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California Healthy Kids Survey Fall 2011 5th and 7th Grade Hall Middle School Nancy Waters, Hall Middle School Cookie Morin, Neil Cummins.

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Presentation on theme: "California Healthy Kids Survey Fall 2011 5th and 7th Grade Hall Middle School Nancy Waters, Hall Middle School Cookie Morin, Neil Cummins."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Healthy Kids Survey Fall 2011 5th and 7th Grade Hall Middle School Nancy Waters, Hall Middle School Cookie Morin, Neil Cummins

2 What is the Healthy Kids Survey? The California Healthy Kids Survey is a comprehensive and customizable youth self-reporting survey Provides essential and reliable health risk assessment and resilience information to schools, districts, and communities Targeted at grades 5, 7, 9, 11 and NT (Non Traditional) Conducted every 2 years by majority of California public schools (2011 was required by the state) Only survey which looks at both assets of youth as well as areas of concern.

3 Why is This Important? School Home Community Peers Safety Love Belonging Respect Mastery Challenge Power Meaning Caring Relationships High Expectations Meaningful Participation External Assets Internal Assets Cooperation Empathy Problem Solving Self-efficacy Self-awareness Goals and aspirations Improved health, social & academic outcomes Youth Needs

4 Protective Factor Balance Meaningful Participation Caring Relationships High Expectations

5 Great Results From Fall 2011 5 th GRADE Participation up to 89% 93% feel safe at school all or most of the time 82% report never hitting or pushing others (up 11%) 94% have not had mean rumors or lies told about them on the internet or Facebook 41% of students scoring high in Empathy (up 7%) 99% feel teachers treat students fairly all or most of the time 96% feels most or all of the time there is a teacher or other adult who believes they can do a good job (up 19%) 91% know where to go for help with a problem 98% plan to go to college

6 Great Results From Fall 2011 7 th GRADE Participation holding at 84% despite student opt out clause 97% have never tried marijuana 98% have never tried a cigarette 95% of students have never been afraid of being beaten up at school vs. 70% comparison school and 90% last year. 84% of students have never had mean things spread about them on the internet 84% feel safe or very safe at school (only 1% unsafe)

7 Goals from 2009 Survey 5th Grade Empathy 36% to 41% in 2011 (50% strategic priority goal) 4 th grade students participated in many community activities that fostered care and concern for others: UNICEF, Marin Food Bank, Socks for St. Vincent de Paul, Cleat Repeat, toiletries for Ritter House, Warm Coat Drive

8 Goals from 2009 Survey 5th grade I help make class rules or choose things to do (meaningful participation) 46% report never or some of the time (up 14% from 2009) o Report out to staff, create action items for class/school rules o Clarify question for students “things to do” I try to work out my problems by talking or writing 59% report never or some of the time (up by 4% from 2009) o 6 th and 7 th grade Quest, increased lessons about how to solve problems o Character Education – monthly lessons and daily announcements o Playground Pals – students helping referee games

9 Goals from 2009 Survey

10 5th Grade School Environment

11 7th Grade School Environment

12 Areas of Focus for 2012-2013 School Connectedness – boys Advisory Periods – Mentorship Biannual CHKS Staff Meeting to share goals at both sites Student council activities School Connectedness – boys Advisory Periods – Mentorship Biannual CHKS Staff Meeting to share goals at both sites Student council activities

13 Areas of Focus for 2012-2013 Drug and Alcohol Use and Perception Any alcohol and drug use up to 13% from 6% in 2009, 8% using in the last 30 days 25% of students have ridden in a car with driven by someone who has been drinking 2 or more times (43% ever) Students’ belief that their peers have tried marijuana up 36% (50% of students believe at least 10% of their peers have tried it, actual number according to survey is 3%) Drug and Alcohol Use and Perception Any alcohol and drug use up to 13% from 6% in 2009, 8% using in the last 30 days 25% of students have ridden in a car with driven by someone who has been drinking 2 or more times (43% ever) Students’ belief that their peers have tried marijuana up 36% (50% of students believe at least 10% of their peers have tried it, actual number according to survey is 3%)

14 Areas of Focus for 2012-2013 Drug and Alcohol Use and Perception Training for teachers, Too Good For Drugs over the summer Continue to bring in experts in brain development and addiction Dedicated Character Education 1 period per month Expansion of Natural High Series Add additional units during 2 day Teen Transition Peer Resource from Redwood High School Continued work and data from the Twin Cities Healthy Kids Coalition. Continued parent education Drug and Alcohol Use and Perception Training for teachers, Too Good For Drugs over the summer Continue to bring in experts in brain development and addiction Dedicated Character Education 1 period per month Expansion of Natural High Series Add additional units during 2 day Teen Transition Peer Resource from Redwood High School Continued work and data from the Twin Cities Healthy Kids Coalition. Continued parent education

15 Conclusion Overall, we have a student body whom we are very proud of We are glad to have this type of data to inform our work More can always be done to increase the parent/school/community/peer connection which we know is important Call or Email for any other questions!

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