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Published byBrianne Leonard Modified over 9 years ago
Are we ready yet? Where we are. What’s missing. Opportunities for new colleagues/collaborators How long will it take? 29 April 2015 BLV2015 meeting UMASS, Amherst 1 Storage Ring proton EDM experiment Yannis K. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS and KAIST
pEDM in all electric ring at BNL Jülich, focus on a smaller radius machine CW and CCW stored beams EDMs: Storage ring projects 2Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The proton EDM in the AGS tunnel at BNL Circumference: 800m Max E-field: 4.5MV/m 3
Why a large radius ring (sr pEDM)? 1.Electric field needed is moderate (<5MV/m). New techniques with TiN coated Aluminum is a cost savings opportunity. 2.Long horizontal Spin Coherence Time (SCT) w/out sextupoles. (We will be using trims to tune out the sextupoles.) 3.Large ring, requires an existing tunnel 4 Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
What has been accomplished? Polarimeter systematic errors (with beams at KVI, and stored beams at COSY/Germany). Precision beam/spin dynamics tracking. Stable lattice, IBS lifetime: ~10 4 s (Lebedev, FNAL) Spin coherence time 10 3 s; role of sextupoles understood (using stored beams at COSY). Feasibility of required electric field strength <5 MV/m, 3cm plate separation (JLab, FNAL) Analytic estimation of electric fringe fields and precision beam/spin dynamics tracking. Stable! (Paper already published or in progress.) 5
JLab E-field breakthrough Large grain Nb, no detectable dark current up to 18 MV/m and 3cm plate gap. TiN coated Al plates reach high E-field strength JLab to test large surface plates 6Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
DPP stainless steel Fine grain niobium Large grain niobiumSingle crystal niobium Field Emission from Niobium Conventional High Voltage processing: solid data points After Krypton Processing: open data points Work of M. BastaniNejad Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 15, 083502 (2012) Field strength > 18 MV/m Buffer chemical polish: less time consuming than diamond paste polishing
JLab results with TiN-coated Aluminum No measureable field emission at 225 kV for gaps > 40 mm, happy at high gradient Bare Al TiN-coated Al the hard coating covers defects Work of Md. A. Mamun and E. Forman 15 MV/m20 MV/m Matt Poelker, JLab At BNL we need <5MV/m for 30mm plate separation
John Benante, Bill Morse in AGS tunnel, plenty of room for an EDM ring. 9Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Residual Magnetic Field ( in Gauss) with Hall Probe Location E20 upstream 180° 90° 10.14 0.18 20.20 0.19 30.23 0.17 40.52 0.44 Location F12 upstream 180° 90° 10.07 0.07 20.06 0.07 30.26 0.21 40.88 0.80 Location L5 upstream 180° 90° 10.03 0.06 20.05 0.06 30.26 0.26 40.25 0.28 The relative low fields justifies to use AGS tunnel. 2 1 3 4 (Measured by John Benante) 10
One of the field measurements showing also the oscilloscope data. A small constant was added to these data to compensate for an instrumental zero-offset. 11
The proton EDM ring (alternate gradient) Total circumference: 500 m case Straight sections are instrumented with quads, BPMs, polarimeters, injection points, etc, as needed. Requirements: Weak vertical focusing (B-field sensitivity) Below transition (reduce IBS) 12
Booster Booster-to-AGS BtA Proposed EDM Ring Beam Injection points AGS Q12 of BtA 2 nd Inj. Line 1 st Inj. Line Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 13
Parallel Beam Displacement in the vertical plane Dipole quad s Beam ~1 m Vertical Injection Scheme: William Morse-BNL November 18 2014 1m Ferrite kicker magnet 100mrad 1m Ferrite kicker magnet 100 mrad Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 14
These intensity scan was done in 2009 with Booster input 3*10 11. Not much horizontal scan was done since then. The vertical scale is normalized 95% emittance. The corresponding normalized rms emittance at 10 11 is 0.7π horizontal, 1.0π vertical for horizontal scraping. Horizontal scraping 15 vertical scraping Intensity: 15~2e11 protons @10 11 V:6.1π H:4.4π Emittance out of Booster Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 15
Proton Statistical Error (230MeV): p : 10 3 s Polarization Lifetime (Spin Coherence Time) A : 0.6 Left/right asymmetry observed by the polarimeter P : 0.8 Beam polarization N c : 10 11 p/cycle Total number of stored particles per cycle T Tot : 10 7 s Total running time per year f : 1% Useful event rate fraction (efficiency for EDM) E R : 5 MV/m Radial electric field strength σ d = 1.5×10 -29 e-cm / year Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 16
Systematic errors 17 Recent Breakthrough by David Kawall…
Clock-wise (CW) & Counter-Clock-wise Storage Equivalent to p-bar p colliders in Magnetic rings Total current: zero. Any radial magnetic field in the ring sensed by the stored particles will cause their vertical splitting. 18Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Distortion of the closed orbit due to N th -harmonic of radial B-field Y( ϑ ) Time [s] Clockwise beam Counter-clockwise beam The N=0 component is a first order effect! 19
SQUID BPM to sense the vertical beam splitting at 1-10kHz 20 First designed by D. Kawall UMASS/Amherst
Total noise of (65) commercially available SQUID gradiometers at KRISS 21 From YongHo Lee’s group KRISS/South Korea
Peter Fierlinger, Garching/Munich Under development by Selcuk Haciomeroglu at CAPP. Need <0.1nT/m 22
Peter Fierlinger, Garching/Munich Getting ready to ship to Korea for integration 23 Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Opportunities for new colleagues and/or collaborators Electric field strength issues for large surface plates, dark currents. Beam-based alignment, E-field plate alignment (pot. syst. error source). Beam impedance issues (pot. syst. error source). 24Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Technically driven pEDM timeline Two years systems development (R&D); CDR; ring design, TDR, installation CDR by end of 2016 Proposal to BNL: fall 2016 2014 1516 17 1819 20 212223 25 Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Cost estimate list to be completed within one year Injection System Vacuum System RF Spin Rotator RF Dipole Civil Construction Project management SQUID BPM System Normal BPM System Magnetic Shielding System Vacuum Chambers Electric Deflectors with HV System Electric Quads with HV System Polarimeters with DAQ Storage Ring DAQ and Slow Control Control Room, Cabling, etc. Cryogenics/vacuum Trim E-fields (multipoles) Helmholtz coils Installation costs Beam/spin dynamics, systematic errors simulations Beam based alignment 26
February 2015 27 Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Let’s indulge on sensitivity Spin coherence time (10 4 seconds), stochastic cooling-thermal mixing, … Higher beam intensity, smaller IBS Reliable E-field 15 MV/m with negligible dark current >5% efficient polarimeter, run longer Potential gain ~1-2 orders of magnitude in statistical sensitivity: 10 -30 -10 -31 e-cm! 28
Summary Complementary to LHC; probes New Physics >10 3 TeV. Received P5 endorsement, from HEPAP 2014. Technically driven schedule: CDR by 2016, proposal fall 2016. Work on the open questions. Opportunities w/ significant impact are available. 29Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Extra slides 30Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
32Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Short History of EDM 1950’s neutron EDM experiment started to search for parity violation (Ramsey and Purcell). After P-violation EDMs require both P,T-Violation 1960’s EDM searches in atomic systems 1970’s Indirect Storage Ring EDM method from the CERN muon g-2 exp. 1980’s Theory studies on systems (molecules) w/ large enhancement factors 1990’s First exp. attempts w/ molecules. Dedicated Storage Ring EDM method developed 2000’s Proposal for sensitive dEDM exp. developed. 2010’s Proposal for sensitive pEDM exp. developed. Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 33
The proton EDM ring evaluation Val Lebedev (Fermilab) Beam intensity 10 11 protons limited by IBS, kV 34
E-field plate module: Similar to the (26) FNAL Tevatron ES-separators 0.4 m 3 m Beam position Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 35
E-field plate module: Similar to the (26) FNAL Tevatron ES-separators 0.4 m 3 m Beam position Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 36
Extraction: lowering the vertical focusing strength “defining aperture” polarimeter target carries EDM signal increases slowly with time carries in-plane (g-2) precession signal pEDM polarimeter principle (placed in a straight section in the ring): probing the proton spin components as a function of storage time Micro-Megas detector, GEMs, MRPC or Si. Brantjes et al., NIMA 2012. 37 E. Stephenson
LEFT UP DOWN RIGHT Azimuthal angles yield two asymmetries: sensitivity to horizontal component is here Rings select scattering angle Bars select azimuthal angle MXS (large β X ) MXL (large β Y ) MXG (large D) Polarized deuterons Three sextupole magnet families: p = 0.97 GeV/c Carbon block target (17 mm thick) B E A M EDDA detectors as polarimeter 2 E. Stephenson COSY ring at Juelich 38
The EDM signal: early to late change Comparing the (left-right)/(left+right) counts vs. time we monitor the vertical component of spin (L-R)/(L+R) vs. Time [s] M.C. data Opposite helicity bunches result to opposite sign slopes 39
Large polarimeter analyzing power at P magic ! 40 Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Spin Coherence Time: need ~10 3 s Not all particles have same deviation from magic momentum, or same horizontal and vertical divergence (all second order effects) They cause a spread in the g-2 frequencies: Present design parameters allow for 10 3 s. Much longer SCT with thermal mixing (S.C.) 41 Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The SCT is estimated to be adequate. Confirmed with independent work: S.H., Y.O., S.M. 42 How about the proton beam. Are we ready there? Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Major characteristics of a successful Electric Dipole Moment Experiment Statistical power: –High intensity beams –Long beam lifetime –Long Spin Coherence Time An indirect way to cancel B-field effect A way to cancel geometric phase effects Control detector systematic errors Manageable E-field strength, negligible dark current 43Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
AGS main magnet field cycle Field (kG) Time (ms) The AGS field stays at the injection value between cycles. This value is about 10% of the maximum and can’t be detected by the coils. 10% of the peak values should be added as constant pedestals to each of the curves to the left. Below cable tray At magnet height 44
International srEDM Network Common R&D srEDM Coll. pEDM Proposal to DOE HEP, NP SQUID-based BPMs B-field shielding/compensation Precision simulation Systematic error studies E-field tests (low: ~5MV/m) … JEDI (COSY/Jülich) Pre-cursor EDM exp. Polarimeter tests Spin Coherence Time tests Precision simulation Cooling E-field tests (high fields) … 45 Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Small radius ring option (JEDI) 1.Electric field needed is large. 2.Long horizontal Spin Coherence Time (SCT) requires sextupoles. 3.Smaller cost, larger sensitivity 4.More R&D needed on E-field, dark currents. 46Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
L = 8.6 mH R = 9.6 Area = 1.05±0.05 m 2
Electroweak Baryogenises GUT SUSY J.M.Pendlebury and E.A. Hinds, NIMA 440 (2000) 471 e-cm Gray: Neutron Red: Electron n current n target Sensitivity to Rule on Several New Models e current e target p, d target If found it could explain Baryogenesis (p, d, n (or 3 He)) If found it could explain Baryogenesis (p, d, n (or 3 He)) Much higher physics reach than LHC; complementary Much higher physics reach than LHC; complementary Statistics limited 1 st upgrade Electron EDM new physics reach: 1-3 TeV 48
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