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EuropeAid EU-Neighbourhood: From TACIS and MEDA to ENPI.

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Presentation on theme: "EuropeAid EU-Neighbourhood: From TACIS and MEDA to ENPI."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuropeAid EU-Neighbourhood: From TACIS and MEDA to ENPI

2 EuropeAid EuropeAid Cooperation Office The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Jean-Louis VILLE EuropeAid Cooperation Office Head of Unit ‘Finances, Contracts and Audit Directorate Europe, Southern Mediterranean, Middle-East and Neighbourhood Policy

3 EuropeAid E uropean N eighbourhood and P artnership I nstrument ENPI

4 EuropeAid ENPI 1.Introduction / Budget 2.Programming 3.Target areas 4.Participation

5 EuropeAid East Russia Ukraine Belarus Moldova Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan South Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Palestinian Authorities for Westbank and Gaza Israel Jordan Lebanon Syria =17 Partner countries ENPI

6 EuropeAid ENPI Goals Common space of stability, security and prosperity Avoid new dividing lines in Europe Increase efficiency of external assistance Greater coherence through unified instruments Simplified programming and administration

7 EuropeAid ENPI Stimulating cooperation and economic integration with EU member states to support the achievement of Partnership- and cooperation agreements (East) Association agreements (South) and other agreements (Action Plans)

8 EuropeAid July 2003 - Paving the way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument: A single regulation for CBC at the external borders March 2003 - Wider-Europe-Communication: Importance of avoiding new dividing lines May 2004 - European Neighbourhood Policy Strategy Paper: ENPI would complement NOT replace MEDA and TACIS July 2004 - Financial perspectives 2007-2013: Scope of the ENPI would be enlarged to cover ALL financial assistance to the neighbours Origins of the ENPI Regulation: Development of the Idea

9 EuropeAid Transition from technical assistance to an extensive cooperation New forms of cooperation: CBC - Cross-Border Cooperation Targeted administrative measures (Twinning), TAIEX More financing options: (  Art. 15) Budget assistance / sectoral assistance Debt relief Investments and investment-related activities Poolfinancing with other donors (EIB, etc.) Microprojects... What will change? ENPI

10 EuropeAid More open procedures: (  Art. 17, 18) Extended co-financing, application of the tendering process of the partner country in case of decentralized administration More result-focused: (  Art. 7, 24) Evaluation: consequences for fund allocation Extension of development capabilities (  Art.14) Civil society... Strictly politically steered: Support for ENP and strategic partnership with Russia What will change (cont.)? ENPI

11 EuropeAid 17 country programs 3 regional programs (East, South, interregional) 1 program for cross-border cooperation ENPI

12 EuropeAid Budget: Art. 29 ENPI regulation: € 11,181 Bn for 2007-13 2007200820092010201120122013Total 1379,61417,61481,61544,01638,01798,51921,711,181 ENPI

13 EuropeAid 2007200820092010Tot. East tot.330,9368,7408,1445,51553,3 thereof: Countries and regional: 304,1322,5357,5393,91378,0 CBC26,846,250,651,6175,3 South tot.838,0837,8855,5875,93358,0 thereof: Countries and regional: 822,4810,9826,1845,93305,3 CBC15,626,929,430,052,7 March 2007 ENPI

14 EuropeAid Governance Facility additional financial support for partner countries with strongest development potential for the realization of leadership priorities of the respective action plan Neighbourhood Investment Fund (for the enrichment of IFI-loans in partner countries – grants, to support the loan activities of such institutions in conjunction with the priorities of the EU)  At least € 400 mio. 2007-10 to foster the areas of Governance and Investments ENPI

15 EuropeAid Support also through: 5 thematic programs  DCI Nuclear instrument EIDHR ENPI

16 EuropeAid ”Investing in people” Human and social development Protection of the environment and sustainable planning/cultivation of natural resources, including energy Non-state actors and local authorities in the process of development Food security Migration and asylum policies Thematic Programs (DCI) ENPI

17 EuropeAid CBC Programs for land borders (9) and sea crossings (3)

18 EuropeAid CBC Sea Basin Programs (3)

19 EuropeAid ENPI 1.Introduction / Budget 2.Programming 3.Target areas 4.Participation

20 EuropeAid Project Budget of the European Commission DG External Relations and EuropeAid: Programming €

21 EuropeAid Programming Decision-making process Strategy Budget Priorities

22 EuropeAid Strategy Papers 7 years (2007-2013) Long-term goals Overview of all priorities of Commission assistance; contains all existing instruments and programs Action Programs annual Attached to multi-annual indicative programs specific project areas / activities and budget Multi-annual Indicative Programs 4 years (2007-2010) Attached to strategy papers Details about target areas of ENPI support Programming

23 EuropeAid Strategy Papers Action programs Multi-annual Indicative Programs } DG External Relations DG EuropeAid Tenders Projects Delegations DG EuropeAid { Programming: Responsibilities

24 EuropeAid Programming of external aid Example: Action Program 2006

25 EuropeAid Programming of external aid Example: Action Program 2006

26 EuropeAid Life-cycle of an Action Program

27 EuropeAid ENPI 1.Introduction / Budget 2.Programming 3.Target areas 4.Participation

28 EuropeAid ENPI INTERREGIONAL PROGRAM (2007-10): Fostering reforms through consultations and experts (TAIEX, SIGMA) Fostering of tertiary education and student exchanges Fostering of cooperation between local actors from partner countries and the EU Support in realizing the European Neighbourhood Policies and the strategic partnership with Russia

29 EuropeAid ENPI REGIONAL PROGRAM EAST (2007- 10): Priority 1: Establishment of networks (25-35%) Sub-priority 1: Transport Sub-priority 2: Energy Sub-priority 3: Regional cooperation SME Priority 2: Environmental protection and forestry (25- 35%) Priority 3: Border security, migration, fight against international crime as well as customs (20-30%) Priority 4: Civil society contacts, information and development actions (10-15 %) Priority 5: Landmine cleansing, not exploded war relics, small arms and light arms (5-10%)


31 EuropeAid ENPI 1.Introduction / Budget 2.Programming 3.Target areas 4.Participation

32 EuropeAid How are projects tendered? Various procedures for: Grants Non-Profit Service Supplies Works

33 EuropeAid Tenders of national projects are being published by the respective Delegations in place. Only regional projects are tendered in Brussels. Ex.: Tenders for ServicesDeadlines Forecast Publishing of tender Short-list Tender Awarding At least 30 days before At least 30 days No deadline At least 50 days No deadline apart from the validity of the tender (90 days) The entire tendering process takes about 6 -7 months All forecasts and announcements are being published on the EuropeAid homepage: How are projects tendered (cont.)?

34 EuropeAid SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL AND ORGANISATIONAL SUPPORT TO SE-STC Reference: EuropeAid/124437/C/SER/UA Budget EUR: 900000 Status: Forecast Documents: forecastforecast On-Site assistance to Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant project n. U1.03/06 Reference: EuropeAid/124920/C/SER/UA Budget EUR: 3000000 Status: Open (until 12.04.2007) Documents: forecast tender 02.03.2007 tender (corr.) 13.03.2007forecasttendertender (corr.) Support to the Development of Business Capacity of Ukrainian SMEs - International Dimension Reference: EuropeAid/124928/C/SER/UA Budget EUR: 2500000 Status: Open (until 16.04.2007) Documents: forecast tender 14.03.2007 tender (corr.) 27.03.2007forecasttendertender (corr.) Support to the Integration of Ukraine in the Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T Reference: EuropeAid/124964/C/SER/UA Status: Forecast Documents: forecastforecast Support to Sustainable Regional Development Reference: EuropeAid/125234/C/SER/UA Budget EUR: 3000000 Status: Forecast Documents: forecastforecast Support to the National Coordination Unit Reference: EuropeAid/125249/C/SER/UA Budget EUR: 800000 Status: Forecast Documents: forecastforecast Ex.: current tenders (services) Ukraine

35 EuropeAid Useful websites Tenders Guidelines

36 EuropeAid Thank you

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