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2014 – 2015 SO Marketing and Recruitment Plans. KCTCS System Office Marketing Responsibilities Marketing and Digital Communications Advertising/ Promotions.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 – 2015 SO Marketing and Recruitment Plans. KCTCS System Office Marketing Responsibilities Marketing and Digital Communications Advertising/ Promotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 – 2015 SO Marketing and Recruitment Plans

2 KCTCS System Office Marketing Responsibilities Marketing and Digital Communications Advertising/ Promotions Crisis Communications Social Media/Online Advertising Public Relations Recruitment/ Enrollment Management Public Advocacy Web/Digital Services Special Events Branding 2010-2011 Marketing Plan

3 Primary Focus for 2014-15 Statewide Awareness Fall Enrollment Blitz Recruitment Materials and Activities Cafeteria Plan Digital Media/Direct Mail Market Research Web Research and Enhancement

4 Statewide Awareness College Sports Campaign – UK, UL, Morehead, Murray and WKU – Primarily football and basketball Package includes: – TV/Radio/Print – On-site promotion and game day sponsorship


6 PRINT CREATIVE UofL Football & Basketball Programs UK Yearbook

7 VIDEO SIGNAGE UofL Football Video Wall Feature

8 DIGITAL SIGNAGE UofL Men’s and Women’s Basketball Ribbon Boards



11 TV Commercial 1vI 1vI

12 Rationale College athletic programs’ universal and diverse demographic profiles have the ability to reach all KCTCS targeted audiences. Combined, our college sports coverage has the ability to reach every area of the state. Kentucky does not have professional sports….this increases the power of buying college sports.

13 Rationale Allows us to reach our audience at many touch points; signage at the game, on-field activities, print, radio, tv/cable, pa announcements etc. Very few media buys provide this type of coverage.

14 Rationale Transfer is one of our core missions. – CPE, policy-makers, legislators have challenged us to increase the number of KCTCS students transferring to four-year institutions. The four-year college buy reinforces our transfer relationship. It allows us to be able to sponsor unique transfer events with these institutions.

15 Rationale Both the 2006 and 2011 prospective student research indicates that while we have made great progress in elevating the image of community colleges…there is still much work to be done. – Many still do not perceive us as “higher education.” Aligning with UK/U of L places us in this arena….provides credibility. – 2011 perception ratings dropped among all groups because of lack of college life/social activities. This buys places us in the typical college social environment – college sports.

16 Rationale A statewide media buy gives us more “bang for the buck” compared to buying locally and outside the sports campaign. For example, in 2012-13 buy: Persons ages 12-17 – CPM (cost per thousand views): $278 ($500 CPM non-UK/UL statewide buy; $700 CPM purchased locally) Persons ages 18-34 – CPM: $77 ($139 CPM non-UK/UL statewide buy; $194 CPM purchased locally) Persons ages 25-54 – CPM: $31 ($56 CPM non-UK/UL; $78 CPM purchased locally)

17 Fall Enrollment Blitz Goal – To support the colleges with their fall enrollment efforts. – No decline in enrollment for Fall 2014. – Increase awareness among the state’s thinking and talking public about the role KCTCS plays in the state’s economy. – Increase awareness among Kentuckians of the unique high-wage, high demand jobs programs KCTCS offers.

18 Fall Enrollment Blitz Execute parallel public relations, direct marketing and media campaigns to support the effort. Utilize a combination of direct mail and e-mail blasts to reach all targeted audiences. Support direct recruitment campaign with a statewide media campaign. Execute a paid public relations campaign to promote KCTCS programs and services, college affordability.

19 Fall Enrollment Blitz Direct Mail – Prospective students who have applied but not enrolled – ACT list (scores 25 and below) – GED/Adult Ed – Prospective student web forms – Prospective students who have applied for FA(past year and selected KCTCS as number 1) but not enrolled – Enrolled in Spring but not enrolled in Fall

20 Fall Enrollment Blitz Digital Media – Pandora – Digital Display (Google) – Facebook Radio – Statewide

21 Fall Enrollment Blitz Creative Message – Affordability – Enroll Now Execution Consideration – All media will be customized by college – Prospective student will be directed to unique landing pages

22 Fall Enrollment Blitz Dates: – June 15 – August 1

23 Recruitment Materials Viewbooks – Full – Traditional and Non-Traditional – Mini Parent Brochure Transfer Brochure Financial Aid Brochure

24 VIEWBOOK PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Date/TimeAction March 5thTransfer & Financial Aid Brochure Updated March 31Parent Brochure template completed April 1SO will send kick-off email for viewbooks June 1Viewbook Content due to SO June, JulyViewbook edits completed, proofs provided to college and approved July 15All viewbooks to printer July 16Start planning for next year September 1Viewbooks delivered




28 Other Recruitment Activities Recruitment Video Day in the Life Videos (2 per college) Program Videos (5 per college) Recruitment Game ACT List Non-traditional student lists

29 Other Recruitment Activities Web forms with t-shirt give a-ways Work with Student Services on CRM Recruitment planning templates Super Sunday Transfer Madness

30 Cafeteria Plan Purl Direct Mail Cinema HomeTeam Marketing (high school athletics) Direct Mail Program Bowling Alley Facebook Event Ads Digital Campaign

31 Digital – Social Media Launch Campus You Social Media Teams Investigate new social media channels and technologies Update and enhance our current social media channels

32 Digital – Online Marketing Enhance the online marketing and advertising initiatives and tools. – Create an online marketing guide and training. – Utilize infographics to promote transfer and tuition. – Develop plan for Google ads- Display Network. – Develop guidelines for social media advertising. – Investigate internet radio opportunities- I heart Radio and Pandora.

33 Market Research Statewide Prospective Student Study – 3,000 interviews – Statewide focus groups – Traditional students, parents, teachers and guidance counselors – Non-traditional students Mystery Shopping – Will include call center

34 Market Research Viewbook/Recruitment Design – Individual interviews with both traditional and non-traditional students. – Viewbook environmental scan/best practices. New application usability Web Usability/Design

35 Web Enhancement Develop and begin execution of a formal content strategy and maintenance plan for KCTCS. Expand creation of integrated digital marketing team. Create a digital/web communications vision and plan for both the KCTCS and colleges websites. Work with student services and recruiters to develop a prospective student web site.



38 Other Resources Available Program brochure templates College TV/radio spots Donut radio spot Photos (AdPro) Annual report template Newsletter template Brand guide Style guide Logos/recruitment graphics downloads

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