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BPUG Workshops at Project Challenge are supported by:

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1 BPUG Workshops at Project Challenge are supported by:
Managing Successful Programmes An Overview Anne-Marie Byrne, A-M Byrne Consulting BPUG Workshops at Project Challenge are supported by:

2 MSP™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce
Workshop agenda Brief overview of OGC’s MSP™ Types of programmes Discussion – Projects vs Programmes How MSP can help MSP™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce

3 Managing Successful Programmes (MSP™)
Principles: empowering, self validating and universal Governance Themes: must be in place to allow appropriate controls Transformational Flow: the lifecycle of the programme

4 © Crown Copyright 2007. Reproduced under Licence from OGC.
Remaining aligned with corporate strategy Organisation Quality Management Learning from experience Vision Leading change Identifying a Programme Defining a Programme Establish Risks & Issue Management Leadership & Stakeholder Engagement Delivering the Capability Managing the Tranches Realising the Benefits Review & Prepare Closing a Programme Envisioning and communicating a better future Designing and delivering a coherent capability Benefits Realisation Management Business Case Blueprint Design & Delivery Planning & Control Focusing on benefits and threats to them Adding value Key Inner Circle Transformational Flow Second Ring Governance Themes Outer Ring Principles © Crown Copyright Reproduced under Licence from OGC.

5 © Crown Copyright 2007. Reproduced under Licence from OGC.
Policy Strategy Vision Identifying a Programme Mandate Programme Brief Defining a Programme Establish Delivering the Capability Programme Definition, Control Framework, and Plans/Schedules Managing the Tranches Realising The Benefits Review & Prepare Closing a Programme Delivery of new or enhanced operational capability Completion of programme, final lessons learned © Crown Copyright Reproduced under Licence from OGC.

6 © Crown Copyright 2007. Reproduced under Licence from OGC.
Did it work? Did we get the benefits? Tranche 1 Measure benefits Tranche 2 Measure benefits New capability Has it worked so far. Do we continue? New capability Project 1 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Project 2 © Crown Copyright Reproduced under Licence from OGC.

7 Project vs Programme What is the difference? and Does it matter?

8 © Crown Copyright 2007. Reproduced under Licence from OGC.
Programmes need to monitor the external environment and assess the impact of any unexpected events External drivers shape organisation strategy. External changes may change strategy and implementation activities. Business environment (political, economic, sociological, technological, legal, environmental) Influence and shape Programmes need to access and interpret strategy information Strategy provides the organisation vision. Strategy reviews don’t coincide with programme reviews Strategies, policies and change initiatives Define, scope and prioritise Programmes manage data/information they create and acquire from other initiatives Programmes deliver the new capability to change, improve and realise benefits Programmes Initiate, monitor and align Projects manage the data/information they create and acquire from other initiatives, and from their programme Project outputs enable the organisation to change. Programmes link them to the strategy Projects and related activities Deliver and implement Programmes need access to operational resources, date/information and expertise Programmes make ready operations to take project outputs, use them and measure the benefits New or transformed business operations When the changes to operations are stable, and sufficient benefit measures completed, programme success can be reviewed. Operations preparing for change need help to ensure they get the correct information Outcomes achieved and benefits realised © Crown Copyright Reproduced under Licence from OGC.

9 How MSP helps Framework/route map Allows governance and control
Flexibility built in (acknowledges complexity & change) Vision to buy into Blueprint – clear picture of the future state Focus on benefits

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