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‘Official’ biography from the White House From: osevelt%20

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1 ‘Official’ biography from the White House From: osevelt%20 osevelt%20 Lei Yuchong 3P2(12)

2 Forms  Timeline format – begins with his greatest achievements, then starts on his life in a chronological order  Takes the form of a narrative  The ‘official’ biography of FDR from, the official website of the US whitehouse.

3 Function  Informs us about his life and his road to becoming President of the United States  Demonstrates his notable achievements, such as implementing policies to help the USA out of the Great Depression  Shows the impact of his achievements, which have greatly benefitted the USA

4 Features  Biography in past tense, recounting FDR’s life  Third person perspective is used to capture how he struggled and fought his polio to succeed and become US President  Organizational principle – Starts of with a hook, stating the famous line from his inaugural address “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. This famous line captures the reader’s attention

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