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The Executive Branch Chapter 10. How do you get in the White House? Must be: – At least 35 years old – A NATIVE born citizen – Living in the US for at.

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Presentation on theme: "The Executive Branch Chapter 10. How do you get in the White House? Must be: – At least 35 years old – A NATIVE born citizen – Living in the US for at."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Executive Branch Chapter 10

2 How do you get in the White House? Must be: – At least 35 years old – A NATIVE born citizen – Living in the US for at least 14 years The above is also true for the Vice President. Why couldn’t Hamilton be president?

3 So who can be president here?

4 Terms of Office Terms last 4 years Before 1951, the president could serve an unlimited number of terms (FDR, for example) NOW, the President can only serve two terms (22 nd amendment) for a total of EIGHT years

5 How President is Chosen We vote for the president, but the president is actually chosen by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE In order to win the presidency, you need at least 270 electoral votes Winner-take-all system Every 4 years

6 What if something happens to the president? This is the order after the president: – Vice President – Speaker of the House (R) – President Pro Temp – Sec. of State – Sec. of Treasury – Sec. of Defense – Attorney General – All other cabinet secretaries in order of their departments’ creation

7 Role #1 – Chief Executive President’s main job = enforce the laws Article II of Constitution Pres. Can’t do it alone – He appoints 1000’s of people in various departments to make sure laws are being followed FBI Dept. of Treasury IRS

8 Executive Orders Sometimes the President needs to get things done before Congress can make laws – Executive orders = commands by the President that act as law Example – Executive Order 9044 = Requires Japanese- Americans to be rounded up in internment camps Are Exec. Orders Constitutional?

9 Role #2 – Chief Diplomat What is diplomacy? – Conducting relations with other nations This is exactly what the Pres. does – Appoints Ambassadors – Embassies/consulates – Treaties & Exec. Agreements – Formal Meetings with officials Why is diplomacy important? Obama and President Hu Jintao of China

10 Role #3 – Commander in Chief -Who has more power or authority over the armed forces?

11 Commander-in-chief Right! The president is in control of the entire armed forces (army, navy, air force, etc.) When Congress declares war, the president is in charge of forces

12 The Football The president is in charge of the nuclear codes in case he needs to use them against another nation. They are kept in a leather briefcase and guarded at all times. It’s called “THE FOOTBALL”

13 When was the last time we went to war? Take a guess! Try the 1940s! So what about Korea, Vietnam, both Iraqs, Kosovo, Afghanistan? All “wars” since 1945 have been “armed conflicts” or “police actions” that didn’t need Congress to declare war War Powers Act of 1972 – Limits the President to deploy troops up to 60 days and then needs Congressional approval

14 Legislative Leader The President also influences the passage of bills State of the Union Address GOOD PRESIDENTS ARE GOOD LEGISLATIVE LEADERS – Due to their ability to work with both parties in Congress

15 Party Leader Obama is not only the president, but also the one whom most people think of when the term “Democrat” is mentioned President’s job is to unite and lead the party

16 Judicial Leader Mostly a check on the Judicial branch of govt. – President nominates judges Federal courts Supreme Court – Pardon = forgiveness for a crime – Amnesty = a pardon for mass groups of people – Reprieve = a delay on a punishment

17 Chief of State Quite simply, the President is the unofficial spokesperson for the country. President = personification of our country That’s why teams from Pittsburgh always get to go see him!

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