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Carlo Tomasi, Computer Science. Human Vision Computer Vision?

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Presentation on theme: "Carlo Tomasi, Computer Science. Human Vision Computer Vision?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carlo Tomasi, Computer Science

2 Human Vision

3 Computer Vision?

4 Human Vision ?

5 Seeing is Interpretation



8 Seeing is Recognition Giuseppe Arcimboldo, 1526-1593

9 Computer Vision frog, mushroom reconstruction recognition

10 Reconstruction: Stereo

11 Triangulation is Easy

12 Correspondence is Hard ?

13 It Can be Done (More or Less)

14 Face Recognition

15 Recognition: Face Space


17 Hardware  HDTV video camera:  10M pixels, uniform  30-60 frames per second  20 Mbits per second (compressed)  Variable field of view up to 1/3 of a sphere  Human eye:  7M cones in the fovea, 120M rods  1.2M axons in the optic nerve  0.6Mbits per second (compressed)  1/3 of a sphere field of view  28 arcsec resolution (finger at 30 m)

18 Hardware  $1M buys you this from Dell:  10 12 operations per second  10 12 bytes of memory  10 15 bytes of disk space  10 12 bytes per second of communication [speed of light 3x10 8 m/s]  One human brain gets you this:  10 12 neurons  10 15 synapses (connections) [speed of action potential 10 0 -10 2 m/s]

19 Comparing Apples and Oranges  David Marr, 1945-1980, Cambridge (UK), MIT  The levels:  Computational: What  Algorithmic: How  Mechanical: Wherewith  Computational goals are the same  Algorithms can be similar  Brains are essentially parallel  Computers are essentially sequential  Mechanical substrate is different

20 Paying the Bills

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