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~Coral Reefs~ Zaina B. Al-Aker.

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Presentation on theme: "~Coral Reefs~ Zaina B. Al-Aker."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~Coral Reefs~ Zaina B. Al-Aker

2 Where Coral Reefs Are Located

3 The Regal Tang The regal tang, also known as a hippo tang, is characterized by its contrasting black and almost neon blue colors. The tail of this species is marked by a bright yellow wedge. Regal tangs are shy algae eaters. They can grow to about 10 inches in length, and their bright color makes them highly desired by aquarium hobbyists. The fish take advantage of their colors by blending in for protection in order to not get eas Bibliography: "Coral Reef Fishes Page 1 - Coral Reef Life on Sea and Sky." Sea and Sky - Explore the Oceans Below and the Skies Above. Web. 22 Jan <

4 The Tomato Clownfish The tomato clownfish is characterized by its single white stripe behind its head, and the dark patch on the rear part of its body. Like all clownfish, the tomato clown can usually be seen darting in and out of the tentacles of a sea anemone. Tomato clowns are found in the waters of the Pacific and Indo-Pacific. Bibliography: "Coral Reef Fishes Page 1 - Coral Reef Life on Sea and Sky." Sea and Sky - Explore the Oceans Below and the Skies Above. Web. 22 Jan <

5 The Maroon Clownfish The maroon clownfish is one of the largest clownfish species. It can grow up to 6 inches in length. The color of this species ranges from bright orange to rusty brown, to almost black. Maroons are found in the Pacific Ocean where they are usually seen hiding in the stinging embrace of a large sea anemone. BIBLIOGRAPHY: "Coral Reef Fishes Page 1 - Coral Reef Life on Sea and Sky." Sea and Sky - Explore the Oceans Below and the Skies Above. Web. 22 Jan <

6 SEA GRASS Sea grass is adapted to live in the coral reef because they don’t have roots so they need a hard ground like the ocean floor BIBLIOGRAPHY: "Coral Reef Plants: Plant Life of Coral Reef Ecosystems." Coral Reef Facts And Information | Structure, Marine Life, Ecology. Web. 28 Jan <

7 Mangrove trees Mangroves are shoreline plants, and thus are often (except on fringing reefs) quite distant from the main biomass of hard corals that form the massive reef crest and fore reef. BIBLIOGRAPHY: "Coral Reef Plants: Plant Life of Coral Reef Ecosystems." Coral Reef Facts And Information | Structure, Marine Life, Ecology. Web. 28 Jan <

8 Marine Algae The marine algae is adapted to live in the coral reef because it doesn’t drown. Also it doesn’t need dry sand lo live in and it can stick to just about anything BIBLIOGRAPHY: "Coral Reef Plants: Plant Life of Coral Reef Ecosystems." Coral Reef Facts And Information | Structure, Marine Life, Ecology. Web. 28 Jan <

9 A biotic factors One of the a biotic factors is rainfall. If it rains then the animals would have more water to live in. although if it rains too much, they coral reef would be flooded and it could also cause strong waves. The animals and plants there must be able to stand strong waves others wise they will be washed up to shore where there will be no water which would possibly kill them. Bibliography: "Ecological Regulation -" - Marine Biology, Ocean Life Conservation, Sea Creatures, Biodiversity, Oceans Research... Web. 21 Jan <

10 Recourses that may be found
One thing that we will defiantly find is oil. The reason that oil would be found in the coral reef is because it would be the left over from all the oil spills. This could be a good thing and also a bad one. Its good for mankind because if we ever run out of oil, we would know where to find it. Although it is dangerous for the fish because the oil would be polluting their natural home/habitat. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Coral Reefs — Global Issues." Global Issues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All — Global Issues. Web. 27 Jan <

11 How science has helped Science has helped because marine biologists find things that are in the ocean and coral reefs and scientist start experimenting with those things. Once they experiment with them they find out how these things can be useful to humans and what they can do for us. Web. 28 Jan <

12 Human activities One of the things that humans do is they transport oil by ships. Sometimes there is an accident and what usually happens is the oil spills in the sea. That puts a big effect on the coral reef and sea. What happens is the oil pollutes the sea and kills all the plants and animals and leave us nothing but dead sea creatures and plants

13 Use of natural recourses.
Because natural resources are used for trading between regions for either other natural recourses or money, this is how it helps us economically, for example, qatar sells its natural resource (oil) to Japan for money. It helps us environmentally because qatar spends ¼ of its income from oil on gardening and cleaning.

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