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Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day Presented by: Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT January 31, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day Presented by: Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT January 31, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day Presented by: Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT January 31, 2013

2 My Background Music Therapy and Psychology Pianist, Violinist Board Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC) Neurologic Music Therapy The Parish School “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

3 Music Therapy Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. ( Population/Setting The Parish School/Carruth Center “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

4 Why music? Brain prefers information in organized and structured format. Concrete, multi-sensory: visual, auditory, tactile, all senses Universal: crosses age, gender, and culture Fun, motivating, and natural reinforcer Stimulates both sides of the brain “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

5 Benefits of Music Areas it addresses Behavioral, Cognitive, Communicative, Social, Sensory-Motor, Emotion Selfs: esteem, confidence, discipline Group cohesion Creativity “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

6 Music & Speech Pitch Rhythm Tone Dynamics Self-expression Communication: turn taking, listening, responding “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

7 Music and Autism Individuals with ASD respond positively to music Structure and sensory input establishes response and expectations, positive interactions Promote relatedness, relaxation, learning, self-expression Addresses multiple developmental issues at the same time Success-oriented opportunities for achievement and mastery “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

8 Music Class Hello Singing Dancing Instrument Play Book/Color/Special Activity Wellness Good-bye “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

9 Academics in Music Follow class thematic units Instrument Play Dance Songs “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

10 Sessions and Lessons Teacher referral for short- term music therapy Learn specific academic concept/skill Part of tuition Part of the school day Adaptive music lessons “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

11 Blog: “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

12 Thank you! Questions? “Benefits of Integrating Music Into the School Day” by Hilary Yip, MT-BC, NMT

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