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Rocks and the Rock Cycle. Rocks Rocks are formed from minerals. Different kinds of minerals make up different kinds of rocks.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks and the Rock Cycle. Rocks Rocks are formed from minerals. Different kinds of minerals make up different kinds of rocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks and the Rock Cycle

2 Rocks Rocks are formed from minerals. Different kinds of minerals make up different kinds of rocks.

3 Rock Forming Minerals Augite HornblendeMica Quartz OrthoclasePlagioclase Feldspars

4 Three Types of Rocks Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Rocks are classified by how they ARE FORMED!

5 Igneous Rocks Formed when rocks melt and cool Melted rock is called: Magma: below earths surface Lava: on earths surface Granite

6 _______ ________ _______ Process to form Igneous Rocks Cool Rocks MeltMagma Igneous Rocks

7 Igneous Examples GraniteBasalt Obsidian- Volcanic Glass Scoria- Swiss Cheese Pumice- some float Gabbro

8 Watch Igneous Rock Video

9 Sedimentary Rocks Form when broken pieces of rock called sediment get compacted (pressed) and cemented (stuck) together Rocks break into smaller pieces called sediment through the processes of erosion and weathering These rocks may contain fossils Sandstone

10 Process to form Sedimentary Rocks _______ ________ _________ Compact & cement Erosion & weathering Rocks Sediments Sedimentary Rocks

11 Sedimentary Examples Chert Rock Salt Limestone Chalk Coquina

12 Watch Sedimentary Rock Video

13 Metamorphic Rock Form when existing rocks are exposed to extreme heat and pressure These rocks form deep under the surface of the Earth Gneiss

14 Process to form Metamorphic Rocks ____ _________ Heat and pressure RocksMetamorphic Rocks

15 Metamorphic Examples Slate Mica Schist Garnet Schist Quartzite AmphiboliteHornfels

16 Watch Metamorphic Rock Video



19 THE ROCK CYCLE SEDIMENTARY METAMORPHIC Heat & Pressure IGNEOUS Heat & Pressure Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Cementation, Compaction Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Cementation, Compaction Melting & Cooling Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Cementation, Compaction Heat & PressureMelting & Cooling Type of Rock? (1) Type of Rock? (2) Type of Rock? (3)

20 Extrusive igneous rocks form on or near the surface. Intrusive igneous rocks form below the surface. Where do IGNEOUS ROCKS form?

21 What process is probably occurring here or did occur in the recent past?

22 Compaction under water - forming SEDIMENTARY ROCKS

23 What process is probably occurring deep under these mountains?

24 Heat & Pressure - forming METAMORPHIC ROCKS

25 What process is probably occurring here?

26 Melting & Cooling - forming IGNEOUS ROCKS

27 THE END BONUS: Which picture portrays which formation process? A. B. C. What type of rock is each process forming?

28 Ticket-out 1. How does an igneous rock become sedimentary? 2. How do sedimentary rocks become metamorphic?

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