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1.  Teaching and learning in Large Classes: ◦ Large Class project ◦ Participants ◦ Strategies for teaching large classes  UCT’s proposed innovation:

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Teaching and learning in Large Classes: ◦ Large Class project ◦ Participants ◦ Strategies for teaching large classes  UCT’s proposed innovation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  Teaching and learning in Large Classes: ◦ Large Class project ◦ Participants ◦ Strategies for teaching large classes  UCT’s proposed innovation: ◦ Large classes in Commerce Faculty ◦ SAICA accredited programmes ◦ Inter-relationships in Accounting disciplines ◦ Practical experiences 2

3  Centre for Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (CITL), in CHED  How large is a ‘large class’? ◦ More than 50 students? ◦ More than 450 students?  At UCT: 23 classes with 450+ students, of which  10 in Commerce Faculty (4 each in ACC & ECO)  2 in Law Faculty  6 in Science Faculty  4 in Humanities 3

4  Move from large classes that are heavily lecture-centered  To proactive and interactive teaching and learning  Student understand and accept responsibility for own studies  Frequent and useful feedback 4

5 Aspects that hamper effective teaching in large classes:  Basic approach: “tell them – and test them”  Academics: Reward system focus on research and not on improving teaching (of large classes)  Students: Non-attendance, difficult to control, lack of motivation/maturity/manners, lack of skills for learning 5

6 Movement towards:  Increased student involvement  Inter-active learning  Higher expectations  Increased feedback  ‘Small group learning’ in large classes  Push to use more electronic technology 6

7 Teaching strategies in large classes:  “Turn to your neighbour/friend”  Tutorials, workshops (collaboration)  Change in pace/ short pauses  Short, summarised slides & examples  Introduction and conclusion for each lecture  Interaction via Vula (not only one-way)  Get to know the students! 7

8 University of Johannesburg (UJ):  Business Management (1 st year course):  3 326 students, largest venue seats 900  Problems with: ◦ Lack of space & logistics ◦ Computer resources & downtime  Introduced: ◦ E-learning, CD’s study guides, on-line multiple choice  Innovation: ◦ Tutorial system (not included in time table, no venues) 8

9 University of Western Cape (UWC):  1 st year Law course (approx. 300 students)  Problems with: ◦ Literacy and writing skills ◦ Student behaviour: poor attendance, no interaction, lack of motivation  Introduced: ◦ E-learning, tutorials (not compulsory)  Innovation: ◦ Writing skills workshops, discussion groups in tutorials 9

10 University of Fort Hare (UFH):  1 st year Law course (approx. 250 students)  Problems with: ◦ Students don’t use facilities available: writing facility, tutorials ◦ Student behaviour: poor attendance, no interaction, lack of motivation  Introduced: ◦ E-learning, tutorials (not compulsory)  Innovation: ◦ Introduce practical examples in tutorials, inspire and ensure independent learning 10

11 University of Cape Town (UCT):  Collective teaching innovation to enhance student understanding and learning of principles of accounting entries and controls concepts by exposing them to practical examples via simulation.  2 nd year CA programme – collaboration between 3 large classes:  INF2004F: IT in Business  ACC2012W: Financial Reporting 2  ACC2018S: Control of Financial Information Systems 11

12 University of Cape Town (UCT):  Problems with: ◦ Practical application of theory (can’t take large class outside) ◦ Lack of understanding of inter-relationship between courses ◦ Perceived dominance of majors vs support courses ◦ Limited resources: computers ◦ Use of technology for assessment of large classes 12

13 University of Cape Town (UCT):  Introduced practical application of computer accounting package: ◦ TERM 1: Pastel applications: teaching & tutorials (INF2004F) ◦ TERM 2: Pastel project: posting of accounting entries, produce financial statements (ACC2012W) ◦ Pastel tutors appointed for both courses, ◦ UCT is official Pastel Training Centre, tutors are trained by Pastel 13

14 University of Cape Town (UCT):  2 nd year CA programme: collaboration between 3 courses  Innovation: ◦ Introduce practical (‘real life’) case study ◦ Pre-reading (workbook) & online assessment ◦ Extend to include systems objectives and controls ◦ Extend to include payroll module ◦ Extend to require use of current internet sourced information 14

15 University of Cape Town (UCT):  2 nd year CA programme: collaboration between 3 courses  Resources involved: ◦ Staff in Department of Accounting and Information Systems ◦ Library: introduction presentation of case study ◦ Support/grant from Centre of Educational Technology (CET) ◦ Support & grant from CHED  There-after: ◦ Extend to audit applications of Pastel? ◦ Extend to budgeting applications? 15

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