The Source for Housing Solutions Housing Community Forum: A Public Policy Perspective Sharon Rapport, CSH, Associate Director, California Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Source for Housing Solutions Housing Community Forum: A Public Policy Perspective Sharon Rapport, CSH, Associate Director, California Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Source for Housing Solutions Housing Community Forum: A Public Policy Perspective Sharon Rapport, CSH, Associate Director, California Policy

2 Rents Increasing, Incomes Decreasing in California Incomes Decreased 8% from 2000-2012 Rental Costs Increased 20% from 2000-12 ONE MILLION Low-income households in California do not have access to an affordable home.

3 Housing Affordable to People in Poverty in Orange County  70,125 = shortfall of rental housing units affordable and available to people with extremely low incomes  18 = affordable and available places to live for every 100 renters with extremely low incomes

4 Losses in $ for Rental Housing

5 Homelessness in Orange County * Change in Methodology Resulted in Lower Homeless Count

6 Homelessness in California Homelessness is Increasing in California 136,826 on a single night (22%) 2 nd largest increase (5,928, 4.5%) Largest unsheltered population (66.7%) Highest percentage of homeless individuals (29%) Highest number of chronically homeless individuals (36% of nation’s chronically homeless population) Second highest rate of chronic homelessness among all homeless people (29%) Highest decrease of families who are homeless (over 15%) Homelessness is Decreasing Nationwide 610,042 on a single night (from 633,782 in 2011) 2/3 living in shelters (65%) Homeless people who are unsheltered declined by 12% since 2012 Families who are homeless declined by 7% 109,132 are chronically homeless (just less than 18%)

7 Role of Policy

8 Campaigns That Have Changed Affordable Housing

9 Small Group of Committed Citizens

10 Key Recommendations  Decide on specific, thoughtful, feasible, ambitious goals as a community E ND FAMILY, VETERAN OR CHRONIC HOMELESSNESS BY 2020

11 Key Recommendations  Arrive at a plan on how to achieve the goals, and get community buy-in to take responsibility

12 Key Recommendations  Take advantage of opportunities, think outside the box

13 Don’t Get Discouraged  Be persistent, find new ways to achieve goals; policy is slow, and begins by changing mindsets

14 Questions?? Type Your Question in Q&A Box  Sharon Rapport, Associate Director, California Policy   (213) 623-4342, x 18  (323) 243-7424 (cell)

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