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 Drug – any substance that causes changes in person’s body or behavior.  Most abused drug in the US.  Over 15 million Americans are dependent on alcohol.

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Presentation on theme: " Drug – any substance that causes changes in person’s body or behavior.  Most abused drug in the US.  Over 15 million Americans are dependent on alcohol."— Presentation transcript:


2  Drug – any substance that causes changes in person’s body or behavior.  Most abused drug in the US.  Over 15 million Americans are dependent on alcohol. 500,000 are between the age of 9 and 12  140 Million World Wide  Alcohol acts as a powerful DEPRESSANT – slowing down the activity of the C.N.S.

3  Alcohol can be toxic, or poisonous = INTOXIFICATION

4  Blood Stream – Blood vessels widen allowing blood to reach the surface.  Brain – Functioning  Judgment, senses, inhibitions  Response to pain and danger  Brain stem that controls breathing and  Liver – breaks alcohol down into energy and waste  (CO2 and H2O)  1 drink/hr  Kidney – prevents the release of a chemical that regulates urine output.  Dehydration

5  A BAC of 0.08 means that 8/100ths of 1 % of the blood is ethanol (Alcohol)  Factors that influence BAC  Gender  Age, weight, and height  Amount of food in stomach  % of alcohol (Proof)  Rate of consumption in 1 hr




9  Motor Vehicle Accidents  2/3 of all crashes  ½ of all fatalities





14  Synergism  Interacting with other drugs producing effects that are many times greater than either drug would produce on its own.  Ex. Alcohol + Depressants = Coma/Death

15  Overdose  Intoxification causes and to  Alcohol continues to 30-90 minutes after last drink.

16  Tolerance - resistance  Dependence – Develop a chemical need for alcohol. ADDICTION  Brain Damage – Destroys nerve cells in brain

17  Digestive System – Causes irritations leading to cancer  Esophageal StomachColorectal  Liver Damage – Interferes with the ability to break down fats, begins to fill with fat (Fatty Liver) blocking blood flow and soon dies  Cirrhosis – Scarred tissue replaces normal liver tissue

18  Disease - BP and rate causes fat to be deposited in heart tissue

19 Do you know someone who is addicted to alcohol?

20  Alcoholism is a disease where people are addicted to alcohol.  cannot control their drinking; their major goal is to get drunk  An alcoholic’s drinking patterns eventually control every aspect of their life.  Psychologically – alcoholics consider drinking a regular, essential part of coping with daily life.  Physically – an alcoholic’s body requires alcohol to function.

21  Nature v. Nurture?  Some believe alcoholism runs in family leading us to believe it is genetic.  What do you think?????  No one is sure why some drinkers become alcoholics.

22 1. Early Stage:  Social drinkers, drinking small amounts with meals, special occasions, consume alcohol to relieve stress.  This stage of drinking is known as problem drinking.  Named for all the problems associated with excessive drinking  Use alcohol as a “crutch”, making excuses for their behavior  Often drink alone as they become dependent on alcohol.  More prone to unintentional injuries such as falls, drowning, burns, and accidents.  Also contributes to violent crimes such as fights, spousal and child abuse, rape, suicide, and murder.

23 2. Middle Stage  The alcoholic’s need for alcohol becomes absolute. Alcohol dominates the drinker’s life.  Cannot stop after 1 drink, needs increasing amounts  May refuse to acknowledge drinking problem  Signs of middle stage may include :  Absence from work or school  Strained family, social, and business relationships

24 3. Late Stage:  Begin to experience a Reverse Tolerance – a condition in which less and less alcohol causes intoxication.  Serious health problems include liver and brain damage, cancer, lung disease, and heart disease are common in this stage.  When alcoholics are denied alcohol, they suffer from DT’s or Delirium Tremors.  Delirium Tremors is a reaction of the Central Nervous System to the absence of alcohol.  Uncontrollable shaking of the entire body, nightmares, seizures, fear of animals and people, and insomnia.  DT’s be fatal

25  The disease of alcoholism affects people other than the alcoholic.  Costs to Society –  Accounts for 150,000 premature deaths per year.  Alcohol is a factor in half of all traffic fatalities.  Alcohol related crimes, medical expenses, injuries, lost productivity on the job, and treatment programs cost the U.S. an estimated $200 billion each year.

26  The total cost of alcohol problems is $175.9 billion/year  Alcohol use by underage drinkers results in $3.7 billion a year in medical care costs due to traffic crashes, violent crime, suicide attempts and other related consequences. The total annual cost of alcohol use by underage youth is $52.8 billion  Alcohol-related car crashes are the number “2” killer of teens. Alcohol use is also associated with homicides, suicides, and drowning-the next three leading causes of death among youth.

27  Alcoholism and The Family –  About 1 in 6 Americans grows up in an alcoholic family.  Stress arises from uncertainty and embarrassment.  In some cases, the alcoholic verbally and physically abuses family members.  Family-life centers around the alcoholic as the needs of other family members are ignored.

28 SSometime people close to an alcoholic let that person’s drinking problem change their own daily activities. PPeople who assume responsibility for an alcoholic’s needs, feelings, and happiness are called c odependents. TThey do not acknowledge having needs of their own CCodependents focus on taking care of others, losing the sense of their own identity. TThey are not capable of taking care of someone else since they are unsuccessful at taking care of themselves.

29  Enablers are people who unintentionally protect addicts from the consequences, addicts are unaware of their dangerous behavior and therefore continue it.  Ie. Family, friends, coworkers  Codependents are the primary enablers of their addicted loved ones.

30 1. Denial : Enabler see’s behavior as fun and share in the drinking episodes. “Can’t happen to me.” 2. Loss of Self Respect: Due to inability to effect change, family become dependant and suffer fear and shame. 3. Collusion : Family excuses and protects the alcoholic from consequences. “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”.

31  Stages:  1: Denial  Family denies there is a problem  Stems from feeling of embarrassment, and perceived ruined reputation  Family tries to create “perfect family” illusion  2: Home Treatment  Try to solve problem without outside help  Eliminate supply of drugs/alcohol  Nagging/threatening addict

32  Stages  3: Chaos and Disorganization  Crisis causes the disease to be no longer denied or hidden  Characterized by $ difficulties, violence, strained relationships  Seek outside help looking for “Magic Solution”  4: Reorganization  Family attempts to reorganize by easing addict out of his/her role in family  Addict is either ignored or treated like a child.

33  Within this framework, family members-particularly children - develop certain roles to help them survive.  They roles are no assigned, they are developed unconsciously  1. Chief enabler  Assumes primary responsibility for protecting the addict and other family members from the negative consequences of the addiction  2. Family Hero  Assumes responsibility for providing family with self worth  A Student  Extracurricular activities  Independent

34  3. Family Scapegoat  Cannot compete with family heroes, so the try to get attention by becoming troublemakers  Family often directs their frustration towards scapegoat, thus diverting attention away from the real problem of addiction.  Usually become estranged from family  Strong peer group attachments  Often become chemically dependent themselves

35  4. Lost Child  Try to escape the family crisis by withdrawing  Withdrawal is often characterized by a retreat into a fantasy world of books or television.  Attachment to material possessions they can trust will always be there for them.  Family appreciated the low maintenance of lost child and reinforce this behavior.  5. Family Mascot  Uses humor and clowning around to atrract attention and to distract the family from their problems.  Hyperactive and accustomed to being the center of attention

36  With appropriate treatment, the progress of alcoholism can be stopped. 1. Acknowledgement – Recognize you have a problem and ask for help.

37 2. Detoxification – Removing all alcohol from one’s body. DDuring detox the person experiences withdrawal symptoms that can last 3-7 days. SSeveral withdrawals can be dangerous, and requires medical supervision and care. HHeadacheInsomnia SSweating Paleness NNauseaPalpitations VVomitingUnequal Pupils LLoss of appetiteConvulsions

38 3. Rehabilitation – Rehab is the process of learning to cope with the stress of everyday living without alcohol.  During rehab alcoholics receive counseling to help them understand their disease and behavior  Also receive care for malnutrition and other health problems that drinking caused.

39 4. Support Groups : A group of individuals’ that share experiences associated with similar problems.  Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) - Composed of recovering alcoholics who give encouragement and support to help other alcoholics stop drinking.  Founded in 1935 by 2 alcoholics who decided to help each other quit drinking.  Has over a million members  Members meet weekly and share their struggles with one another.

40  Al-Anon – Based on the same self-help principle as AA. DDesigned to help friends and family members of alcoholics learn how they can contribute to the recovery process. EEncourages c odependents to seek help for themselves and not wait until the alcoholic decides to get well.

41  Alateen – Provides help for teenagers who live with alcoholics.  Teenagers meet to discuss how their addiction has affected their lives.  Learn skills to develop self-esteem so that they can overcome guilt feeling and regain emotional and social health.

42  All 3 groups encourage friends and family members to help alcoholics confront their disease through intervention.  An intervention is a planned confrontation with the alcoholic, family and friends, member of support group, and an alcohol counselor.  The group presents the alcoholic with a treatment plan and tells the alcoholic what steps they will take if the alcoholic refuses help.

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