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National Information Society Agency, Korea

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1 National Information Society Agency, Korea
SW Framework for enhancing the interoperability and reusability of e-Health Services May National Information Society Agency, Korea eGovframe Center Eunju Kim, Ph.D.

2 Software Framework SW Frameworks are a special case of software libraries in that they are reusable abstractions of code wrapped in a well-defined API.[Wikipedia] a special case of software libraries in that they are reusable abstractions of code wrapped in a well-defined application programming interface (API), some key features that separate them from normal libraries inversion of control: In a framework, unlike in libraries or normal applications, the program's flow of control is not dictated by the caller, but by the framework. default behavior: A framework has a default behavior. This default behavior must actually be some useful behavior and not a series of no-ops. extensibility: A framework can be extended by the user usually by selective overriding or specialized by user code providing specific functionality. non-modifiable framework code : The framework code, in general, is not allowed to be modified. User can extend the framework, but not modify code.

3 Software Framework In application development stage, 20 to 30% of development cost and effort can be saved by applying Software Framework. < IS* without SW framework > < IS with SW framework > Hardware Operating system Middleware Service application Development area (100% done by developers) Hardware Operating system Middleware Service application Development area (approx. 70~80%) SW framework used (approx. 20 ~ 30%) * IS : Information System

4 Software framework Software Framework provides an easy way to use development environment to developers, reliable runtime environment to the applications, stable operations environment to the operators Application development Application runtime Application operation Developer Operator Application Parameter Configuration Monitoring & control 1 3 Providing integrated development environment Providing runtime services 4 Providing monitoring and management tools Development environment Runtime environment Operations environment 2 5 Integrated development environment composed of commercial or open source development tools Developers define runtime service by configuring parameters not by hard coding Provides various technological common services such as transaction management, system log/error handling Provides business common services operations environment works in line with commercial SW such as Tivoli, Maxgent

5 Software Framework Benefits (1/2)
Reduction of TCO and enhancement of ROI can be achieved System development System operation 20~30% productivity enhancement through the reuse of design and source codes Simplification and Standardization of development process System quality enhancement with the help of proven architecture Time and cost reduction of system development Minimize incidents of error Efficiency improvement through operation process standardization Secure performance and stability

6 Software framework benefits(2/2)
We can assure SW quality independent of the individual developer by asking them to focus on the biz logics while other technological issues are handled by SW framework. < Separated development of applications> < Integrated development of applications> Business requirement? Business functions? Business requirement? Interface with Tuxedo? Thin Client? cache? Operation Transaction control? Error handling? Business functions? Screen layout? Business log Framework A Text transformation? System log? Batch? Package composition? Screen layout? Business improvement? SW Framework Common biz service Common technological service Architecture policy

7 Vision of e-Government Standard Standard Framework
Improving the quality of e-government services and the efficiency of ICT investment Objectives Reusing common functionalities Improving interoperability among services Sustainable & fast technical evolution Ensuring independence from vendors Enhancing the competitiveness of IT SMEs Strategies Standardization Openness & Participation Sharing & Vitality Setting the standard framework for developing e-government application Providing a stable technical infrastructure Ensuring the fairness and neutrality of e-government standard framework opening information publicly and allowing various stakeholders’ participation Sharing e-government framework through various channels such as portal Promoting e-government framework to be applied by institutional measures

8 Standard Framework(eGovFrame)
for developing and operating e-Government system Basic functions always needed to develop e-Government system Composition [eGovFrame + new functions]  e-Government system Fair competition environment created by sharing same basis eGovFrame e-Government system eGovFrame Login Board PKI

9 Standard Framework : Environments and Functionalities
Runtime Environment Management Environment Presentation Layer Business Logic Layer Persistent Layer Integration Layer Operation Management Tool Ajax Support Internationalization Biz. Process Management TBD Data Access DataSource Message Service MVC Security Exception Handling ORM TBD Transaction Naming Service Status Monitoring UI Adaptor Web Service Foundation Layer AOP Cache Compress /Decompress Encryption/Decryption Excel File Handling File Upload/Download FTP Server Security ID Generation IoC Container Logging Mail Marshalling /Unmarshalling Object Pooling Property Resource Scheduling String Util XML Manipulation Development Management Tool Development Environment Operations Environment Version Management Implementation Tool Test Tool Deployment Tool Conf. & Change Mgt. Tool Monitoring Tool Administration Tool Issue Tracking Code Generation Test Reporting Build Monitoring Server Security Management Code Inspection Unit Test Deployment Configuration Mgt. Reporting Logging Management Debug Change Management Resource Management Editor Administration Methodology & Template Environment Service Group Service

10 Best Open Source Selection
Open sourcing process of eGovFrame Define basic functions and architecture Analyze 3 big vendor’s frameworks and e- Gov. projects from 2004 to 2007 54 functions and 219 common components Function Design Final Result Best Open Source Selection 40 open sources selected Define Open Source Selection Policy Open Source Evaluation Process License with no restriction on distribution and usage [Major open sources] Biz. transaction : Spring & 22 Data : ibatis, Hibernate &1 Development tool : Eclipse & 3 Test tool : Junit & 5 Distribution tool : Maven & 1 Configuration Management tool : Subversion & 1 Policy Setting Evaluate candidate open sources(175) Functional/non-functional requirements Constraints for integration and interfaces Logical Test Physically test candidate open sources(85) Basic functions Non-functional requirements(SW Quality) Physical Test

11 Standard Framework : Four Environments
< Four Environments of e-Government Standard Framework > Environment Description Development Environment Provides support tools for the overall SW development life-cycle, such as requirements gathering, analysis / design, implementation, testing, and deployment Runtime Provides common runtime modules for running the SW applications Operations environment Provide operational tools for monitoring and operating SW application based on eGovFrame Management Provide management tools for maintaining and improving efficiently eGovFrame eGovFrame Runtime environment SW Applications Development environment SW Developers Management environment Framework Managers Operations environment Application Operators

12 Development environment
Editor, Debugger, Development Procedures, Templates Environment for Modeling, Editing, Compiling, Debugging Guide for the Application Program Development Automatic Code Generation based on Model-driven Templates Code Inspection for the Source Code Integrity Environment for Testing, Reporting and Coverage Analysis Supports Unit Test based on Junit Test Result Reporting in HTML/XML/Excel format Provides the Coverage Values and Code Region of the Test Case Build / Build Automation Build based on the Maven Library Management using the Nexus Repository Build Automation and Build Result Feedback using the Hudson Environment for Configuration and Change Management Source Code and Documentation Configuration Management based on the Subversion Supports Registration, Resolution, Search and Notification of Issues Implementation Toolset Test & Reporting Toolset Deployment Toolset Configuration Toolset

13 Runtime environment Provides a standardized infrastructure on which application programs run Runtime Environment Presentation Layer Business Logic Persistent Layer Foundation Layer Integration Layer Application Program DB Client Screen

14 Runtime environment < Runtime environment services>
Service group service Foundation Layer AOP FTP Object Pooling XML Manipulation Cache Server Security Marshalling/ Unmarshalling Compress/ Decompress ID Generation Property Encryption/ Decryption IoC Container Resource Excel Logging Scheduling File Handling Mail String Util Integration Layer Persistence Layer Business Logic Layer Presentation Layer DataSource Transaction Process Control Exception Handling Integration Service Naming Service Web Service Data Access ORM Ajax Support MVC UI Adaptor Internationalization Security File Upload/ Download

15 Operations environments
The administrator can monitor the system status based on the information collected and logged by agent program about the activities of users and the execution of application program running on the e-Government Standard Framework.

16 < Development model change with common component>
Common components To prevent repeated development of common functions, 219 common components are provided. (reviewed 67 e-Government project and 31,114 functionalities) < Development model change with common component> Current eGovernment Programs Past eGovernment Programs Application S/W H/W A System B System C System Common functions A’ System B’ System C’ System F/W C B Reuse Components Duplicate development of the same feature in each project Business dependency in subsequent projects Limited opportunities for small business bid eGovFrame Define Framework Standard Development based on the standard framework Productivity and quality improvement by reusing common components Apply Management System for eGovFrame Center Management

17 Common components : 219 components
Component Type Component Common Technological Service (129) Security 8 services including Authentication, permission administration, encryption/decryption User directory/authentication General Login, login with authentication token, login policy User support 36 services including user administration, inquiry administration, questionnaire administration, FAQ, Q&A Collaboration 22 services including Bulletin board, community, directory System administration 17 services including common code, menu/log administration, institution code System/service interface 4 services including Institution/Interface administration Statistics/reporting 5 services including Statistics on posting, access, report Elementary Technological Service (90) 77 services including calendar, format/calculation/conversion, validity check for format/calculation/conversion

18 Case Study – HIRA DUR System
By expanding electronic DUR*) system to various medical care institutions (hospitals, pharmacies, etc), achieved advanced Review & Assessment Service Advanced Review & Assessment Service Prescription Medical Institutions Phamacies Expanding DUR system nationwide Unified medical fees payment demand service through internet Prescription Change Records HIRA*) Internal Medicine, Surgery, etc Medical Institution A Internet Unified Healthcare Service Internet Medical Institution B Establishing online communication channel (Notification Service) Expanding collaboration with medical care institutions through bidirectional work process < Prescription> DB DUR*) DB DB Improving demand for medical fees payment service Inspection Rule Syncronization Syncronization DB Simplified and efficient authentication Providing customized service Sending DUR Info Send Inspection Results Complete DUR Info Sending *)HIRA : Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service *)DUR : Drug Utilization Review 18

19 Integrating qualification information and providing
Case Study - MOPAS G-Welfare System Prevent unauthorized or duplicated receiving and implement a transparent welfare policy through the unified management system which interoperates the eligibility criteria for welfare benefits and received records Implementing welfare information common utilizing process Organizations (providing income/wealth/finance qualification information) G-welfare system 9 central ministries Necessary qualification information income/wealth/finance qualification information) Manage and integrate the qualification information Manage and integrate receiving records Ministry of Health&Welfare Integrating qualification information and providing Integrating server & portal Integrating server & portal Health & Welfare Other Organizations Other qualification information Collecting receiving records and managing integratively Supreme Court Implementing operation records analysis process Labor Integrating server & portal Integrating server & portal Patriots & Veterans Affairs Analyze unauthorized /duplicated receiving Compile statistics of supporting policy establishment Receiving records unified DB Patriots & Veterans Affairs 9 central ministries 108 records of salary payment Health & Welfare Receiving Records Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Improving work environment Labor Unauthorized /duplicated receiving analysis Compile statistics for decision support Unauthorized/ duplicated receiving suspect ion Information Patriots & Veterans Affairs Modify the law and improve system Improve work process and increase efficiency Statistics information for supporting policy establishment Education Change management and support implementation(law/policy, template) Education *)MOPAS : Ministry Of Public Administration And Security 19

20 Case Study : U-Care System
when an emergency situation occurs, a incident is automatically reported through the high-tech devices which equipped in live alone senior citizens' house and check live alone senior citizens with activity sensing equipment, etc and provide care service for 24 hours Emergency Auto Detecting Service U-Care System Activity Reporting Emergency Situation Information Activity data Equipments operation report Fires, gas leak, etc. emergency auto detection When emergency detected, automatically report to a fire station and take a prompt action Emergency Automatic Reporting Emergency Call Smoke Detection Gas Detection Install sensing equipments in live alone senior citizens’ house Support Emergency Calls Emergency Aid Extinguish a fire 24 hours 365 days Caring Service Fire Station Community Center Support Life Care Check safety Provide education about daily life provide linked service Through 24 hours activity sensing, analyze activity and react to the analysis results when emergency such as pushing emergency bell occurs, automatically dial emergency call Senior citizens Activity Monitoring - Data Monitoring - When emergency occurs, care staffs visit a house Receive Emergency Call Emergency Aid *)MW : Ministry Of Health & Welfare 20

21 e-Government Standard Framework portal
eGovFrame portal site( in Korean is the distribution channel English eGovframe portal site( is newly open now. Function Services Information and data provision Education material, runtimeㆍdevelopmentㆍcommon component guides On line support FAQ, Q&A, User forum On site support Service Request, SMB free education Communication Notification, Events, Questionnaires Download runtimeㆍdevelopmentㆍcommon component download < Portal operation statistics> Item Numbers Registration 2,741 Login (Certificate Login) 23,949 (305) Runtime environment download 5,709 Development environment download 11,172 Common component download 11,752 Q&A 569 ※ Operation period: ~

22 Open innovation of eGovFrame
Open Ecosystem Open Sourcing Founded open community with large and SMEs Established public-private cooperation center Developed with 11 large and SMEs and shared knowledge Utilized 40 Open Source Software(OSS) Opened 664 thousand code lines & IPRs Carried out free training courses and 1,236 developers are certified Collected extensive opinions from over 500 stakeholders Ran over 20 public- private meeting Open Outputs Open Processes

23 What are the differences before and now?
Redundant development of similar functionalities in every projects Vender Dependency due to framework delivered as black box Disadvantage to SMEs who cannot afford to possess the framework Difficult to maintain the system due to lacking on development standard Spent longer time and labor to link the systems due to different framework Now Reduction of redundant development by reusing 219 common components Eliminating dependency to the provider by utilizing open sources framework Enhancement of SMEs competitiveness through sharing standardised framework Convenient to maintain the system with help of proven development standard Enhances interoperability between systems by standardised framework

24 Thank you

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