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Reactions of aldehydes and ketones:

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1 Reactions of aldehydes and ketones:
oxidation reduction nucleophilic addition Aldehydes are easily oxidized, ketones are not. Aldehydes are more reactive in nucleophilic additions than ketones.

2 alkane alcohol reduction reduction aldehyde ketone addition product nucleophilic addition oxidation carboxylic acid

3 nucleophilic addition to carbonyl:

4 Mechanism: nucleophilic addition to carbonyl
1) 2)

5 Mechanism: nucleophilic addition to carbonyl, acid catalyzed
1) 2) 3)

6 Aldehydes & ketones, reactions:
Oxidation Reduction Addition of cyanide Addition of derivatives of ammonia Addition of alcohols Cannizzaro reaction Addition of Grignard reagents 8) (Alpha-halogenation of ketones) 9) (Addition of carbanions)

7 1) Oxidation Aldehydes (very easily oxidized!) CH3CH2CH2CH=O KMnO4, etc.  CH3CH2CH2COOH carboxylic acid CH3CH2CH2CH=O Ag+  CH3CH2CH2COO Ag Tollen’s test for easily oxidized compounds like aldehydes. (AgNO3, NH4OH(aq)) Silver mirror

8 Ketones only oxidize under vigorous conditions via the enol.

9 b) Methyl ketones: Yellow ppt test for methyl ketones

10 2) Reduction: To alcohols



13 Then + H+  alcohol

14 Reduction b) To hydrocarbons


16 3) Addition of cyanide

17 1) 2)

18 Cyanohydrins have two functional groups plus one additional carbon
Cyanohydrins have two functional groups plus one additional carbon. Nitriles can be hydrolyzed to carboxylic acids in acid or base:

19 4) Addition of derivatives of ammonia

20 1) 2) 3)


22 melting points of derivatives ketones bp semi- 2,4-dinitro- oxime
carbazone phenylhydrazone 2-nonanone acetophenone menthone 2-methylacetophenone 1-phenyl-2-propanone propiophenone 3-methylacetophenone isobutyrophenone

23 5) Addition of alcohols




27 Cannizzaro reaction. (self oxidation/reduction)
a reaction of aldehydes without α-hydrogens

28 Formaldehyde is the most easily oxidized aldehyde
Formaldehyde is the most easily oxidized aldehyde. When mixed with another aldehyde that doesn’t have any alpha-hydrogens and conc. NaOH, all of the formaldehyde is oxidized and all of the other aldehyde is reduced. Crossed Cannizzaro:

29 7) Addition of Grignard reagents.

30 1) 2)

31 #3 synthesis of alcohols
#3 synthesis of alcohols. Used to build larger molecules from smaller organic compounds.


33 Aldehydes & ketones, reactions:
Oxidation Reduction Addition of cyanide Addition of derivatives of ammonia Addition of alcohols Cannizzaro reaction Addition of Grignard reagents 8) (Alpha-halogenation of ketones) 9) (Addition of carbanions)

34 Planning a Grignard synthesis of an alcohol:
The alcohol carbon comes from the carbonyl compound. The new carbon-carbon bond is to the alcohol carbon. New carbon-carbon bond

35 “The Grignard Song” (sung to the tune of “America the Beautiful”)
Harry Wasserman The carbonyl is polarized, the carbon end is plus. A nucleophile will thus attack the carbon nucleus. The Grignard yields an alcohol of types there are but three. It makes a bond that corresponds from “C” to shining “C.”

36 or

37 HX Mg ROH RX RMgX larger alcohol H2O ox. R´OH -C=O

38 Stockroom: alcohols of four-carbons or less: (methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, 2-methyl-2-propanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol.) benzene cyclohexanol any needed inorganic reagents or solvents.

39 Grignard synthesis of 4-methyl-2-pentanol from alcohols of four-carbons or less:
Step one: determine the carbonyl compound and Grignard reagent that you would use: H2O CH3 CH3CHCH2MgBr CH3CH=O CH3 CH3CHCH2CHCH3 OH Step two: show the syntheses of the Grignard reagent and the carbonyl compound from alcohols…

40 CH3 HBr CH3 Mg CH3 4-methyl-2-pentanol
CH3CHCH2OH CH3CHCH2Br CH3CHCH2MgBr H+ K2Cr2O CH3 CH3CH2OH CH3CH=O CH3CHCH2CHCH3 special cond OH 4-methyl-2-pentanol

41 2-phenyl-2-propanol

42 1-methylcyclohexanol

43 cyclohexylmethanol

44 ketone aldehyde RCOOH ROH ROR alkene RX Alcohols are central to organic syntheses RH alkyne

45 HX Mg ROH RX RMgX larger alcohol H2O ox. R´OH -C=O

46 Using the Grignard synthesis of alcohols we can make any alcohol that we need from a few simple alcohols. From those alcohols we can synthesize alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids… eg. Outline all steps in a possible laboratory synthesis of methyl-1-butene from alcohols of four carbons or less. CH3 CH3CHCH=CH2

47 Retrosynthesis: alkenes, syntheses: 1. Dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide 2. Dehydration of an alcohol 3. Dehalogenation of a vicinal dihalide 4. Reduction of an alkyne Methods 3 & 4 start with compounds that are in turn made from alkenes.

48 Dehydration of an alcohol?
CH H+ CH3CHCHCH yields a mixture of alkenes OH CH H+ CH3CHCH2CH2-OH yields a mixture of alkenes E1 mechanism via carbocation!

49 Dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide?
CH KOH(alc) CH3CHCHCH yields a mixture of alkenes Br CH KOH(alc) CH3 CH3CHCH2CH2-Br CH3CHCH=CH2 only product  E2 mechanism, no carbocation, no rearrangement

50 CH HBr CH3 CH3CHCH2CH2-OH CH3CHCH2CH2-Br 1o alcohol, SN2 mechanism, no rearrangement! CH KOH(alc) CH3 CH3CHCH2CH2-Br CH3CHCH=CH2 Use the Grignard synthesis to synthesize the intermediate alcohol from the starting materials.

CH3OH H2C=O special cond H2O CH3 CH3CHCH2CH2-OH HBr CH KOH(alco) CH3 CH3CHCH=CH2 CH3CHCH2CH2-Br

52 Notes on Exam I: Given the structures, be able to name aldehydes/ketones using either common or IUPAC names. Be able to outline all steps in the mechanisms: nucleophilic addition & acid catalyzed nucleophilic addition. Be able to draw structures for the organic products of the reactions of aldehydes/ketones. Be able to outline possible laboratory syntheses of aldehydes/ketones and Grignard syntheses of alcohols, etc. Be able to match structures with their IR spectra. Be able to predict the 1H-nmr spectrum, given the structure. Given the 1H-nmr spectrum and formula, be able to draw the structure of the compound.

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