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Your Body Image. Body Image What is body image? -The way you view yourself -Can be positive or negative.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Body Image. Body Image What is body image? -The way you view yourself -Can be positive or negative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Body Image

2 Body Image What is body image? -The way you view yourself -Can be positive or negative

3 Factors That Influence Body Image

4 Body Weight It’s NOT about the number Bodies come in all shapes and sizes A few extra pounds now will grow and change throughout your teen years Extra weight many times will turn into height later Too little weight now will usually catch up after getting taller stops

5 Body Weight IN REALITY… Most teens don’t need to gain or lose weight In fact, dieting can interfere with normal growth and development

6 Body Weight Benefits of a Healthy Weight Body works right No strain More energy Less risk of disease Better mood

7 Body Mass Index What is your Body Mass Index? Your BMI is a method for assessing your body size based on your height and weight

8 Body Mass Index It is important to understand that the BMI measurement is not perfect It cannot take a person’s body build into account (more muscular or stockier build may be labeled overweight even if they do not have a lot of body fat) During your teen years, your body is changing rapidly Your growth pattern may cause you to become overweight or underweight for a period of time

9 Eating Disorders -Extreme eating behaviors that can lead to serious illness or death -People who feel bad about themselves or are depressed are more likely to develop an eating disorder

10 Factors that Influence Eating Disorders





15 Anorexia What is it? Self-Starvation An eating disorder in which a strong fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves on purpose Eat so little that their bodies do not get the nutrients they need

16 Warning Signs of Anorexia Abnormal/extreme weight loss Intense fear of gaining weight Refusal to eat Non-stop dieting Excessive exercise Excessive facial/body hair Hair loss Sensitive to cold

17 What Can Happen if You Have Anorexia? Bones can become thin and brittle from lack of calcium Decrease in blood pressure and body temperature Starve to death Death from heart failure, kidney failure, or other medical complications

18 Bulimia Binge and Purge An eating disorder in which a person repeatedly eats large amounts of food and then purges Purging may include vomiting, exercising excessively, or abusing laxatives/diet pills

19 Warning Signs of Bulimia May often go to the bathroom after eating a large meal to purge Swollen cheeks or broken blood vessels in eyes from vomiting Abuse medications, such as laxatives or diet pills, to help their bodies get rid of food Excessive exercise

20 What Can Happen if You Have Bulimia? Robs the body of nutrients Damages the colon, liver, kidneys, and heart Rotten teeth Stomach and esophagus damage Severe dehydration Death from heart failure, kidney failure, or other medical complications

21 Binge Eating Disorder What is it? Compulsive Overeating An eating disorder in which a person repeatedly eats too much food at one time Compulsion=Something that you feel you cannot control In some cases, this disorder may be an attempt to deal with depression

22 Warning Signs of Binge Eating Eat even when not hungry Eat so much food they feel physically uncomfortable May hide food they plan to eat Eat alone

23 What Can Happen if You Have Binge Eating Disorder? Serious weight gain Heart Disease Diabetes Cancer Depression Low Self-Esteem Death from heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or other medical complications

24 Treatment

25 Ways to Help -Start by talking to your friend privately about what you've noticed -If your friend opens up about what's going on, ask how you can help -Find out as much as you can about eating disorders from reliable sources -Try not to be too watchful of your friend's eating habits, food amounts, and choices -Know your limits -Focus on inner qualities -Offer to go with your friend to a support group or be there when your friend talks to a counselor -Remind your friend that you're there no matter what

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