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O NLINE R ESOURCES FOR THE B ARGAIN H UNTER Time saving ways to use the internet to save money on everyday items.

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Presentation on theme: "O NLINE R ESOURCES FOR THE B ARGAIN H UNTER Time saving ways to use the internet to save money on everyday items."— Presentation transcript:

1 O NLINE R ESOURCES FOR THE B ARGAIN H UNTER Time saving ways to use the internet to save money on everyday items.

2 Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

3 C AN BLOGS ACTUALLY SAVE ME TIME AND MONEY ? Wikipedia Definition – A blog (a contraction of the term "web log") is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video… Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs… What is a blog?

4 W HAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A “ DEAL ” BLOG ? Easiest way to find out about legitimate coupons, samples, freebies, deals, etc. Contain detailed list of deals at a variety of stores. These can be used alone or in conjunction with looking through “circulars” yourself. (See the last page of your notes for help in understanding all the abbreviations in these posts.) A majority of the time the blogs are run by Mom’s who are using this as an at home-business. They actually make money doing this. As Moms/ Housewives they often provide encouragement and tips to help with everyday tasks. For instance in a given week you may find cleaning tips, financial goals, and frugal meal ideas mixed in with the deal posts. * Note: Coupons are sometimes regional. The coupons and prices are sometimes not available to us. Don’t get discouraged about this. We get some others don’t.

5 What kind of deals will I be able to get as a result of reading the “Deal” Blogs? Deals – Christmas cards from Free 3 months of Amazon Prime – free 2 day shipping Calendar from Vista Print Memberships – Vocal Point - Psst - Samples – Wal-Mart Sam’s Burt’s Bees

6 WHAT IS A BLOG READER ? A blog reader is typically associated with an e- mail account system i.e. Yahoo, Google, AOL. It allows you to sign up for “subscriptions” to whatever blog you want. Once you subscribe to the blog(s) the blog reader notifies you when there is a new post and you can read all the new posts in one central location rather than searching all over the internet. These are huge time savers! Google reader is one of the easier to use. Let me know if you would like an invite to g-mail in order to use it!

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 W HAT ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS OF GOOD BLOGS ? – Great source of general deals and information, very comprehensive –General deals as well as some “local” information including Harris Teeter deals – Hampton roads deals including a detailed list of Farm Fresh deals every Wednesday before 9 am. – Detailed triple and super double deals list for Harris Teeter. However, I have found the prices she can get often differ from our prices. I just check this when the specials are running. – She posts the recipes she’s been able to make for under $5 for her family of 5. The recipes are very detailed with lots of how- to pictures. We have tried a few of her recipes and they have been successes!

9 H OW CAN I GET COUPONS ONLINE ? Manufactures Newsletters Pillsbury Bisquick


11 Firefox letter combination: wg Internet explorer combination: wi or vi Mac users, Safari, combination: xs


13 H OW CAN I MAKE A LITTLE MONEY ONLINE ? Mystery shopping – GFK – mystery-shopping-a-few-years-ago-when-my-husband-was-in- between-coming-home-from-a-tour-in-afghan.html mystery-shopping-a-few-years-ago-when-my-husband-was-in- between-coming-home-from-a-tour-in-afghan.html Survey/research companies – Pinecone research – My Survey – for-taking-surveys.html for-taking-surveys.html Ebates/ shop-at-home companies Cash 4 books – Paperback Swap –


15 1 2 3 4 5


17 A RE THERE ANY OTHER ONLINE SOURCES ? Grocery store websites I-pod and I-phone applications Yowza Target


19 H OW DO YOU PLAY THE “D RUG S TORE G AME ”? The easiest of the three stores to understand and perform. Uses Single Check Rebates. Input receipt information onto website. Computer figures out what rebates you qualify for. No need to memorize a long list of numbers. Typically takes a few days after transaction for the information to show up on your account. However, if you wait to input the information for a week or so the information is automatically update. Can only submit for a check once a month. So you need to wait until the end of the month or you have purchase all the items you think you will get that month. Check comes in the mail quickly. The money you receive can be used anywhere.

20 There are often “freebates.” Meaning if you buy the product you will get a single check rebate equal to the price of the product. Combine these with coupons to get a “moneymaker.” The store will not ever actually give you money from the till. This money maker will come to fruition at the end of the month when you receive your single check rebate. The company also often e-mails coupons like $5 off $25. These can sweeten the deal even more. Just make sure you have $25 worth of stuff before coupons, give the $5/$25 coupon first, then the other coupons. Another way to sweeten the deals is to combine a store coupon with a manufactures coupons. Two coupons can be used on the same product only when you combine a store coupon and manufactures coupon. You CANNOT use two manufacture’s coupons on the same product.


22 o Harder to figure out and use. o Uses register rewards that are printed at the register when you purchase specific products. o These can be used on your next purchase or transaction. o When using a register reward you must have items in your cart equal to or more than the number of coupons and register reward you will be using. For example: If you are purchasing 10 items and you have a coupon for each product, but also want to use a register reward you will need to purchase a cheap “filler” item. o Often have store coupons that you can combine with manufactures coupons to get great deals. o Combine coupons with deals and “freebates” to get things for little to no money. Takes a bit of math to figure out the best way to do each transaction in order to get the most goods for the least out of pocket price.

23 * New store that I haven’t had the chance to try/figure out yet. The information I’ve read online seems to suggest that it is the hardest of the three to figure out. However, the blogs says that the deals are the best. Deals are associated to your card. You won’t get them if you don’t have a card or forget to have it scanned till the end. Always have it scanned first. Extra care bucks are printed at the bottom of your receipt. These do expire. At the end of the quarter you will get 2% of the money you have spent back in extra care bucks. (If you “play the game” right this won’t be much because you will not have spent much!) There does not seem to be coupon/item requirements for this program.

24 deals-for-week-of-221.html

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