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John Wandelt and Mark Kindl Georgia Tech Research Institute

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1 John Wandelt and Mark Kindl Georgia Tech Research Institute
National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Building a NIEM IEPD: the NIEM IEPD Life Cycle and Tools 6 September 2006 John Wandelt and Mark Kindl Georgia Tech Research Institute

2 NIEM Builds on GJXDM NIEM = GJXDM + Expanded Scope + Lessons Learned
Incremental changes to GJXDM to address specific issues and expanded scope A few examples: Expanded Domains (Intel, International Trade, Emergency Mgt, Infrastructure Protection, etc.) Better Modularity Improve Reusability - Leveraging work of others – Discovery of IEPDs and components Capturing Business Context Incorporating feedback into the model - Model Refinement through use Support for components from external standards IEPD consistency

3 NIEM Use Cases To effectively exchange information, there must be a common semantic understanding of data among participants, and the data must be formatted in a consistent manner. NIEM provides reusable components and IEPDs for exchanges Between NIEM domains (inter-domain). Within NIEM domains (intra-domain) (where multiple sub communities exist within a single NIEM domain, e.g. justice).

4 IEPD Development vs the Model
National priorities (e.g. NDEx, TWPDES) Authoritative sources (e.g. Rap Sheet) Local requirements The Model – NIEM reusable components NIEM NDR reuse / revise reuse add / replace add / replace IEPD Library (virtual) NIEM

5 NIEM Naming and Design Rules
Provides a normative technical reference for building NIEM data model components and IEPDs. Draft NIEM NDR will be available for review and comment with the 1.0RC release. Specifies some of the following: Use of types, elements, attributes, groups Enumerations (code lists) Annotations (documentation and appInfo) Namespaces ISO naming External standards use (e.g. Geospatial) Creating new entities (objects) Composition Specialization w/ inheritance Associations (relationships) Roles Adding properties to existing entities Type augmentation Metadata

6 NIEM Architecture (Model View)
External domains or standards External domains or standards Justice (GJXDM) Justice specific Total Migration (special case) NIEM Core Universal External Domain 3 Z (a) Translate / Map (b) Extract / Use ZN Structures Common NIEM Domains Sc EM Im IP IT J Intel External Domain 1 XN Adopt candidate External Domain 2 Y Wrap / Refer CodeLists .. Create (boot strap)

7 What is a NIEM IEPD? Documentation and specification for describing NIEM information exchanges. Contains: A set of NIEM conforming XML schemas that (Re)use or correctly extend NIEM components. Define a class of XML exchange instances. Documentation detailing How to implement the IEP with the schemas. Exchange model, business rules, use cases, etc. Example instances, stylesheets Metadata for indexing, search, discovery, maintenance, registration, etc.

8 NIEM XML Reference Architecture
XML Schema *Code list xsd NIEM xsd subset *Constraint xsd Conformance Validation Constraint Validation *Extension xsd *Exchange xsd IEPDs have their own target namespaces Namespace * Optional Exchange xml

9 IEPD Component Perspective
NIEM IEPD schemas are NIEM conforming. IEPD Extension External 1 External 0 6 5 4 Subset External domains or standards External domains or standards 1 External 3 External 2 2 3 2 3 NIEM 1, 5 – create 2, 4 – wrap / refer 3 – translate / map 6 – adopt 1 2 3

10 The IEPD Life Cycle General framework for building IEPDs in logical steps. Primary process from the practitioner perspective. Guide to understanding how IEPDs are ideally built and published. Not prescriptive, IEPD builder … Adjusts the scope of the framework to the IEPD level of effort. Enters the life cycle at appropriate step. The value of formal specifications for input/outputs of the IEPD Life Cycle. Ensure consistency across IEPDs. Capture business context to facilitate search and discovery of NIEM components and IEPDs. Machine readable and process-able to automate support for the IEPD Life Cycle. Encourage and facilitate commercial tool development and value added capabilities.

11 0 Scenarios, BRM Taxonomy 1 Info exchange requirements
Executive orders, mission statements, business requirements, business context, policies/procedures Specific information exchange, high-level business requirements, existing IEPDs 0 Scenarios, BRM Taxonomy NIEM NDR 1 Info exchange requirements IEPD for reuse library Data requirements, business context, exchange model 5 Publish + implement Submission of candidate NIEM components, component business context NIEM IEPD Life Cycle 2 Map + model Complete IEPD Gap analysis, specs for new components Existing IEPD artifacts 4 Assemble to IEPD spec 3 Build + validate IEPD artifacts to share/reuse, metadata for discovery Valid IEPD schemas, example instances, documentation, metadata NIEM NDR

12 Executive orders, mission statements, business requirements, business context, policies/procedures
Specific information exchange, high-level business requirements, existing IEPDs 0 Scenarios, BRM Taxonomy NIEM NDR 1 Info exchange requirements IEPD for reuse library Data requirements, business context, exchange model 5 Publish + implement Submission of candidate NIEM components, component business context NIEM IEPD Life Cycle 2 Map + model Complete IEPD Existing IEPD artifacts 4 Assemble to IEPD spec 3 Build + validate Gap analysis, specs for new components IEPD artifacts to share/reuse, metadata for discovery NIEM NDR Valid IEPD schemas, example instances, documentation, metadata

13 IEPD Life Cycle Feeds the Data Model Maturity Life Cycle
Top down Bottom up IEPDs Staging Area 0 Scenarios, BRM taxonomies NIEM Governance NBAC / NTAC: vet, harmonize, conformance 1 Info exchg requirements NIEM NIEM IEPD Life Cycle 5 Publish + implement 2 Map + model Groups with common data interests Early Awareness & coordination 4 Assemble to IEPD spec 3 Build + validate New component candidates & business context

14 From the IEPD Life Cycle Perspective
GJXDM Tools Justice Information Exchange Model (JIEM) Tool JIEM-GJXDM direct mapping capability (through SSGT) Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) Moving forward GJXDM Spreadsheet IEPD Clearinghouse NIEM Tools Component Mapping Template (CMT) Graphical Browser Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) Tool Toward NIEM 1.0RC1 (30 Sep 2006)

15 GJXDM Tools

16 Justice Information Exchange Model (JIEM) Modeling Tool
JIEM is a Web application that facilitates analysis of business context and content (payload) requirements for justice information exchanges. The analysis is represented in a site database.

17 JIEM Exchanges and Dimensions
A site database defines exchanges in 5 dimensions: process, event, agency, condition, document (information).

18 JIEM Reference Model There is a special site database called the JIEM Reference Model, which defines exchanges common to most jurisdictions. A site database can be created from scratch or copied from another site database, or the Site Database Builder can be used to create one from the JIEM Reference Model. Using the Site Database Builder typically reduces the effort of site database creation by about 75%.

19 JIEM Data Elements A site database includes data elements, which can be simple or may be composed of other data elements.

20 JIEM Data Element Usage
Documents contain data elements and define their typical usage.

21 JIEM Reports A variety of textual and graphic reports can be generated. Reports generally relate to content of the database or usage of data (comprehension or conceptualization of the data, data admin, etc.)

22 How JIEM and SSGT Interoperate
SSGT Mapping Tool JIEM Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) .XMI ArgoUML Data exchange requirements (local vocabulary) output in XMI (i.e. UML-XML)

23 Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT)
SSGT Mapping Tool Enables user that has built an AS-IS or TO-BE model with JIEM to map local data components directly to GJXDM data components through the SSGT. Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT)

24 SSGT Mapping Tool – Search / Discover
User local data components are displayed (left) with convenient access to the SSGT (right). User can search with SSGT for GJXDM data components that match local data components. Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT)

25 SSGT Mapping Tool – Select / Build
User maps by selecting matching GJXDM data components (check box). confirming (clicking) the match to build the map. Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT)

26 SSGT Mapping Tool – Generate Subset and Report
When all local data components have been reviewed and mapped or not, the Mapping Tool can generate: Subset for mapped elements (also contains the wantlist). Report detailing what mapped and what did not. Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT)

27 How JIEM and SSGT interoperate
SSGT Mapping Tool Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) Mapping Report Wantlist SSGT .XMI ArgoUML

28 Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT)
SSGT is a Web application that allows a user to browse the GJXDM and create GJXDM schema subsets and their wantlists. Supports basic and advanced search for GJXDM components.

29 SSGT – Expand a Type or Property
A complex type can be expanded to see its properties. A property can be expanded to see its type’s properties.

30 SSGT – Types User clicks a type to see its: definition base types
derived types properties properties that it is the type of

31 SSGT – Properties User clicks a property to see its: definition
types in which it’s contained its types.

32 SSGT – Select Properties and Types
Properties and types can be selected for inclusion in the GJXDM schema subset.

33 SSGT – Generate
Generating a GJXDM schema subset, creates a .zip file containing both the subset and and its corresponding wantlist.

34 SSGT – Save and Load Wantlists
Wantlists can be saved and loaded so that work can be suspended and resumed.

35 How JIEM and SSGT interoperate
SSGT Mapping Tool Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) Mapping Report Wantlist SSGT .XMI ArgoUML

36 Moving Forward Export other dimensions beyond information dimension in standard open specification (e.g. BPMN, etc.). Evaluate applicability to other domains and NIEM. Capture additional metadata (security, privacy, etc.) to support the implementation of an SOA. Support generation of extension and constraint schemas. Support sharing/reuse of mappings, wantlists, and schemas across JIEM exchanges and site DBs. Support sharing/reuse with other non-JIEM users through standard import/export specifications (the NIEM IEPD specification is well suited for this).

37 GJXDM Spreadsheet

38 GJXDM Spreadsheet

39 GJXDM IEPD Clearinghouse

40 GJXDM IEPD Clearinghouse

41 GJXDM Tool Summary Justice Information Exchange Model (JIEM) Tool:
Define/model exchange context and content requirements. Generate XMI (UML-XML) representation of local data exchange requirements. GJXDM Spreadsheet: Off-line textual representation of GJXDM (the model and dictionary). Search, navigate, browse, discover GJXDM data components. Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT): On-line textual representation of GJXDM (the model and dictionary). Select and map GJXDM data components to local components (Mapping Tool). Generate mapping report spreadsheet (Mapping Tool). Select data components and generate schema subset and associated Wantlist. Manually produce other artifacts required for an IEPD. Examples: exchange, extension, and constraint schemas, and example instances. IEPD Clearinghouse (CH): Register and share a GJXDM IEPD.

42 Available Tools: GJXDM
0 Scenarios, BRM taxonomies JIEM 1 Info exchg requirements Spreadsheet IEPD CH SSGT Map 5 Publish + implement IEPD Life Cycle SSGT 2 Map + model 4 Assemble to IEPD spec 3 Build + validate SSGT

43 NIEM Tools

44 Component Mapping Template (CMT)
A spreadsheet for mapping local data elements to NIEM elements. Developed to expand GJXDM to NIEM by identifying data requirement gaps. Developed as submission format for NIEM pilots. Reflects experience gained from working with key GJXDM customers. Structures the process of using NIEM for exchange content requirements. Identifies new data components for addition to NIEM. Structured format allows for automated processing. Structured method to capture: Local data requirements (vocabulary) and map them to existing NIEM data components exact matches partial mapping details no mapping Information that can provide a metric for modeling refinement and improvement Information that can be used for keywords, search hints, mapping assistance, etc.

45 General information on exchange(s) being mapped (business context)
CMT – General Tab General information on exchange(s) being mapped (business context)

46 Information on how local components are mapped to NIEM
CMT – Template Tab Information on how local components are mapped to NIEM

47 Information on how codes are mapped to NIEM
CMT – Codes Tab Information on how codes are mapped to NIEM

48 NIEM Spreadsheet

49 NIEM Tools for Browse, Navigate, Search, Discover, Generate/Build
Schema Subset Generation Tool Graphical Browser IEPD Tool

50 NIEM Graphical Browser
Java-based GUI to browse, navigate, and generally familiarize with NIEM structure. 3 different views 8 different starting locations

51 NIEM Graphical Browser – Starting Points and Views
User may start from one of 8 different locations in NIEM (others can be added). Select from 3 different views of the NIEM: (1) Data model, (2) Inheritance, (3) Associations The 3 views always correlated to the same location in the model. Data Model (types + properties) Associations Inheritance

52 NIEM Graphical Browser – Entities and Relationships
Model is displayed as a set of nodes and edges corresponding to entities and fundamental data modeling relationships between them: parent_of (IS-A) contains (HAS-A) type_of Double-clicking an entity (node) moves focus to that entity (by centering and highlighting) and displays all entities and relationships to/from it.

53 NIEM Graphical Browser – Relationships
Relationships (edges) are directional; to expose a relationship label, hover the cursor over its corresponding edge.

54 NIEM Graphical Browser – Screen Management
When an entity has >10 relationships, only the first 10 entities are exposed; next 10 can be seen by clicking the “next 10” button (lower right).

55 NIEM Graphical Browser – Focus
The entity of focus can be dragged around to expose entities that may be outside the window.

56 NIEM Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT)
A repository of all NIEM data components with their associated metadata linked as a consistent, cohesive data model Functions: search, find, and select components for, build and generate a subset schema for an IEPD. Linkage of data components is key to the tool’s ability to provide model navigation and efficient generation of schema subsets.

57 NIEM SSGT – Search Allows both simple and advanced search for data components using various means and criteria including: Type of component (property, type, facet, external, or association) With string, substrings, wildcard, exact/partial, etc. Within component name or definition or both

58 NIEM SSGT – Select / Add User finds and selects components required by checking boxes to build a NIEM subset schema. A property component can be added to a subset as a content bearing element or as a reference to content bearing element. as an element within its Subject type or as an independent element.

59 NIEM SSGT – Dependencies
SSGT adds all other components that the user requirements depend on. User may delete components from the subset only if he added them. Components that user requirements depend on can only be deleted by SSGT (when corresponding user requirements have been deleted).

60 NIEM SSGT – Subset Schema
When user is done adding components, SSGT can automatically generate a complete NIEM NDR conformant subset schema for a given version of NIEM. Wantlist

61 NIEM SSGT – Wantlist A Wantlist is an open spec XML file representing user requirements (without dependencies) and the state of an SSGT session. A Wantlist can be saved and reloaded later to resume work or to reconstitute or modify a subset schema.

62 NIEM IEPD Tool (IEPDT) Enables user to easily assemble, document, generate, and share complete or partial IEPD per NIEM IEPD specification. User registers for account and corresponding work space.

63 NIEM IEPDT – Entering an IEPD
User creates an IEPD through a 5 step process: Upload artifact files (optional) Enter basic IEPD metadata. Enter additional IEPD metadata. Enter authoritative source metadata. Verify all information and create the IEPD.

64 NIEM IEPDT – Validation and Review
Validates package completeness against NIEM IEPD content specification and reports results (does not have to pass validation to share). Provides a review of metadata and artifact files.

65 NIEM IEPDT – Auto Format and Assembly
Formats metadata file per NIEM IEPD spec (metadata.xml). Formats catalog file of artifacts per NIEM IEPD spec (catalog.xhtml). Assembles IEPD as compressed archive ( Installs IEPD in user work space and provides option to share.




69 IEPD Catalog.html

70 IEPD Catalog.html (source view)
xhtml IEPD Catalog.html (source view)




74 NIEM IEPDT – Download / Upload
Download IEPD as single, compressed, self-contained archive (<filename>.zip). Upload IEPD archive file (created manually or by IEPDT per IEPD spec). IEPDs created manually or by any other tool can be uploaded by IEPDT.

75 NIEM Tool Summary Component Mapping Template (CMT): Graphical Browser
Map off-line data requirements for content submissions to NIEM. Capture information – metrics, business context, POC data, mapping statistics, etc. Graphical Browser Visually navigate and familiarize with NIEM. Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT): Repository of NIEM data components and metadata. Textually navigate, search, discover NIEM data components. Build and generate subset schemas for NIEM IEPDs. Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) Tool: User work space – assemble, document, download, upload IEPDs per NIEM IEPD specification. Share complete IEPDs or their artifacts.

76 0 Scenarios, BRM taxonomies 1 Info exchg requirements
Available Tools: NIEM 0 Scenarios, BRM taxonomies Spreadsheet 1 Info exchg requirements 5 Publish + implement IEPD Life Cycle 2 Map + model IEPDT SSGT CMT Graph Brwsr 4 Assemble to IEPD spec IEPDT 3 Build + validate SSGT

77 Available Tools: NIEM + GJXDM
0 Scenarios, BRM taxonomies Spreadsheet JIEM Spreadsheet 1 Info exchg requirements IEPD CH SSGT Map 5 Publish + implement IEPD Life Cycle SSGT 2 Map + model IEPDT SSGT CMT Graph Brwsr 4 Assemble to IEPD spec IEPDT 3 Build + validate SSGT SSGT NIEM + GJXDM

78 NIEM 1.0RC1 (30 Sep 2006) Refinements and Improvements
URI for each NIEM data component. – A universally unique identifier; can be a URL that resolves to a documentation page defining semantics, structure, and relationships with other data components. Selective Sharing of IEPD artifacts and metadata. – IEPD Tool will allow user to selectively share parts of an IEPD (rather than simply the entire IEPD or nothing). Support the building of a new IEPD from an existing IEPD. – Capability to build IEPDs directly by selecting components to be used within the IEPD, generate, and optionally register/share. Improved integration between IEPD Tool, Graphic Browser, and SSGT. – Intent is to remove extra manual steps between tools (e.g., download SSGT subset and upload to IEPD Tool). Version support for IEPDs. – For bug fixes and changes; will allow for multiple versions of the base IEPD to exist to avoid possible conflicts. Track version history and change log in IEPD metadata. Basic reporting feature. – usage statistics and management metrics, for example: components used most often in IEPDs, common search terms, commonly selected results, etc. Export NIEM as a MS Access database

79 Discussion & Questions

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