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Focus: The Individual Bones of the Skull Cranial Bones

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Presentation on theme: "Focus: The Individual Bones of the Skull Cranial Bones"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus: The Individual Bones of the Skull Cranial Bones
one occipital bone foramen magnum two parietal bones one frontal bone frontal sinuses two temporal bones auditory ossicles one sphenoid one ethmoid

2 Figure 7.4 The Sectional Anatomy of the Skull
Figure 7.4a

3 Figure 7.4 The Sectional Anatomy of the Skull
Figure 7.4b

4 Chapter 7, part 2 The Axial Skeleton

5 Figure 7.5 The Occipital and Parietal Bones

6 Figure 7.6 The Frontal Bone

7 Figure 7.7 The Temporal Bones

8 Figure 7.9 The Ethmoid Figure 7.9

9 Facial bones Maxillary bones Inferior nasal conchae Mandible
Palatine bones Nasal bones Vomer Inferior nasal conchae Zygomatic bones Lacrimal bones Hyoid

10 Maxillae Largest facial bones
Form the upper jaw and most of the hard palate

11 Figure 7.10 The Maxillary and Palatine Bones

12 Palatine and Nasal Bones
Palatine bones Small “L” shaped bones Form the posterior hard palate and floor of the nasal cavity Nasal bones Superior border of external nares

13 Vomer, Zygomatic and Lacrimal bones
Inferior portion of the nasal septum Zygomatic bone Temporal process articulates with zygomatic process of temporal bone Lacrimal bones Smallest bones of the face Sit medially in orbit

14 Figure 7.11 The Smaller Bones of the Face

15 Mandible and Hyoid bones
Bone of the lower jaw Hyoid Suspended by stylohyoid ligaments Supports the larynx

16 Figure 7.12 The Mandible and Hyoid Bones
Figure 7.12a

17 Figure 7.12 The Mandible and Hyoid Bones
Figure 7.12b, c

18 The orbital and nasal complexes
Seven bones in the orbital complex Nasal complex = bones that enclose the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses

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