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General, Regulatory, and Warning Signs
Chapter 2A-2C General, Regulatory, and Warning Signs 2009 MUTCD Changes
Minimum Retro Standard – Compliance Date
Implementation and continued use of assessment/management method Changed from January, 2012 to June, 2014 Only focus on regulatory and warning signs No requirement to replace signs by certain date Section 2A.08
Word Messages – New Guidance
Ratio of 1” letter height per 30 feet legibility (used to be 40 feet). Addresses not using punctuation or characters to avoid confusion. Forward slash intended for fractions and not as a word separator. Addresses spacing between initials (½ to ¾ of letter height) For Interstate route in text form, use hyphen. Section 2A.13
Word Messages – New Standard (Old Option)
Lettering shall be composed of a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters for: Places Streets Highways Section 2A.13
Enhanced Conspicuity – New Section
Increase size Dual-mount Header panel NEW plaque Flags Sheeting around perimeter Beacons LED-enhancement Retroreflective support Other methods as allowed Section 2A.15
Chapter 2B Regulatory Signs
New Signs Table 2B-1
New Signs Table 2B-1
New Signs Table 2B-1
Deleted Signs Table 2B-1
Redesigned Signs Table 2B-1
Size of Regulatory Signs – Table 2B-1
New column for Multi-Lane Conventional Highway Section 2B.03
Size of Regulatory Signs (Multi-Lane Roads)
35 MPH or less – Single Lane column may be used (other than STOP sign) Dual mounted – Single Lane column may be used (other than STOP sign) STOP signs – minimum size of 36” x 36” for approaches facing multi-lane roads If 45 MPH or greater, min. size of STOP signs on side roads shall be 36” x 36” Section 2B.03
Size of Regulatory Signs (Ramps) – New Guidance
Size of regulatory signs on ramps should be based on classification of mainline. Section 2B.03
Portable/Part-time Stop signs – New Standard
Portable or part-time STOP signs shall not be used during a power outage unless upon restoration of power: Flashing red is displayed to that approach, and STOP sign will be removed prior to stop-and-go operation of the traffic signal Section 2B.04
STOP Sign and ALL WAY Plaque – New Standard
All WAY plaque shall be used when all approaches must stop. Supplemental plaques such as 2-way, 3-way, etc. shall not be used. Section 2B.05
Supplemental Plaques to STOP Signs – New Guidance
Supplemental plaques with appropriate message should be used when all but one approach must stop. Section 2B.05
STOP and YIELD Sign Placement
New/Modified Guidance: Sign mounted on back of STOP or YIELD signs should not obscure shape (previously excluded DO NOT ENTER signs) Should install a YIELD on left-side of multi-lane approach to roundabout with a raised splitter island Section 2B.10
Overhead Pedestrian Crossing Signs
New signs may be used at unsignalized pedestrian crosswalks If used, shall be placed over the roadway at the crosswalk location Shall not be installed in advance or away from crosswalk Section 2B.12
In-Street Pedestrian Crossing Signs – New Standards
If used, shall be placed in the roadway at the crosswalk location on the center line, lane line, or on a median island Shall not be post-mounted on the left or right side of the roadway Shall not be installed in advance or away from a crosswalk Section 2B.12
Speed Limit Signs – New Standard
Speed zones (other than statutory speed limits) shall only be established on the basis of an engineering study that has been performed in accordance with traffic engineering practices. The engineering study shall include an analysis of the current speed distribution of free-flowing vehicles. Section 2B.13
Speed Limit Signs – New Guidance
Reduced Speed Limit Ahead sign should be used where speed limit is reduced by more than 10 MPH Deleted statement about speed zones being reviewed every 5 years Defines distance outside of influence of traffic signals as ½ mile Section 2B.13
Intersection Lane Control Signs – New Guidance
Should be installed overhead and in advance of signalized intersections with: Through lanes that become mandatory turn lanes Multiple-lane turns that include shared lanes for through and turning movements Other lane use restrictions that would be unexpected by unfamiliar road users Section 2B.19
Intersection Lane Control Signs – New Guidance
Where overhead mounting is impractical for advance and/or intersection signs, one of the following should be employed: Where through lanes become mandatory turn lanes, an R3-7 sign should be post-mounted on left-side (for left-lane drops where median is wide enough) and right-side (for right-lane drops) When median is not wide enough (for left-lane drops) and where multiple-lane turns include shared lanes for through and turning traffic, an Advance Intersection Lane Control sign (R3-8 series) should be posted mounted in a prominent location in advance. Consideration should be given to using an oversized version. Section 2B.19
Mandatory Movement Lane Control Signs – New Standard
Where the number of lanes available to through traffic on an approach is three or more, Mandatory Movement Lane Control symbol signs (if used) shall be mounted overhead over specific lanes to which they apply. Section 2B.20
Mandatory Movement Lane Control Signs
When post-mounted on an approach with two or fewer lanes, a supplemental plaque should be used (used to be a shall). Supplemental sign is now placed above the Lane Control Sign. Section 2B.20
Intersection Lane Control Sign Arrow for Roundabouts
Intersection Lane Control signs at roundabouts may display any of the arrow symbol options shown below: Section 2B.19
May be used to supplement an overhead EXIT ONLY guide sign to inform road users that traffic in the right-hand (left-hand) lane of a roadway is required to depart the roadway on the exit ramp. Section 2B.23
Not a regulatory message. Has been replaced with a guide sign version. Section 2B.31
Keep Right and Keep Left Signs – New Guidance
Optional use of new, narrow sign when median is less than 4’. Narrow sign shall not be used if median is less than 4’. New versions of Keep Left sign: 18” x 30” Section 2B.32
Selective Exclusion Signs – Redesigned
Eliminated words like PROHIBITED and EXCLUDED. New Old Section 2B.39
ONE WAY Signs – New Standards
At an intersection with a divided highway with a median of 30 feet or more, ONE WAY signs shall be placed on the near right and far left corners of each intersection with the direction roadways. Used to be guidance. Section 2B.40
ONE WAY Signs – New Standards
At intersections with a divided highway with a median width less than 30 feet, KEEP RIGHT and/or ONE WAY signs shall be installed. If used, KEEP RIGHT signs shall be placed as close as possible to the approach ends of the median (visible to crossroad and the divided highway). If used, ONE WAY signs shall be placed on the near right and far left corners of the intersection (visible to crossroad). Optional use of ONE WAY signs on far right side. Section 2B.40
ONE WAY Signs – Compliance Date
Deemed significant issue Compliance date remains unchanged December 31, 2019. Section 2B.40
Wrong-Way Traffic Control at Interchange Ramps - New Section
At exit ramp terminals where wrong-way entry could inadvertently be made, at least one of each of the following signs shall be used: ONE WAY, DO NOT ENTER, and WRONG WAY sign. At entrance ramp terminals where the direction of traffic is not evident, a ONE WAY sign visible to both ramp and mainline traffic should be placed on each side of the through roadway. Section 2B.41
Divided Highway Crossing Signs
New Standards: On unsignalized minor-street approaches from which both left and right turns are permitted onto a divided highway with a median width of 30’ or more, a Divided Highway Crossing sign shall be installed. Sign shall be located on the near right corner of the intersection mounted beneath a STOP/YIELD sign or on a separate support. (used to be optional statements) New Option: Sign not required if divided highway ADT is less than 400 and speed limit is 25 mph or less. Section 2B.42
Roundabout Directional Arrow Signs – New Section
New Guidance: Where the central island allows for installation of signs, Roundabout Direction Arrow signs should be used to direct motorists counter-clockwise. Signs shall only be used at roundabouts. Mounting height should be 4’ to bottom of sign. ONE WAY signs may be used instead of R6-4 signs. Section 2B.43
Roundabout Circulation Plaque – New Section
Where the central island of a roundabout does not provide a reasonable place to install a sign, Roundabout Circulation plaques should be placed below the YIELD signs on each approach. Section 2B-43
Examples of Roundabout Signing – New Figures
Section 2B.45
Examples of Roundabout Signing – New Figures
Section 2B.45
Examples of Roundabout Signing – New Figures
Section 2B.45
Parking Signs for Pay Stations – New Signs
Signs should be used to define area of pay station parking. If pay parking is subject to a maximum time limit, the time limit shall be displayed on the Pay Parking/Pay Station signs. Section 2B.47
Turning Vehicles Yield to Pedestrians Sign – Redesigned Sign
Section 2B.53
No Turn on Red Signs – New Options
May use blankout version of sign to display restriction during certain times of the day or certain parts of the cycle. May use new signs to control right-turns on red from approaches with more than one right-turning lane. Post-mount Overhead Section 2B.54
Chapter 2C Warning Signs
Design of Warning Signs
New option – allows use of rectangular/square shape signs for those larger than Oversize column. New option – allows for minor modifications to standard warning signs (except for symbols). New option – allows for use of word messages other than those provided in the MUTCD. Section 2C.03
Size of Warning Signs New standard – 36” x 36” minimum size for diamond warning signs on multi-lane conventional highways with speed limit > 35 MPH. New option – allows smaller, Single Lane size signs on multi-lane highways if dual-mounted. New guidance - size of warning signs on ramps should be based on classification of mainline. Section 2C.04
New Signs Table 2C-1
New Signs Table 2C-1
New Signs Table 2C-1
New Signs Table 2C-1
Deleted Signs Table 2C-1
Advance Placement of Warning Signs
Minimum 100’ should be added for warning signs with less than 6” legend or more than 4 words. Minimum 100’ spacing to provide adequate spacing between signs. Table 2C-4
Horizontal Alignment Warning Signs
New standard: Horizontal alignment warning signs shall be used in advance of curves on: Freeways Expressways Arterials with more than 1,000 ADT Collectors with more than 1,000 ADT Shall be used in accordance with Table 2C-5 based on the speed differential between the posted speed limit, statutory speed limit, or 85th percentile speed (whichever is higher) and the horizontal curve’s advisory speed. Section 2C.06
Horizontal Alignment Warning Signs
Section 2C.06
Horizontal Alignment Warning Signs
Deemed significant issue Compliance date remains unchanged December 31, 2019 Section 2C.06 – 2C.14
Advisory Speed Plaque New Standard – engineering study shall follow established engineering practices. Lists established practices including: An accelerometer A design speed equation A traditional ball-bank indicator using the following criteria: 16 degrees of ball-bank for speeds of 20 mph or less 14 degrees of ball-bank for speeds of 25 to 30 mph 12 degrees of ball-bank for speeds of 35 MPH and higher Section 2C.08
Chevron Alignment Signs – New Guidance
Section 2C.09
Large Arrow Sign – New Standard and Option
Shall not be used in the central island of a roundabout. May be used as an alternative/supplement to Chevron Alignment signs. Section 2C.12
Truck Rollover Warning Sign – Modified Option
“As determined by an engineering study” added to option regarding use of sign. Lists established engineering practices for determining truck rollover potential: An accelerometer that provides direct determination of side friction factors A design speed equation A traditional ball-bank indicator using 10 degrees of ball-bank. Section 2C.13
Advisory Exit and Ramp Speed Signs
New Guidance – Advisory Exit Speed sign should be based on an engineering study. New option – optional use of multiple horizontal alignment signs when necessary. Section 2C.14
Advisory Exit and Ramp Speed Signs
OLD NEW Section 2C.14
Combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Exit and Ramp Speed Signs
New Signs may be used: where the severity of the exit ramp curvature might not be apparent to road users in the deceleration lane where the curvature needs to be specifically identified as being on the exit ramp rather than on the mainline Section 2C.15
Shoulder Signs – New Signs
Optional use of: Section 2C.31
Surface Condition Signs – New Signs
Optional use of following signs to supplement Slippery When Wet signs to indicate reason for slippery conditions: Optional use of FALLEN ROCKS sign: Section 2C.32
Warning Signs and Plaques for Motorcyclists – New Signs
Optional use of W8-15 and W8-16 signs. May supplement with W8-15P plaque if warning is directed primarily to motorcyclists. Section 2C.33
Weather Condition Signs – New Signs
Optional use of W8-18, W8-21, and W8-22 signs. If used, W8-19 shall be in addition to W8-18 sign and shall indicate depth of water at deepest point. Section 2C.35
Optional use of sign to provide warning that traffic approaching an interchange from a particular lane will be required to exit. If used, it should be installed upstream from the first overhead guide sign that contains an EXIT ONLY sign panel or upstream from the first RIGHT (LEFT) LANE MUST EXIT regulatory sign, whichever is farther upstream from the exit. Section 2C.43
Intersection Warning Signs – New Signs
Where side roads are not opposite each other, use Offset Side Roads symbol sign. Where two closely spaced side roads are on the same side, use the Double Side Roads sign. Section 2C.46
Option: May be used on the approach to an intersection or along a section of roadway to provide advance warning of a change in traffic patterns, such as revised lane usage, roadway geometry, or signal phasing. Guidance: Should be removed when the traffic pattern returns to normal, when the changed pattern is no longer considered to be new, or within six months. Section 2C.52
Advance Street Name Plaque
New Standards: Lettering shall be composed of a combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letters. If intersecting more than two-streets, use arrows to left/right. New Guidance: For single intersection, street to left should be displayed over street to the right. For two sequential intersections, the name of the first street encountered should be displayed above the name of the second street encountered and the arrow for the second street should be an advance arrow. Section 2C.58
NEW Plaque – New Sign Guidance:
May be mounted above a regulatory sign when a new regulation takes effect. May be mounted above an advance warning sign (such as a Signal Ahead sign) for a new traffic-regulation. Standard: Shall be removed no later than 6 months after the regulation has been in effect. Section 2C.62
Chapter 7 Traffic Control For School Areas
New Guidance - Size of School Signs
The sizes in the Oversized column should be used on roadways that have four or more lanes with posted speed limits of 40 mph or higher. Section 7B.01
New Signs Figure 7B-1
New Standard – Fluorescent Yellow Color
School warning signs, including the “SCHOOL” portion of the School Speed Limit(S5-1) sign and including any supplemental plaques used in association with these warning signs, shall have a fluorescent yellow-green background. Section 7B.07
Use of Supplemental Arrows
Optional use of supplemental arrows to warn drivers on a cross street turning onto a street with a nearby school zone or school crossing. Section 7B.09
New Standards – Notification of Higher Fines
When increased fines are imposed for traffic violations within a designated school zone: A BEGIN HIGHER FINES ZONE (R2-10) sign (see Figure 7B-1) or a FINES HIGHER (R2-6P), FINES DOUBLE (R2-6aP), or $XX FINE (R2-6bP) plaque (see Figure 2B-3) shall be installed as a supplement to the School Zone (S1-1) sign to identify the beginning point of the higher fines zone (see Figures 7B-2 and 7B-3). An END HIGHER FINES ZONE (R2-11) sign (see Figure 7B-1) or an END SCHOOL ZONE (S5-2) sign shall be installed at the downstream end of the zone to notify road users of the termination of the increased fines zone (see Figures 7B-2 and 7B-3). Section 7B.10
Modified Standard – School Crossing Assembly
Shall not be installed on approaches controlled by a YIELD sign. Previously only applied to approaches controlled STOP signs. Section 7B.12
In-Street Schoolchildren Crossing Sign
May be used at unsignalized school crossings Section 7B.12
School Bus Stop Ahead Sign (New Symbol Sign)
Increased sizes: Old New 30” x 30” 36” x 36” 36” x 36” 48” x 48” Modified guidance that eliminates 500 feet visibility requirement. Section 7B.13
May be installed in advance of locations where a school bus turns around on a roadway at a location not visible to approaching road users. Section 7B.14
New/Modified Standards - School Speed Limit Assembly
If reduced school speed limit has been established, a School (S1-1) shall be installed in “advance” of School Speed Limit sign assembly Use Table 2C-4 for guidelines on spacing of School (S1-1) sign in advance of School Speed Limit assembly Section 7B.15
Reduced School Speed Limit Ahead Sign
New Guidance Sign should be installed where the speed limit is being reduced by more than 10 mph or based on engineering judgment. New Symbol Sign Section 7B.16
Chapter 8 Traffic Control for Railroad and Light Rail Transit Grade Crossings
Crossbuck Assemblies at Passive Crossings – New Standard
YIELD or STOP sign shall be required YIELD sign shall be the default traffic control device unless an engineering study determines that STOP is appropriate May necessitate the installation of a Yield Ahead or Stop Ahead sign Compliance date deemed significant – remains December 31, 2019 Section 8B.04
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