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Solar System Assignment By: Sam Shon. Top down view of the Solar System Interactive Background Simulates Correct Physics Gravity Collisions Ambient Music.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar System Assignment By: Sam Shon. Top down view of the Solar System Interactive Background Simulates Correct Physics Gravity Collisions Ambient Music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar System Assignment By: Sam Shon

2 Top down view of the Solar System Interactive Background Simulates Correct Physics Gravity Collisions Ambient Music Time Manipulation Display’s Information about specific object that the mouse clicks on Save and Load Solar Systems BASIC OVERALL SYSTEM

3 System Design Coding Languages ▫C, C++, DirectX Error Handling ▫All inputs will have limits or display invalid input messages ▫As well as give an example of correct format Platform Support ▫Windows only ▫i.e. (!MAC && !LINUX) Modifiability ▫Modules are opened ended ▫Design your own solar system or build another one  Default is our own Solar System Constraints ▫Take up minimum amount of memory  Less than 512 MB of RAM ▫Low CPU usage  Can’t interfere with user task  Less than 5% CPU usage All constraints are going to be based off the recommended hardware.

4 Visio ER Diagram Error: Visio Arrows Messed Up… Box: Module Ellipse: Attribute Red: Sub - Component

5 Primary Components Modules ▫Planet ▫Star ▫Physics ▫Time ▫Effects ▫Information Box ▫Comet ▫Asteroid ▫“Object” Belt ▫Mouse

6 Planet Attributes ▫Has a position / location (relative to the Sun) ▫Mass(kg), Volume(m^3), Density(kg/m^3) ▫Type  Jovian (gas)  Terrestrial (solid) ▫Has Moon(s)  Optional  Some planets may not have them Interacts With ▫Physic Module  Rotational  Revolution  Gravity  Collision ▫Effects Module  Display Info. Box

7 Star Attributes ▫Has a position / location  Sun is always centered at (0, 0)  Other Stars can be placed relative to the Sun ▫Mass(kg), Volume(m^3), Density(kg/m^3) ▫Type  Proto-Star  Tauri-Star  Main Sequence Star  Our Sun  Red Giant  White Dwarf  Red Dwarf Star  Neutron Star  Supergiant Star ▫Stage of Star  Where is it at in it’s lifetime? ▫Age Interacts With ▫Physic Module  Rotational  Revolution  Gravity  Collision ▫Effects Module  Display Info. Box  Explosion  Super Nova  Glowing  Solar Flare

8 Physics 4 Main Sub-Components ▫Collision Module  Mouse Detection  Object Collision ▫Rotation Module  Every object in space rotates to some degree ▫Revolution Module  Orbit Ring  May not be present if the object is drifting  Rogue Planet  Asteroid in Space ▫Gravity Module  Gravity Aura  Will not be present for “object “ belt Module Interacts With ▫Almost every other module

9 Time 4 Main Functions ▫Speed up ▫Slow down ▫Stop ▫Set Time  Input: Year A.D. or B.C.  Keyboard input Interacts With ▫Physics  Manipulates the physics to simulate changes in time. ▫Mouse  Buttons for speed up, slow down, & pause

10 Effect(s) Handles All Special Effects ▫Explosions ▫Comet Stream ▫Super Nova ▫Glowing ▫Solar Flare ▫Display Info Box Open for more effects Interacts With ▫Almost every module

11 Information Box Attributes (optional) ▫Name ▫Description ▫Composition ▫Size relative to Earth (in multiples of Earth) ▫Revolution relative to Earth (year) ▫Rotation relative to Earth (day) ▫Distance from Sun (in m) They are all optional, since some may not be applicable for an object Interacts With ▫Planet, Star, Comet, Asteroid

12 Comet Attributes ▫Has a position / location (relative to the Sun) ▫Mass(kg), Volume(m^3), Density(kg/m^3) Interacts With ▫Physics ▫Effects  Comet stream  Explosion  Info Box

13 Asteroid Attributes ▫Has a position / location (relative to the Sun) ▫Mass(kg), Volume(m^3), Density(kg/m^3) Interacts With ▫Physics ▫Effects  Comet stream  Explosion  Info Box

14 “Object” Belt Attributes ▫Radius in m ▫Center (relative to the origin(0, 0)) Contains “Objects” ▫Objects can be tied to  Asteroids Object is used if we want to tie this to another object. Interacts With ▫Physics  Gravity module can’t be used here ▫Effects  Info Box

15 Mouse Mouse and keyboard is the only way for the user to interact with the system Functions ▫Display info. boxes on objects when they are clicked  If applicable ▫Zoom In/out ▫Manipulate Time Interacts With ▫Time ▫Physics  Collision Module ▫Effects  Comet Stream  When mouse moves it leaves a comet stream

16 Part B.1 Simplification (abstraction) ▫I analyzed the composition of our solar system and pulled the most relevant objects that occupy it. 8 Planets, 2 Asteroid Belts, and a single star/sun. There are comets and asteroids that move about through our solar system. The planets have a gravitational pull on objects, an orbit ring around the sun, and a rotate with some tilt on their axis. All of these events take place over time. Refinement (what details you decided to add) ▫I broke down aspects of the solar system further and made them into modules that could be generally. Instead of making Saturn, I make a planet object that has the attributes of Saturn. This would promotes modifiability and add planets to our solar system if needed. I wanted to maintain this trend for all my modules. For Example, the sun is a star object that has the same, mass, volume, density, and is a main sequence star. From breaking down my objects into these modules, I got the idea of making this Solar System simulator into an interactive background of your very own solar system that you can create. I added features that would make this system more interesting to play around with. Time manipulation and the ability to create any object and placing it into your solar system on the fly. Special Effects and Music were aspects to make it flashy and relaxing. These extra features will allow the user have an experience with this product.

17 Part B.2 Discuss the criteria you used to determine that your model was “good enough” to hand in ▫My product is a component based design that satisfies all the requirements of what our solar system has to offer. I added more requirements to make my solar system product more unique and hopefully more to offer than just a simple educational program. Each component/module has attributes or sub components that accomplish its task. The modules have a well defined layout of how they relate and interact with each other. It needs to be refined one more level to see code solutions,but the overall system architecture is complete. I think that my design is balanced in both product and engineer design.

18 Default Solar System & Questions Create your own! See what happens when you spawn a star in a random location Launch comets at planets It’s your Solar System!

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