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Presented at the Colorado Undergraduate Space Research Symposium April 20, 2013 Aurora, CO Team Charlie: Aaron Bartelt Stacie Noetzelmann Philip Jurney.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented at the Colorado Undergraduate Space Research Symposium April 20, 2013 Aurora, CO Team Charlie: Aaron Bartelt Stacie Noetzelmann Philip Jurney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented at the Colorado Undergraduate Space Research Symposium April 20, 2013 Aurora, CO Team Charlie: Aaron Bartelt Stacie Noetzelmann Philip Jurney Jeffrey Rascon Supervisors: Dr. Victor Andersen & Tom Dillon

2  We used the climate at 30 km above the Earth's surface as an analogue for the environment on the surface of Mars.  We tested for the viability of spore-forming bacteria species in such conditions.  Team Charlie also took pictures of the horizon, measuring G-forces, humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure experienced throughout the flight.

3  Mass Budget  < 850g  Financial Budget  < $250.00  Arduino  Accelerometer  Analog Temperature Sensor  Digital Temperature Sensor  Pressure Sensor  Humidity Sensor  Camera  Ceramic Heaters  Actual Mass  789 grams  Remaining Budget  $0 (All went to biology department)

4 Currently NASA has been conducting similar research into the possibility of life from earth surviving in extraterrestrial environments. Recent theories speculate on the use of extremophiles as possible organisms for use on Mars. This idea is present throughout the article “Meet Conan the Bacterium Humble microbe could become The Accidental (Space) Tourist” ( news/science-at-nasa/1999/ast14decdec99_1/_). Further research can be found at “Exploratour: Life on Mars?” (http://www.nasa. gov/audience/forstudents/postsecondary/features/mars_life_feature1 015.html) This offers an introduction into what conditions life would have to undergo in order to sustain itself on the Martian surface. However, it does not simply say life would be on the surface, further reading shows life could survive underground where water and energy may still be present (Mars Exploration Program (http://mars.

5  DNA Sequencing  Couldn’t look at all the DNA  Petri-Dish Size  Had larger dishes originally  Found 60mm dishes instead  Spore forming bacteria

6  Geiger counter  Too heavy  UV sensor  Not proper wavelength  Two Arduinos  Added too much mass


8  Our final design was in concept similar to previous designs  The only major changes that were made were with sensors for the Arduino and in the end we flew two temp sensors, humidity sensor, accelerometer, and a pressure sensor. Inside Outside


10 TestPurposeDescription Stair Test Structural test that is an accurate portrayal of the impacts the satellites endure upon returning to the ground and being dragged through a field. With mass simulators replacing the internal components of the satellite, it is taken to the top of a set of stairs and thrown down to test multiple impacts at random angles on the satellite. Drop Test Structural test to see if our construction holds up after payload is dropped from a height, simulating the impact the payload endures when returning to the ground. Using mass simulators the satellite is taken to a high spot from which it will be dropped. Releasing the satellite from a balcony or window high off the ground will replicate the high speed it will be descending at and thus replicate the impact it will endure. Whip Test Confirm the strength of the tethering apparatus and that the satellite it will remain fixed and undamaged for the duration of the flight Using mass simulators to replace the actual components of the satellite, a cord will be strung through the tethering apparatus and swung with a whipping motion. The forces induced on the satellite will be similar to those it will experience during the flight. Cold Test Test to ensure survivability of our payload, heaters, and media when exposed to extreme cold conditions, and to determine the best insulation for use in our final payload. Using dry ice in a Styrofoam cooler to determine whether or not our heaters will withstand the temperatures we expect, and keep the heated side of our payload sufficiently from freezing. We will also be using the Arduino Uno and probe to determine differences in temperature within the payload to identify the most effective insulation for our final payload construction.

11  Stair Test – Passed  Drop Test – Passed  Whip Test – Passed  Cold test – Passed


13  Our camera stopped taking pictures after about 30 min.  Arduino ran for the entire mission and gathered all our data.

14  Both species of bacteria were viable after exposure!  Further testing will determine if any differences can be found between the experimental and control groups.





19  Knowing that these bacteria can survive the harsh conditions we presented to them we can conclude that they may be capable of surviving on Mars. As we explore more and more of our solar system it is important to avoid cross contamination of other planets. We may bring life to a planet that didn’t have it before.


21  “ Meet Conan the Bacterium Humble microbe could become The Accidental (Space) Tourist” Science at NASA, Web, Dec 14, 1999,  “Exploratour: Life on Mars?” Science at NASA, Web, Sept 15, 2003,  “Earth Microbes on the Moon” Science at NASA, Web, Sept 1, 1998,  Endospore image: lab/bacterialendo.cfm

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