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The Pathfinder Curriculum
THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF TEACHING PART 1 Teaching the Personal Growth & Spiritual Discovery Tracks Presented by Lyndene Wright
Personal Growth Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Involve- ment Be in Grade 5 and an active member of a Pathfinder Club Be in Grade 6 and an Be in Grade 7 and an Be in Grade 8 and an Be in Grade 9 and an Be in Grade 10 and an Commit- Repeat the Pledge and Law Repeat the Aim and Motto Read the Happy Path Read Finding the Right Path Understand the meaning of the Pledge by reciting the meanings Understand the meaning of the Law by reciting the meanings meaning of the Aim with a project meaning of the Motto Growth Earn the Friend Reading Certificate Earn the Companion Earn the Explorer Earn the Ranger Earn the Voyager Earn the Guide Old Testament Bible Character 1. Desire of Ages Ch 7-9 1. Acts & Acts of the Apostles pp 9-56 1. Great Controversy - 5 Chapters 1. 50 Pages on Ellen White 1. Great Controversy - 4 Chapters 3 Articles etiquette Book on National Hero 2. Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 7 Newspaper articles -Good Samaritan concepts 2. Biography of Early SDA Church leader 2. 4 articles on youthful moral issues 3. 2 art. on nutrition 2 on drugs 2 articles on National Heros 3. 5 articles on Astronomy 3. Creation -Science Conflict 3.Book on Vegetarianism 3. 2 art. on drugs 2 on exercise 4. 1 book Nature Book on Missions 4. 2 Articles on Health & Fitness 4. 2 art. Alcohol problems 1 art. aerobics 4.Book on Christian leadership 4. Biography Early Church leader Bible Reading
Personal Growth Involvement
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Be in Grade 5 and an active member of a Pathfinder Club Be in Grade 6 and an Be in Grade 7 and an Be in Grade 8 and an Be in Grade 9 and n active member of a Pathfinder Club Be in Grade 10 and an active member of a Pathfinder Club Where do I start a new pathfinder? Options At the beginning (Friend class) At their grade level
Personal Growth Commitment
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Repeat the Pledge and Law Repeat the Aim and Motto AY AIM The Advent message to all the world in this generation. PATHFINDER LAW Keep the Morning Watch Do my honest part Care for my body Keep a level eye Be courteous and obedient Walk softly in the sanctuary Keep a song in my heart Go on God's errands PATHFINDER PLEDGE By the grace of God, I will be pure, kind and true I will keep the Pathfinder Law I will be a servant of God And a friend to man. AY MOTTO The love of Christ constraineth us.
Personal Growth Commitment
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Read the Happy Path Read Finding the Right Path Understand the meaning of the Pledge by reciting the meanings Understand the meaning of the Law by reciting the meanings meaning of the Aim with a project meaning of the Motto Memorize the Meanings found in the Pathfinder Bible Memorize the Meanings found in the Pathfinder Bible Find a meaningful way to understand the Aim Find a meaningful way to understand the Motto
Personal Growth Growth
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Earn the Friend Reading Certificate Earn the Companion Earn the Explorer Earn the Ranger Earn the Voyager Earn the Guide Old Testament Bible Character 1. Desire of Ages Ch 7-9 1. Acts & Acts of the Apostles pp 9-56 1. Great Controversy - 5 Chapters 1. 50 Pages on Ellen White 1. Great Controversy - 4 Chapters 3 Articles etiquette Book on National Hero 2. Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 7 Newspaper art. Good Samaritan idea 2. Biography of Early SDA Church leader 2. 4 articles on youthful moral issues 3. 2 art. on nutrition 2 on drugs 2 articles on National Heroes 3. 5 articles on Astronomy 3. Creation -Science Conflict 3.Book on Vegetarianism 3. 2 art. on drugs 2 on exercise 4. 1 book Nature Book on Missions 4. 2 Articles on Health & Fitness 4. 2 articles alcohol 1 article aerobics 4.Book on Christian leadership 4. Biography Early Church leader Collect all the reading materials and have them available for check out. Most of the reading ties to a requirement in the curriculum. Pathfinders should read the material before the matching class.
Personal Growth Growth
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Bible Reading Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastics John Acts Romans &2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians &2 Thessalonians 1&2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James &2 Peter ,2&3 John Jude Daniel Revelation Luke Song of Solomon Isaiah Lamentations Ezekiel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zachariah Malachi ½ Encounter Series #1 Gospels and Desire of Ages Mark Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth Matthew Samuel Samuel Kings Kings Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job ½ Encounter Series #1 Gospels and Desire of Ages
Pages in the Pathfinder Bible Week # Mark 1-9 968 to 979 Mark 10-16
2 Mark 10-16 989 3 Genesis 1-10 9 4 Genesis 11-20 17 5 Genesis 21-28 26 6 Genesis 29-35 34 7 Genesis 36-43 44 8 Genesis 44-Exodus 2 53 Exodus 3-11 61 10 Exodus 12-19 70 11 Exodus 20-28 79 12 Exodus 29-36 88 13 Exodus 37-Leviticus 5 96 14 Leviticus 6-13 105 15 Leviticus 14-21 114 16 Leviticus 22-27 122 Numbers 1-6 130 18 Numbers 7-14 131 140 19 Numbers 15-22 148 20 Numbers 23-28 157 21 Numbers 29-36 165 22 Deuteronomy 1-7 174 23 Deuteronomy 8-17 183 24 Deuteronomy 18-27 192 25 Deuteronomy 28-34 202 Joshua 1-9 211 27 Joshua 10-18 220 28 Joshua 19-24 226 29 Judges 1-7 227 235 30 Judges 8-14 244 31 Judges 15-21 252 32 Ruth 1-4 256 Pages in the Pathfinder Bible Week #
Friend Bible Reading Worksheet-Week 1
Sample Worksheet Friend Bible Reading Worksheet-Week 1 Mark 1-9 1. Who baptized Jesus, and where did it take place? Name: _________________________ Place: ______________________________ How did the leper disobey Jesus? _______________________________________ 3. On what day of the week did Jesus heal a man’s withered hand? ___________ 4. In the parable of the sower, what does the seed that he sows represent? ______________________________________________________________ 5. When Jesus cast out the unclean spirits in a man, where did He send them? _________________________________________________________________ When Jesus fed the 4000, with only 7 loaves and a few small fish, how many days had the people been there without food? ____________________________ 7. Who appeared with Jesus at His transfiguration, when they went up on a high mountain with Peter, James and John? __________________________________
Spiritual Discovery Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Scripture Memory Verses Great Passages Salvation Relationships Doctrine Prayer Behavior Promises/Praise Church Heritage Memorize Books of OT in Order. Know the 5 groups and be able to find a given book. Memorize Books of NT in Order. Know the 4 groups and be able to find a given book. Name 10 Bible authors and identify 3 original languages of the Bible Complete the Baptismal Class Describe the early process of copying the Bible and the early translations Trace the origin of 3 Bible versions that are presently available in your native language Christian Read Prologue of Early Writings, or watch segment 3 or 4 of Keepers of the Flame List main events in founding of SDA Church Read about Ellen White's first vision. Discuss how God uses prophets Read about EW vision of Bull Run , and a secular account . Discuss differences Draw flow Chart of the pathfinder ministry from world to local Read about J. N Andrews, and discuss the importance of mission service Read and prepare 3 stories on Adventist pioneers. Tell during Pathfinder worship
Spiritual Discovery Scripture
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Memory Verses Great Passages Salvation Relationships Doctrine Prayer Behavior Promises/Praise Goal of Memorization Commit God’s Word to Long Term Memory Understand what they are learning Rotation Schedule One track each year All pathfinders do the same track
Memory Verse Rotation A B C D E F Great Passages Psalms 23
Matthew 5:3-12 Exodus 20:3-17 Revelation 14:6-12 1 Corinthians 13 Psalms 8 Salvation John 3:16-17 I John 1:8-9 Isaiah 53:5 Ezekiel 36:27-28 Matthew 11:28-30 Matthew 16:24-26 Relationships 1 Peter 4:10 Psalms 51:10-11 Ephesians 4:32 Proverbs 18:24 Isaiah 1:18 John 15:12-13 Doctrine John 14:1-3 Matthew 28:19-20 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Revelations 21:1-4 Acts 1:9-11 Prayer Matthew 21:22 Matthew 6:9-13 I John 5:14 2 Chronicles 7:14 Hebrews 4:16 Matthew 7:7-8 Behavior Ephesians 6:1-3 Galatians 6:7 Matthew 7:12 Philippians 4:8 Colossians 3:23 Micah 6:8 Promise/ Praise Proverbs 3:5-6 Psalms 91:11-12 Psalms 27:1 Psalms 46:1-3 Psalms 55:22 Romans 8:28
Spiritual Discovery Christian Heritage
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Memorize Books of OT in Order. Know the 5 groups and be able to find a given book. Memorize Books of NT in Order. Know the 4 groups and be able to find a given book. Name 10 Bible authors and identify 3 original languages of the Bible Complete the Baptismal Class Describe the early process of copying the Bible and the early Translations. Trace the origin of 3 Bible versions that are presently available in your native language ½ hour class Review groups and test. Most 10 year olds should already know them. ½ hour class Review groups and test. Most 11 year olds should already know them. ½ hour class Point out the varied backgrounds of the men God chose to write the Bible. The authors wrote in a language native to them. Hebrew Aramaic Greek ½ hour class Include the importance of the printing press in Discuss the Septuagint, Vulgate, Luther German Bible, and Wycliffe & Tyndale English Bibles. ½ hour class Recommended English Bibles: King James NIV New American Standard Not scheduled during Pathfinder meetings. Our youth pastor will counsel with them.
Spiritual Discovery Church Heritage
Friend Companion Explorer Ranger Voyager Guide Read Prologue of Early Writings, or watch segment 3 of Keepers of the Flame List main events in founding of SDA Church Read about Ellen White's first vision. Discuss how God uses prophets Read about EW vision of Bull Run , and a secular account . Discuss differences Draw flow Chart of the pathfinder ministry from world to local Read about J. N Andrews, and discuss the importance of mission service Read and prepare 3 stories on Adventist pioneers. Tell during Pathfinder worship ½ hour class First Battle of Manassas, VA 1 Testimonies Chapter 55 PBS Video on the Civil War Power Point & Script on our website ½ hour class World Director: Jonatan Tejel NAD Director: Manny Cruz Union Director: None Conference Dir. R. Laffit Cortes Club Director: Your Name ½ hour class Reading Req. done ahead of time. Review J.N Andrews bio. Learn about other first missionaries ½ hour class Early Writings Historical Prologue Keepers of the Flame #3. ½ hour class Early Writings Chapter 1 Keepers of the Flame #5 On their own Reference: God’s Adventurers
What’s Next? THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF TEACHING PART 2 Teaching the Serving Others, Making Friends, & Health and Fitness Tracks Presented by Lyndene Wright
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