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WISER Humanities: E-Resources for Research in Theology Friday, 27 February Hilla Wait & Kate Alderson Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "WISER Humanities: E-Resources for Research in Theology Friday, 27 February Hilla Wait & Kate Alderson Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 WISER Humanities: E-Resources for Research in Theology Friday, 27 February Hilla Wait & Kate Alderson Smith

2 Structure of today’s session Effective searching Overview of e-resources in theology  Resource discovery tools  Full-text resources  Theses, current research and awareness Time to explore with assistance available

3 Where to start? Decide what you are searching for before you start Know your resources Identify some keywords Work out search strategies  Advanced  Boolean  Proximity  Symbols for wildcards and truncation Make sure you have a system for storing the references you identify –e-mail, or Refworks Construct the search to fit the query and the resource

4 Tackling an unfamiliar database Check the coverage of a database to see if it includes what you want You can use cross-searching for some collections of databases Use the help screens provided check the conventions (e.g. do they use &, +, or “and”)

5 Critical appraisal Evaluating search results and sources  Academic credentials  Peer review  Use of source material  Accuracy of references  Currency  Bias  Relevancy  Citation count

6 Finding aids in Oxford SOLO  New resource discovery interface for p- and e-texts  First but not last stop OLIS  Catalogue of books / journals Oxford e-journals  e-journal subscriptions OxLIP+  Gateway to subscription databases  Subject guidance

7 SOLO OLIS Institutional Repository (ORA) E-journals OxLIP+ Special collections: catalogues

8 OxLIP+ Theology menu

9 Finding books Local  SOLO – e & p-texts  OLIS – for holdings and functions  Manual catalogues – Pusey House  Local catalogues – Heritage (Wycliffe)  Manuscript catalogue in Duke Humfrey’s Global – access via OxLIP+  WorldCat (45+ million items)  COPAC (Catalogue of UK Research libraries)  European Library  BL Catalogue

10 Electronic Resources in Theology Subject-specific bibliographical databases:  Few irrelevant results  Focus for the search Full-text databases:  Primary sources  Secondary works Reference works

11 Bibliographic Databases : ATLA Core e-title for Theology Biblical Studies, world religions, Church history religious perspectives on social issues 400,000 article citations from 1,400 journals 200,000 chapter citations from edited works 375,000 book reviews ATLAS Links to 70 full-text journals

12 Bibliographic Databases : ATLA Navigating Search options Basic search Search Limits Advanced search Index search Exporting records

13 Other Bibliographic Databases New and Old Testament Abstracts Philosopher's Index FRANCIS  Multidisciplinary, strong in Religion and good for European articles Index Islamicus  All aspects of Islam International Medieval Bibliography OCLC Article First  General

14 Finding Biblical resources BibleWorks  best resource for exegesis Anchor Bible Dictionary Oxford Bible Companion BibleGateway NT Gateway

15 Finding full-text primary sources Ancient/Medieval  Dead Sea Scrolls  Patrologia Latina  Acta Sanctorum  Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts Corpus Christianorum series  Augustine: Opera Omnia  Thesaurus Linguae Graecae  Medieval sources On-Line  Perseus  Past Masters Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Ockham

16 Finding full-text primary sources  Early Modern/Modern Digital Library of Classic Protestant Texts Digital Library of the Catholic Reformation Early English Books Online Eighteenth Century Collections Online Past Masters Luther, Calvin, Kierkegaard, Newman

17 Past Masters Expand package → author→title Using the Table of Contents Changing the display Navigating the text Searching by simple search Power search Cross database searching Results Map Proximity search

18 E-Books - Secondary texts for theology Oxford Scholarship On-Line Taylor & Francis E-books Cambridge Companions On- Line Cambridge Histories on-Line Blackwell Reference On- Line

19 Oxford Scholarship On-Line Complete list Search for a title or author Abstract and TOC Navigating Searching by keyword Quick Search Sorting your search results Advanced Search

20 Taylor & Francis/Routledge Getting started Navigating Copying and printing Marking up text Searching Using the Research Notebook

21 Reference Sources Oxford Reference Online Standard Abbreviations for Theological Journals & Commentaries Encyclopedia of Religion Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy International Encyclopedia for the Middle Ages Anchor Bible Dictionary Oxford Bible Commentary Encyclopedia of Isalm Encyclopedia of the Qu’ran

22 Finding theses Index to Theses – UK and Ireland Dissertations and Theses International WorldCat (via OCLC First Search) Theological Research Exchange Network  Phddata

23 Locating current research Mailing lists  Conference proceedings  OCLC Proceedings  Theses and Dissertations Current awareness services  Zetoc, My TD-Net Intute: Arts and Humanities gateway  Internet Detective Google scholar ORA (Oxford Research Archive) Religion Online

24 And Finally Questions Practical session Evaluation forms

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