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Welcome to 6 th Grade We are going to have a GREAT year!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade We are going to have a GREAT year!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade We are going to have a GREAT year!

2 About Me:

3 Language Arts  Consumable English 6-BJU Press  Alternate one chapter grammar/next chapter writing  May go out of sequence in book  Writing projects will be presented orally  One research project due in March  Will usually give time in class to begin homework

4 Vocabulary  Vocabulary Workshop-Sadlier-Oxford  Complete one chapter every two weeks  Test will be on Friday (Format of test will be different then last year)  Will start with spelling test/definition test  Will review for spelling and definition on Thursday (as long as time permits)  Will usually give time in class to start homework

5 Reading  We will be reading four novels  Running Out of Time-Margaret Peterson Haddix  A Christmas Carol-Charles Dickens (We will go see the play in December)  Another book will be added for the 3 rd. Quarter-to be announced  The Wednesday Wars-Gary D. Schmidt  We will have a reading project every quarter- this will help with obtaining AR points  AR-will visit Library bi-weekly

6 Reading Continued  AR points can be tracked through the renaissance server –ASCS website or on our class Wiki page

7 Supplies  On ASCS website  Changes:  Three 1 1/2 inch binders-different colors  Three sets of five dividers/tabs-do not write on dividers/tabs or assemble  1G Flashdrive  One book end  No book creates  Will need extra tissues, bags of candy and hand sanitizer throughout the school year

8 Rewards  Sticker rewards for both homerooms-45 stickers=rewards party  I do use candy as rewards so if you do not want your child to have candy, please let me know  Food/pet allergies-please see me afterwards

9 Arrival and Dismissal  Students must be in the Life Center no later than 8:30. After 8:30 students must go to the office and will be walked over to the LC  Four unexcused tardies will result in a detention  Friday dismissal is at 2:40  If students are not picked up by 3:15 (2:50 on Friday) they will be taken to extended care  Please try to give plenty of notice if you are picking up your child early from school

10 See You Monday!  Be in classroom by 8:15 am and ready to get started with the day!  All cell phones must be turned off and stay in the back pack room (Except when working on special projects in class)  Don’t forget “Wish List” in the hallway

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