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1 Sight Words 報告人 李盈潔. 2 The definition of sight words ◎ Most high frequency used words, again and again words. ◎ 50% to 80% of our everyday conversations.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sight Words 報告人 李盈潔. 2 The definition of sight words ◎ Most high frequency used words, again and again words. ◎ 50% to 80% of our everyday conversations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sight Words 報告人 李盈潔

2 2 The definition of sight words ◎ Most high frequency used words, again and again words. ◎ 50% to 80% of our everyday conversations and readings revolve around sight words. ◎ Need to know words.

3 3 The definition of sight words ◎ Most do not follow the phonetic rules. ◎ Many cannot be picture-associated. ◎ Children should learn to recognize the words “ on sight ” without hesitation. ◎ The more sight words kids know, the better readers they become.

4 4 Dolch sight words ◎二次大戰前美國學者 E.W. Dolch 針對兒童讀 物做出的字彙統計表,將 220 個最常見的字 彙列出,並分成五個階段。 220 sight words flash cards

5 5 It is a fact… ◎ 50% to 75% of all words in books and newspapers can be found in the 220 words listed in the links below. ◎ Children need to be able to instantly recognize the words in order to read with confidence. ◎ Dolch divided the words into groups by the frequency in which they appear in texts, not by level of difficulty. The words on the first list are found more often than words on the other lists.

6 6 Why we need to learn sight words ◎和 phonics 及有意義的文本 ( textbook and storybook ) 同是建立孩子英語基礎的磐石。 ◎在初階閱讀階段, sight words 和 phonics 可 相輔相成以建立孩子閱讀的流暢度。

7 7 The good timing to teach sight words Step I : letters Step II : phonics Step III : sight words

8 8 Some activities about sight words ◎ Make a sentence with the word “_____“. ◎ Draw the picture ◎ Write the word ◎ Get it! ◎ Picture Dictionary

9 9 Phonics vs. Sight Words 一開始的 Phonics 教學便要結合 sight words 做閱讀及聽寫的練習,以打好基礎。

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