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RAM Chapter 3.

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1 RAM Chapter 3

2 Overview In this chapter, you will learn how to
Identify the different types of RAM packaging Explain the varieties of DRAM Install RAM properly Perform basic RAM troubleshooting Instructor Tip When gaining attention and establishing common ground, ask questions such as, “What is RAM?” or “Who here has ever installed RAM?” For a positive statement, tell the class, “In this lesson, we are going to learn how to recognize various forms of RAM, how it works, and how to install it properly.”


4 Program Execution Program code is copied from your hard disk into RAM before it is executed…

5 DRAM DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) is the most popular type of electronic memory Special type of semiconductor that stores individual 1’s and 0’s using microscopic capacitors and transistors Note: We tend to interchange the terms RAM and DRAM. Just be aware that DRAM is really a type of RAM. Most PCs use DRAM, so when we refer to the RAM we are usually talking about DRAM. When we refer to DRAM, we are talking about RAM.

6 Organizing DRAM DRAM is considered as the standard RAM due to its low cost, high speed, and ability to store data in a relatively small package The RAM stores programs and data in 8-bit (1-byte) chunks of memory DRAM chips are always referenced with respect to their depth and width 1 Meg x 4 256 K x 1

7 Organizing DRAM The depth and width are measured in units of bits
They can only be differentiated using the information printed on the chip itself The physical size and the internal organization of the chip are not directly correlated

8 Byte Size RAM

9 Multiple Rows of RAM

10 Location of DRAM The Northbridge knows the real location of the DRAM
Discussion Point Identifying RAM Capacity Except for parity, it is virtually impossible to distinguish one RAM size module from another (width or depth) by simply looking at it. Although it is sometimes possible to find information on the Web based upon the coding you find imprinted on the DIPP chips, it is best to label RAM when you buy them so you will always be able to distinguish one from another. Parity RAM always has an odd number of chips (often three or nine), whereas non-parity always has an even number of chips.

11 RAM Sticks

12 DIPP (Dual Inline Pin Packages)
The first generation DRAM chips used DIPPs Two rows of pins extending from either side of the package Very delicate, making the installation process difficult Dealing with Old RAM Often in the PC world, old technology and ways of doing things get reimplemented with some newer technology. Learning how things worked back in the ancient days can stand a tech in good stead. Perhaps more importantly, many thousands of companies—including hospitals, auto repair places, and more—use very old, proprietary applications that keep track of medical records, inventory, and so on. If you’re called to work on one of these ancient systems, you need to know how to work with old parts, so try this. Get the use of an old computer, such as a 386 or 486. Ask your uncle or cousin or Great Aunt Edna if they have a PC collecting dust in a closet that you can use. Failing that, go to a secondhand store or market and buy one for a few dollars. Open up the system and check out the RAM. Remove the RAM from the motherboard. Replace it to familiarize yourself with how it used to be. You never know when some critical system will go down and need repair immediately—and you’re the one to do it!

13 30-pin SIPP (Single Inline Pin Package)
SIPP is a type of package where the RAM is soldered to a small board that can be inserted in to the motherboard Made RAM installation and removal much simpler Plugged directly into the motherboard through a special socket Easy to install but are delicate

14 30-pin SIMM (Single Inline Memory Modules)
SIMMs are physically similar to SIPPs, but have no pins Inserted into special SIMM sockets Always 8 data bits (1 byte) wide All nonparity 30-pin SIMMs have an even number of chips The type of motherboard would indicate whether parity or nonparity chips are needed Each individual SIMM is called a stick “X 8”, “X 9”, and “X 3” are the three widths of DRAM available Three common sizes in 30-pin SIMMs are 256 KB, 1 MB, and 4 MB

15 Different Chip Layouts on a SIMM
Label your sticks of memory – you can’t tell what size by looking at a stick of memory.

16 SIMM Chips and Parity When purchasing SIMM chips the question is whether you need parity or not You could get a clue from the chips already in the PC – an even (nonparity) or odd (parity) number of chips Some PCs let you turn parity off so you could mix and match

17 Speed The system clock controls the CPU speed
The earlier types of RAM were called Fast Page Mode (FPM) RAM Access speed (in nanoseconds) refers to the time taken by the FPM DRAM chip to supply the chipset with the requested data Each motherboard required a certain speed A lower access speed number means faster access.

18 Talking the Talk Each SIMM is called a stick
Never say 30-pin SIMM or ask for parity or nonparity. Instead say “by 3” or “by 8” or “by 9”. These are the most common widths X8 is nonparity X9 is parity X3 is a x9 in a 3-chip package Three common sizes are 256KB, 1 MB, 4MB – so ask for a “4x8” or “1x3” Never give speed in nanoseconds – say I’d like some 50’s Discussion Point Terminology Most PC professionals will call a RAM module a “stick.” If buying RAM, you would typically ask for a 30-pin stick, a 72-pin stick, or a 168-pin stick. “I’d like 16 sticks of 1x8 sixties, and four sticks of 256x9 eighties.”

19 Banking Combining the widths of DRAM to match the width of the external data bus is called banking The number of SIMMs that make up a bank depends on the chipset, which in turn depends on the CPU’s external data bus size

20 Banking The most important banking rule is that all SIMMs in the same bank must be identical The connectors where the bank is installed are also collectively called a bank Discussion Point Banking Math It is really easy to figure out the banking system for PC RAM. A bank must be able to provide data to the CPU equal to the width of the CPU’s data bus. Because we know 72-pin SIMMs are 32 bits wide, you need two to equal a bank on a 64-bit Pentium. But it only takes a single 72-pin SIMM to equal a bank on a 32-bit 486 CPU. Imagine how much room you would need on a Pentium motherboard if you were going to use 30-pin SIMMs (at 8 bits each). It would take 8 sticks of 30-pin SIMMs to equal one bank! Compare that to a single 168-pin DIMM (at 64 bits each) per bank. 128-bit CPUs are expected to be in the market soon. These would naturally require two 168-pins DIMMs per bank.

21 Banking A bank without any SIMMs is called an unpopulated bank, and a bank filled with SIMMs is called a populated bank A bank must be either completely populated or completely unpopulated This formula can be used to determine the number of sticks needed to make a bank – One bank = Width of the CPU’s external data bus ÷ Width of the SIMM/DIMM It takes four 30 pin slots in a 486 to make a bank

22 72-pin SIMMs Modern CPUs have 64-bit external data buses and do not use the 30-pin SIMMs 72-pin SIMMs are an inch longer than 30-pin SIMMs, and have a notch in the middle Each 72-pin SIMM is 32-bits wide The term “X 32” describes nonparity SIMM and “X 36” describes parity SIMM

23 Four 72-pin SIMM Slots

24 72-pin SIMMs A label can be used for identifying between a parity and nonparity 72-pin SIMM Types of parity SIMMs True (parity bit for every 8 bits) TTL (emulates parity and costs less)

25 SIMM Sizes and Talk 1x32 = 4MB, no parity 1x36 = 4MB, parity
Thru 4, 8, 16 x 32(or 36) All x32’s are nonparity – all x36’s are parity The size is figured like this: 2x32 means 2MB of 32-bits, or 8MB of 8-bits (size=8MB) “I’d like 4 sticks of 4x32 fifties”

26 DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module)
The 168-pin DIMM is the most popular DRAM package in use today Extra pins to handle functions such as buffering and ECC 144-pin SO-DIMMs (Small Outline) are used in laptops

27 The Magic Banking Formula
One bank = width of the CPU’s external bus ÷ width of the SIMM or DIMM How many 30-pin SIMMs are needed to make a bank on a 486? A 486 has a 32-bit external data bus 30-pin SIMMs are 8 bits wide We need four (32 ÷ 8) 30-pin SIMMS per bank How many 168-pin DIMMs are need to make a bank on a Pentium III? A Pentium III has a 64-bit external data bus 168-bit DIMMS are 64 bits wide We need one (64 ÷ 64) DIMM per bank 30-pin SIMMS 8 bits wide 72-pin SIMMS 32 bits wide 168-pin DIMMs 64 bits wide

28 CPUs, External Data Bus, and Address bus Sizes
Summary CPUs, External Data Bus, and Address bus Sizes CPU External Data Bus Bits Address Bus Bits Intel 8086 16 20 Intel 8088 8 Intel 80286 24 Intel 80386DX 32 Intel 80386SX AMD AM386DX AMD AM386SX Intel 80486DX AMD AM486DX Intel Pentium 64 AMD Athlon AMD Duron Intel Pentium Pro Intel Pentium II Intel Pentium III Exercise RAM Identification This is a good opportunity to have students identify many types of RAM packages. Hold up various RAM sticks and ask individual students to identify them. Or you might give an impromptu written quiz: Have the students take out a sheet of paper, and when you hold up the RAM stick, ask them to write down its type. Alternately, you can pass around various RAM sticks with numbered labels on them. Ask the students to write down the number and the type of RAM stick for each.

29 Improvements in DRAM Technology

30 EDO DRAM EDO (Extended Data Out) is a type of DRAM that provides the system quicker access to data Looks exactly like the regular DRAM, so you should label it To take advantage of the EDO, the chipset must be designed to handle it Now considered obsolete

31 SDRAM SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access RAM) are tied to the system clocks Faster than DRAMs Only available on DIMMs Use clock speed instead of access speed SDRAM is always a DIMM, but a DIMM isn’t always SDRAM What makes SDRAM faster? Before SDRAM the system had to send the signal to DRAM, wait a certain number of clicks (this number was rounded up just to be sure the data would be ready), and then access the RAM for the data. Using the system clock, the chipset now knows exactly when the data is ready – speeding up the process

32 PC100/133 Standards The PC100 and 133 standards define the construction of a high-speed DRAM Require the use of DIMMs or SO-DIMMs, and a unique chip called the serial presence detect (SPD) to be installed on every DIMM stick The SPD provides the system with all the details of DIMM

33 ECC ECC (Error Correction Code) is a special type of RAM used by high-end systems Major advance in error checking on DRAM RAM sticks of any size can use the ECC DRAM, but it is most common as 168-pin DIMMs A motherboard should be designed to use ECC, to take advantage of the ECC RAM Tech Tip Registered DRAM Most servers and many high-end workstations sport a DRAM variant called registered DRAM that facilitates high-volume data flow in and out of RAM. Registered DRAM has logic circuits— quite logically named registers—that buffer control signals to synchronize with the system clock. This sort of RAM helps these systems keep track of the hugely complex data transfers and manage multiple sticks of RAM. Typical home and office PCs, in contrast, use unbuffered (meaning without registers) DRAM, optimizing for speed rather than perfect data transfers.

34 RDRAM RDRAM (Rambus DRAM) is a new type of RAM Speeds of up to 800 MHz
Comes on sticks called RIMMs 184-pin for desktops and 160-pin SO-RIMM for laptops All slots must be populated - unused slots must have a CRIMM (Continuity RIMM) Terminology RDRAM, or Rambus DRAM, is also called RIMM sticks. RDRAM speeds start with “PC” followed by the speed, so 800 MHz RDRAM is known as PC800 and 1066 MHz RDRAM is known as PC1066.

35 DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate)
DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate SDRAM) doubles the throughput of SDRAM 184-pin DIMM packages Speed of 200 or 266 MH. Used in lower-end systems

36 Dual-Channel Architecture
Dual-channel architectures use two sticks of RAM together to increase throughput Double-sided SIMMs/DIMMs Double-side sticks have chips on both sides DUAL DDR has a few quirks such as this one: Motherboards that use NVIDIA’s nForce2 chipset have three DDR SDRAM slots, but dual channel only works if you populate the two blue dual slots and leave the third black slot empty While every PC uses DRAM in one of its many variations for their RAM, other forms of RAM are found in PCs with names like VRAM and SGRAM.

37 Installing RAM The A+ Certification Core Hardware Exam wants you to know how to install older types of RAM, not just the RAM in common use today.

38 Do You Need RAM? Two symptoms point to needing more RAM
General system sluggishness Disk thrashing or excessive hard drive accessing How do know if your disk is thrashing? Observe the LED at work Use FreeMeter (

39 Mixing DRAM Packages Modern motherboards have been designed with slots for more than one type of DRAM The motherboard jumper may have to be moved to enable two different types of DRAMs to work together Most current motherboards have only DIMM slots

40 Speed Mixing DRAM speeds can cause the system to lock up every few seconds, leading to data corruption Experimenting won’t harm anything but the data You can use faster DRAM than the motherboard recommends but won’t see an increase in performance You can put different speeds of DRAM in different banks as long as they are both faster than the speed specified Discussion Point RAM Speeds In general, it is not a good idea to mix speeds on your RAM sticks. While this practice may sometimes work on some motherboards, it is far from predictable or consistent. The results may vary from working fine to intermittent crashes. Sometimes you can use one speed in one bank and another speed in another bank, but it is best not to mix speeds in the same bank. Although your system can use faster RAM than your motherboard needs (i.e., PC133 on a 100 MHz motherboard), you will not see any improvements over normal operations.

41 Banks All systems number their banks, usually starting at zero
All banks do not take all sizes of DRAM Some systems require you to populate bank 0 first…most systems don’t care

42 Installing SIMMs A notch on one side will prevent you from installing it incorrectly Insert on an angle, then rotate up and snap into place What is wrong?

43 Installing DIMMs Swing the side tabs away from upright
Push the DIMM down somewhat hard – the two tabs should move back into place Tech Tip Mixing PC100 and PC133 Although in theory it should work to add a PC133 stick to a system running at 100 MHz that already has a stick or two of PC100, such a move can greatly destabilize a PC. The frustrating part about this is that mixing destabilizes some systems, but not others. Worse, it doesn’t seem to matter which chipset or processor type the systems have. A motherboard from one manufacturer supporting a Pentium III with a VIA chipset will have no problems, for example, but a motherboard from another manufacturer with an identical chipset and CPU combination will crash from here to Tuesday. About the best advice I can offer is don’t mix at all and thus avoid all the fuss.

44 Installing SO-DIMMs in Laptops
Remove the panel or lift the keyboard Slide the pins into position, snap the SO-DIMM down into the retaining clips Make sure the system is off No AC connection Remove all batteries Exercise RAM Installation Have the students install various RAM sticks in various systems. Again, and as always, reinforce proper ESD protection. You can install the RAM improperly, such as by mismatching the RAM or ignoring banking rules, and ask the students to diagnose the problem.

45 Check the RAM A halt before the RAM check could indicate improperly installed RAM

46 Troubleshooting RAM Parity errors, ECC error messages, system lockups, and page faults are a few types of memory errors Real and phantom are the two types of parity errors If you get the error “Parity error at xxxxx”, write down the address – a real parity error will occur at the same place in memory and indicates a bad RAM stick Real errors are errors that the chipsets detect from the parity chip

47 Troubleshooting RAM Phantom errors arise due to software problems, heat or dust, and fluctuations in force NMI (non-maskable interrupt) is a type of interruption that cannot be ignored by the CPU…resulting in a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) Bad RAM and parity error can trigger an NMI If you get intermittent parity errors, check out the power supply

48 Testing RAM Hardware RAM testing devices can be used to troubleshoot errors An economical option is to replace the existing sticks with new ones

49 MRAM Desirable RAM characteristics are
Non-volatility Low price Fast speed Low power consumption By mid-decade a new type of RAM should become available called MRAM (Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory) Will use magnetism instead of electrical charges Like videotapes, audio cassettes, and hard drives Smaller chip size, faster, cheaper


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