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I have looked for virtue in the palaces of the rich but I found that the rich man was either miserly or extravagant فتشت عن الفضيلة في قصور الأغنياء فرأيت.

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Presentation on theme: "I have looked for virtue in the palaces of the rich but I found that the rich man was either miserly or extravagant فتشت عن الفضيلة في قصور الأغنياء فرأيت."— Presentation transcript:

1 I have looked for virtue in the palaces of the rich but I found that the rich man was either miserly or extravagant فتشت عن الفضيلة في قصور الأغنياء فرأيت الغني إما شحيحا أو متلافا

2 أما الأول فلو كان جارا لبيت فاطمة رضي الله عنها وسمع أنينها و أنين أولادها من الجوع

3 فان قلبه المتحجر لا تنفذ إليه أشعة الرحمة ولا تمر بين طياته نسمات الإحسان.

4 و أما الثاني فماله بين موزع بين النساء و الخمر.

5 فعلى يد أي رجل من الرجلين تدخل الفضيلة قصور الأغنياء.

6 لقد عظمت الرزيلة في عيني و ثقل حديثها في إذني ( سمعي )

7 حني أصبحت أتمنى أن أعيش بلا قلب فلا اشعر خير الحياة أو شرها و سرورها أو حزنها.

8 و لولا بنيات صغار يفقدن طيب العيش و نعيمه لفررت من هذا العالم إلى عالم أجد فيه الإنس و السكون ما وجده الذي يقول : عوى الذئب فاستأنست بالذئب الذي عوى و صوت إنسان فكدت أطير

9 The prime minister has not made his.speech ye t

10 لم يلقي رئيس الوزراء كلمته بعد.

11 يكتمل البدر في الرابع عشر من الشهر.

12 T The moon is full on the fourteenth of the month.

13 اعطنا الادوات, و سوف ننهي العمل..

14 Give us the tools, and we shall finish the job.

15 كادت السيدة العجوزة ان تسقط فوق الكرسي الذي تركته في طريق الباب.

16 The old lady nearly fell over the chair you left in the doorway.

17 ان ابنة المدير الصغرى ستتزوج في الشهر المقبل.

18 The headmaster’s young daughter is to be married next month.

19 What is Work Ethics? A set of values based on the moral virtues of hard work. and diligence

20 It is a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherited ability to Strengthen Characters.* Work ethic is the set of values based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character.

21 My definition of Work Ethics is :.1: Getting to work on time 2: Being self directed. 3: Having initiative. 4: Have a positive attitude with your fellow workers and customs. 5: Perform high quality work..6: Not being a clock watcher 7: Most of all knowing how to be loyal to the company and the people you work with.

22 Understanding in details: Work ethics include not only how one feels about their jobs, but also how one does his job or responsibilities. This involve attitudes, behavior, respect, communication and interaction ; how one get along with others.

23 Work ethics demonstrate many things about whom and how a person is. * Work ethics also involve such characteristics such as honesty, accountability, Work ethics break down to what one does or would do in a particular situation. * It involve what is right and acceptable and what is wrong.

24 Work ethics includes values such as honesty ( not lying, cheating and stealing ), doing a job well, valuing what one does, having a sense of purpose and feeling/ being a part of a greater vision or plan.

25 Why to teach Work Ethics ? Because students today are lacking in areas known as work ethics. * Because effective skills are just as important as psychometer and cognitive. Current literature offers many suggestions for the teaching of work ethics.

26 methods used by the educators have a definite direct impact on the moral development of students.

27 Components of work ethics Components of work ethics instructions must include work habits, values, and attitudes. Three instances of when work ethics can effectively be taught are : 1: Throughout the instructions, as a separate course or as a combination. 2: The curriculum must includes critical reflection,appreciation for moral deliberation, empathy, interpersonal skills, knowledge, reasoning and courage.

28 3: Certain types of work values and attitudes should be taught. The most frequently taught, values and attitudes are punctuality, dependability, reliability, responsibility, dedicating, honesty, conscientiousness, ambition, cooperativeness, helpfulness,adaptability and resourcefulness.

29 Business ethics : (Corporate ethics) form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical's principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.

30 Business ethics can be defined asl * Business ethics can be defined as the critical, structured examination of how people and institutions should behave in the world of commerce. In particular it involves examining appropriate constrains in the pursuits of self interst or (firm) profit, when the action of individuals or firms affect others.

31 My definition of Business Ethics It means to conduct business with a human.touch in order to give welfare to the society. The business must give a regular supply of goods and service quality goods at reasonable price to their customers. They must avoid unfair trade practice like adulteration promoting misleading Advertisements, cheating in weights and measures black marketing, etc …….

32 They must give fair wages and provide good working condition and they must not exploit the workers.. They must encourage competition in the market. They must protect interest of the small business, avoid unfair competition, avoid monopoly. They must pay.all their taxes regularly to the government.

33 Why Business Ethics ? Its an important part of any industry. Students or manager unfamiliar with many ethical challenges, behaviors or regulation will find them selves struggling in business industries that includes finance,accounting or human resource management marketing Today’s Managers must necessarily connect them selves with ethical issues, because unethical behavior create legal risk and damage to business, employee and customers.

34 Business ethics have become an integral part of business education in general. A student or manager who knows well about ethical behavior will find him self well prepared to deal with issue or situation that may arise that may

35 not always involve easy answer or decision. In business there are many people you have to answer to : customers, shareholders and clients. Determining what to do when an ethical dilemma arises among these different interest can be tricky, and these business ethics are complex and multi-faceted.

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