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Expansion of Technology Enhanced Learning Initiatives of Visvesvaraya Technological University Prof T.N.Nagabhushan M.E(IISc), Ph.D(IISc) Special Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Expansion of Technology Enhanced Learning Initiatives of Visvesvaraya Technological University Prof T.N.Nagabhushan M.E(IISc), Ph.D(IISc) Special Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expansion of Technology Enhanced Learning Initiatives of Visvesvaraya Technological University Prof T.N.Nagabhushan M.E(IISc), Ph.D(IISc) Special Officer VTU E-Learning Center SJCE Campus Mysore – 570 006

2 VTU E-Learning initiative  About VTU  E learning center – activities  Latest technology – deployment of NPTEL & VTU video on a high speed streaming server for campus access  Proposal – Details  conclusions

3  Visvesvaraya Technological University named after Sir M. Visvesvaraya  Established in 1998 at Belgaum  Has a sprawling 115-acre campus  Has four Regional Offices: Bangalore, Belgaum, Gulbarga and MysoreBangalore, Belgaum, Gulbarga and Mysore  Has MOU with IBM, Intel, Asia Electronics Inc., Ingersoll-Rand, Microsoft, Diamant Metal plastic of Germany,. SUN micro systems, Nokia etc Visvesvaraya Technological University

4 VTU e-Learning Center  EDUSAT  e-Learning e-Content development of selected courses, processing and hosting Video processing, enable working in distributed multimedia networks

5 EDUSAT in VTU  Has a full fledged EDUSAT Studio  Has been operating since 2004  First in the country to offer academic programs to the students  70 Colleges have SIT  Remaining 100 colleges have DTH

6 VTU E-Learning Center  covers over 170 colleges in the state  till date 298 experts have delivered live talks  3778 sessions  special talks, CXO speaks,  Frontier Lecture Series,  Technology related talks from industry experts

7 VTU E-learning center  Experts lecture is video recorded  88 courses have both video and soft copy of the lecture notes  30 courses are converted into SCORM compliant material and host on VTU e- learning server. 




11 New Initiatives : Streaming Video

12 Major issues with video deployment  Storage  Distribution  cost  Scalability

13 Solutions……..  NPTEL video and VTU video  Worked with SUN and other IT firms and have developed VCMS : Video Content Management Software  Supports distributed MM technology at campus network level.

14 Current Status  Demonstrated the live working to all principals of 170 colleges  in the processes of deploying the solution phase wise.

15 Video clip of the SUN streaming server and VCMS screen shots

16 Proposal to NMEICT  Seeking financial support to meet various TEL initiative of VTU.  beneficiary is all students of over 170 colleges affiliated to VTU.

17 Project Proposed To create e-content and video content of lectures by VTU staff and experts  To create e-content and video content of lectures by VTU staff and experts Deployment of e-contents on MOODLE framework and hosting it on VTU intranet servers  Deployment of e-contents on MOODLE framework and hosting it on VTU intranet servers Implementation of NPTEL video streaming solutions using peer to peer communications and data transfer using bit torrent Technology  Implementation of NPTEL video streaming solutions using peer to peer communications and data transfer using bit torrent Technology  Setting up of virtual labs to encourage industrial certifications

18 Proposed Project Propose to interconnect the affiliated institutes of Visvesvaraya Technological University(VTU) Belgaum with OFC provided by Railtel corporation of India. Propose to interconnect the affiliated institutes of Visvesvaraya Technological University(VTU) Belgaum with OFC provided by Railtel corporation of India. This helps in creating a VPN and online examination of highest standard becomes a reality. This helps in creating a VPN and online examination of highest standard becomes a reality. Establishing Data center to host servers Establishing Data center to host servers Support CLOUD computing Support CLOUD computing

19 Justification of Projects:  Video streaming of expert lecture on campus wide network is the most efficient way of providing learning contents to the users. At VTU, this is well tested and validated at small scale. There is a need to expand it further Details of the work already done:  Deployment of streaming server on campus network and simultaneous access of video contents of exceptional qualities on client machines

20 Objectives:  To develop video contents of 600+ Courses offered in undergraduate curriculum of all branches of Visvesvaraya technological University  To facilitate interaction between faculty member and the students through online forum Methodology:  Studio to be Set up  Streaming and storage servers to be procured  Interconnection of all institutes to Common Backbone

21 Major Objectives of Mission  Development of video courses of all 600+ undergraduate curriculum of Visvesvaraya technological university by setting up state of the art studios at VTU e-Learning centre, Mysore  Conversion of video courses into MPEG4 streaming contents and store them in the Visvesvaraya technological university main storage repository  Integrating all colleges through Railwire optical fiber backbone thus creating a homogeneous private network

22 Providing assistance to local colleges on the management of video contents on their local campus network by conducting workshops  Providing assistance to local colleges on the management of video contents on their local campus network by conducting workshops  Releasing new video lectures every six months and updating to local streaming servers using Bit torrent technology.  initiate certification programs based on online learning and online evaluation  development of video library of technical dictionary

23 Financial Outlay ( Yearwise) : Budget Proposed for the Project: 20.0 Crores YearRecurring (In Crores) Non-Recurring (In Crores) Total (In Crores) 2009- 2010- 2011- Total6.014.020.0

24 Sl.NoRecurring2009-10 (In Crores) 2010-11 (In Crores) 2011-12 (In Crores) 1Consumables0.1 2Traveling0.15 3Man Power1.7 4Miscellaneous0.05 Total2.0

25 Budget Proposed Sl.NoNon-RecurringCost (In Crores) 1Offline Studio Establishment1.0 2100TB Storage Server1.5 3Streaming Server1.5 4Video Conversion10.0 Total14.0

26 Thank you

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