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Presentation on theme: "POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ARCHIVING DATA IN BURUNDI."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. What documentation is and its role in the context of archiving The archiving of data as well as questionnaires from censuses and surveys is a significant step. Without archiving, data collection is a waste of time. The creation of a full documentation of data sets and archiving ensures that important data and metadata from censuses and surveys are kept for future reference and analysis.

3 2. Role of metadata and other information on data source In the documentation and archiving, metadata and other information about the source of data are needed to provide users with the information necessary to understand the context and purpose of the study.

4 Characteristics of good documentation in the archive: It must describe the data accurately. Information must be clear to avoid misuse of data. It must also be complete for the statistical agency is not dependent on the institutional memory of staff.

5 characteristics of good documentation in the archive (continued): In short, any information that allows users (secondary) to use data sets effectively and properly should be retained and disseminated archiving in Burundi. Hoping to improve the way we store, this is the stage where we are. From 16 to 30 August 2008, there was general census of population and housing (RGPH2008).

6 Geographic coverage The operation covered the whole country and is significant at : the national level, administrative regions, the provincial level, the commune level, the hills and in the hillocks / neighborhoods.

7 Archiving questionnaires and census data The questionnaires from the Census are stored on shelves in a large room that is reserved for this activity. For archiving data from censuses and surveys, ISTEEBU has created a cell called "processing of statistical information, documentation, publication and archiving."

8 Archiving questionnaires and census data (continued) Since 2000, it uses International Household Survey Network (IHSN) toolkit as a tool for documentation and archiving.Dvinfo is also used as a tool of dissemination, but we intend to use IMIS for archiving data RGPH 2008.

9 Using Toolkit as a tool for archiving The documentation at ISTEEBU using toolkit mainly concerns the following elements: Data quality is assessed from: The methodology for sampling, Data collection, Extrapolation of the results and weighted

10 Using Toolkit as a tool for archiving (continued) Data processing Geographical coverage Non-response rate

11 ii. The variables and their definitions; For census and survey, we expect a dictionary that describes each variable and provides a clear definition to avoid misunderstanding.

12 iii. Method to order the files For facilities in the documentation of the data set, we first order the files (which are also recommended). As a result, create directories you want. For example:

13 iii. Method to order the files (continued)

14 For the archive documents, the classification by subject for easy reference work and research in the catalogs is made.

15 iv. Procedures for confidentiality and anonymity In terms of confidentiality and anonymity, Article 12 of the legal framework of Statistics in Burundi states that: "The individual data from surveys and census statistics are protected as well as individual liberties of citizens.

16 iv. Procedures for confidentiality and anonymity (continued) In any case, they can’t be used for prosecution or punishment or criminal tax except as expressly provided by law. In no case the individual data collected shall be used for any purpose other than to distribute or publish aggregate statistical results. » The identifier of the interview is coded.


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